2020 Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

Welcome to the 2020 Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

October 17, 2020

Held virtually via Zoom Meeting

Video recordings of all talks from the meeting are available below; you can click the playlist icon in the upper right to access each talk. The original meeting announcement follows.

The organizers are pleased to welcome participants to the 2020 Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar, which is being held virtually in light of safety and travel restrictions due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. PNWNAS brings together people interested in scientific computing, numerical analysis, and computational mathematics from academia, government research labs, and industry from around the Pacific Northwest region. The meeting has been hosted annually since 1987. For a record of past events, please see the newly created PNWNAS website.

The following plenary speakers are confirmed. A detailed schedule will be posted in advance of the meeting.

The meeting will be held virtually using Zoom Meeting (FAQ). While there is no registration fee, we ask that participants register using this form. Instructions to log in to the meeting will only be sent to those who are registered.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Organizing Committee: