National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

BTech(IME) Final Year Project (2014)

Knowledge-Based Approach to Alarm Management and Troubleshooting Decision Support for LTE Base Stations

Wen Ran


This project is about an enhancement of the alarm management system for the LTE Base stations of the Singapore Local Mobile Telecommunications Operator SingTel Mobile. The enhanced program system aims to provide real-time decision and advice to first-line operators in their troubleshooting of LTE base stations. The system aims to improve and optimize the troubleshooting procedure of LTE base station in resultant to reduce the tier-one (NOC) and tier-two operational manpower utilization; and reduce the 2nd truck-roll occurrences by having an improve fault analysis and thus, reduce the likelihood of a falsely proposed resolution. The system will help to distinguish alarms with potentially severe consequences, and help to focus on important alarms; followed with a recommendation or guidance to purse an efficient workaround or follow-up action. Knowledge-Based system design is applied during the development of the Alarm enhancement GUI. So the user interface is able to be used to help the generate alarm management system without amending of the program. Alarm list could be amended by amending the separated inference engine and database. OT & E and the field trial results are captured for two month based on the usage of the newly developed user interface.