I'm just switching from Google Podcasts to Pocket Casts, and I love it so far. The only thing that I am wondering is when/how often does Pocket Casts check for new episodes? I have one podcast that comes out every monday at/around midnight, and I love to listen to it on my run at 5:00. It is always downloaded and waiting in Google Podcasts. However, it's not showing in Pocket Casts until much later in the day. It's not a huge deal. I just listened on Tuesday's run instead. Just wondering.

I realized that a podcast I'd subscribed to for a while, The Worldshapers, stopped updating in PC after December. The last episode it shows is #123 from December 11th, but it's actually up to #135 with an episode last week.

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Yes, the skip happens around the same timestamp no matter how many times I go back. I usually stream shows rather than downloading and playing them, but in the past I have tried downloading episodes to see if the problem persists and it does.

Sometimes when I have these problems (specifically skipping forward) the audio will finish up a couple of minutes before the end of the episode and there will be a period of silence as the time runs down. I assume the length of the silence equates to the amount of audio that is cut out.

The duration that shows up for that episode is 1:55:39. I do not have a vpn or firewall on my phone and no ad blocker on my wifi. Also, the problem happens whether I am on wifi or using my phone data.

Earlier this year, we unveiled an upgraded version of our podcast search functionality, which involved migrating from MySQL database to Elasticsearch. This transition has unlocked the full potential of Elasticsearch; our search response times have improved, and it has allowed us to introduce text searching capabilities such as fuzzy matching. In addition, we expanded the range of searchable fields, which means more podcasts are being found with every search.

One thing the new version of Pocketcasts does is sync the Up Next to Echo devices, so I can listen at home on smart speaker, then pick it up in the car where I left off.

I'm not aware of any other app except maybe Stitcher Premium that does that so far.

I'm still genuinely confused by the complaint about having difficulty telling played and unplayed podcasts apart in the new PocketCasts interface. It is visually obvious to me, with unplayed items showing in a much bolder font. I wonder if this is a phone-specific issue or something. I'm using it on a Pixel 3XL. 

Otherwise, part of the reason why the new interface doesn't make much of a difference to me is that I almost exclusively listen to podcasts in my car using Android Auto. That interface is largely unchanged.

In reply to jgraebner:I'm wondering if he's talking about the unplayed episode badges issue. On most of my podcasts I had to go through and at the last played episode, long press and say archive from here, to get the unplayed badge number to match up. It was a minor hassle. Some glitch with the update I think, but once done it's been fine. I honestly don't know what the strong reactions are all about, but everyone's entitled to their opinion.

I knew the writing was on the wall when NPR bought them out. It started going down hill since then. I had used Pocketcast for years. I have abandoned them too a couple months ago. Podcast apps in general have become bloated and complex to use. I dusted off my Ipad and tried some podcast apps out when my phone started having charging issues and i was amazed to find out how unintuitive and complex the main podcast apps are. Add to that that developers like Marco are now openly bragging and virtue signalling about censoring feeds that they feeeeeeeeeel are (insert subjective weaponized label here). 

The whole podcast scene in general has been hijacked by NPR mainstream PC drivel and advertising $$$ that don't even know the audience of the podcasts. FOX Sports (Ben Maller Show) now has advertising for a Women's fashion podcast on an overnight radio show that barely has any women callers. Also, the Database of podcasts are now basically NPR shows at the top, with Serial being in the top 5 for years now even though they only release content for 2 months a year. I'm calling bull on that.

Ok, so it wasn't just me. I knew it was in beta I guess but it just seemed like the redesign was too overly complicated. Also quite buggy. So I just tried out a couple others, preferring something that is cross platform if possible. Thanks for the recommendation of Castbox, I'll try that but when on Android I'm happy enough with google podcasts I guess, although not cross platform.

I placed a negative review and dropped my rating to one star on principle. They had a perfectly good ui and messed it up. However I'll stick with pocketcasts. I still get the podcasts I want to hear. I just sigh now when I see the app. Their widget started working again, so between Android auto and widget I rarely see the app.

What do you get for your $.99 per month FOREVER subscription? Is it syncing across all your devices or something like that? The ability to use your podcast library as the screen that appears when you launch the app seems to be a totally ridiculous thing to charge for, not to mention something I would pay for, which I would not. Like you, Paul, I do NOT like at all some of the recent changes to Pocketcasts. I have really enjoyed using Pocketcasts for years, but the new version completely grunked up the Archiving function to where I just hate the app now, and am quite interested in what you have found as an alternative. I have declared that I will no longer be paying any more monthly fees for ANY software, as this trend has gotten completely out of hand, and it stops now. I will be watching your research with great interest, thanks very much for these articles.

I'm starting to like Pocket Casts, a little. Now that it is automatically downloading and lining up my podcasts for me on the playlist.It is odd, I set the defaults to download and add to playlist, but it didn't work. On Friday I went into the settings for each podcast and changed them from defaults to individually set them to auto download and automatically be placed in the playlist, it now seems to be working.Maybe the default settings are somehow borked.

Paul Thurrott is an award-winning technology journalist and blogger with over 25 years of industry experience and the author of 30 books. He is the owner of Thurrott.com and the host of three tech podcasts: Windows Weekly with Leo Laporte and Richard Campbell, Hands-On Windows, and First Ring Daily with Brad Sams. He was formerly the senior technology analyst at Windows IT Pro and the creator of the SuperSite for Windows. You can reach Paul via email, Twitter or Mastodon.

While viewing a playlist, there are a number of ways to interact with its contents. Tap the name of an episode, and the show notes panel will slide up from the bottom (pictured below, left). From here, you can trash it, add it to another playlist, star it, mark it as played/unplayed, share it via link or audio file, or simply play it.

If you want to get straight to playing an episode without showing the info panel first, you can skip the middle man by simply tapping the 'play' icon on the right. This assumes that you've already downloaded the episode; if you haven't, then that right-hand icon will be a download button instead.

When you first start playing an episode, a mini-player is shown rather than the episode taking up the entire screen (pictured above, right). The circle around the play icon indicates how much of the episode has been played. You can tap on this mini-player panel to bring up the full interface where more controls are available, such as playback speed and a sleep timer.

If there's one thing I'd like to see added to the web browser and the show notes section, it would be the ability to send pages to Instapaper (or any other such service) for later perusal. There are sometimes over a dozen links listed under a given podcast episode, and I don't like having to bounce back and forth between Pocket Casts and Instapaper to save all the interesting-sounding stuff for later.

Most of the time though, I don't even have to wait the few seconds it would take to perform this sync process in Pocket Casts 4. Since it takes full advantage of iOS 7's new background-updating capabilities, it automatically downloads new episodes for me while my device is asleep and is connected to a WiFi network3.

Whenever this happens, the app sends me a push notification telling me that a new episode is ready to go. All I have to do is open the app, and boom, the episode is right there waiting to be played. It's like magic.

The only issue I've come across with this sync service so far is that episode playback position doesn't reliably transfer between my iPhone and iPad. I'd like to say that I can pause an episode on one device and pick it back up on the other, but that hasn't been my experience so far. The second device acts as if the episode hasn't been played at all.

The Pocketcasts Sonos service frequently does not work for me. My Sonos queue has a long list of podcasts, almost all of them from Pocketcasts, and today none of those Pocketcasts items play. I tried reauthorizing the Sonos service. Also deleted and re-added the service. No change in the (mis)behavior.

However, I've had a frequent problem with Pocket Casts that occurs around once per week, has persisted for years, and still exists. Podcast episode playback often fails with the error "Unable to play xxx - the connection to Pocket Casts was lost" (where 'xxx' is the name of the episode).

When this error occurs, it commonly affect one specific episode in my queue, or a group of episode, while other episodes in the queue are unaffected. The problem typically lasts hours or days. At some random time, I always discover I'm able, once again, to play the episode(s) that failed.

Can someone who is more knowledgeable than I about Sonos comment on the likelihood that the symptoms I describe result from local router, local interference issues, or any other local problem? I don't understand how that's possible -- the local problem, whatever it is, would need to have episode-specific effects. ff782bc1db

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