Twelfth Annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

October 10, 1998

Consolidated Information Center

Washington State University -- Tri-Cities Campus

Richland, Washington

We are pleased to announce to laboratory staff and other local scientists and engineers that PNWNAS 1998, the Twelfth Annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar will be hosted by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Washington State University Tri-Cities campus. It will be held in the conference facilities of the new Consolidated Information Center (CIC) on the WSU-TC campus.

The CIC houses the combined libraries of WSU-TC and the Hanford Site Technical Library. It sits 100 meters from the Columbia River with views of the sagebrush shrub-steppe of the Hanford Site and the irrigated agriculture of the Columbia Basin.

The traditional optional banquet following the meeting will be held in the dining room of the CIC. It will be catered by one of the Tri-Cities excellent Mexican restaurants.

Please mark October 10, 1997 on your calendar for PNWNAS and send in your registration by email or plant mail.


  • 8:30 AM Registration

  • 9:00 AM Welcome

  • 9:10 AM Janet Jones-Oliveira -- PNNL, Fluid-Solid Interaction of Submerged Prolate Spheroidal & Spherical Shells: Verification & Validation of the PING Code

  • 10:10 AM Coffee Break

  • 10:30 AM William Kahan - UC Berkeley, Java floating point implementation issues (work done jointly with Joseph Darcy, currently with Sun Microsystems)

  • Noon Buffet Lunch at CIC

  • 1:00 PM Yves Nievergelt -- EWU, Computing Geodetic Coordinates in Space (joint work with Dr. Stephen P. Keeler at the Boeing Company).

  • 2:00 PM Vladimir Korolev -- PNNL (formerly Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute), Numerical Modeling of Transient Processes in the Reactor Cavity of a Graphite-Moderated and Water-Cooled Uranium Reactor

  • 2:45 PM Harold Trease - Los Alamos National Laboratory, automated mesh generation

  • 4-6 PM TOUR OF THE LASER INTERFEROMETY GRAVITATIONAL OBSERVATORY. There will be a tour of the Laser Interferometry Gravitational Observatory currently under construction on the Hanford Site. The tour will be open to friends and family members, but will be limited to 30 people.

  • 6:30 PM BANQUET -- Dining Room of the CIC. Dinner catered by Casa Chapala, with no-host bar. Friends and family welcome.


For the benefit of meeting attendees, the usual Sunday afternoon jet-boat excursion up the Hanford Reach has been rescheduled to Sunday morning. The Hanford Reach of the Columbia River is the last free-flowing stretch of the river between the headwaters and the estuary.

Because of the closed status of the Hanford Reservation, the Reach has been protected from commercial and agricultural development for more than 50 years. It has a rich fishery and plentiful wildlife and is a candidate for designation as a Wild and Scenic River. The question of exactly how the Hanford Reach should be protected in the future and by whom has become a national political issue. The cost will $35 per person. Dress warmly.


  • Bob Lewis, WSU-TC

  • Jim Dukelow, Battelle/PNNL

  • Joel Malard, Battelle/PNNL