University of British Columbia

September 19, 1992


  • Loyce Adams, University of Washington,

  • Martha Salcudean, UBC, Computational Fluid Dynamics - an Engineering Tool

  • Allen Raines, Washington State, Hamiltonian - Symplectic Methods for Solving the Algebraic Riccati Equation

  • Gene Golub, Stanford University, Cyclic Reduction: History and Recent Developments

  • David Collins, Calgary, Nonlinear Multigrid Methods for Near-Well Reservoir Simulation

  • Sebastian Reich, Simon Fraser University, Numerical Stabilization of Invariants in ODE's with Application to Constrained Mechanical Systems

  • Dinner at 6:00, Jim and Carolyn Varah, 5609 Balaclava, Vancouver.

  • Posters: If you want to present a poster, let us know in advance so we get enough poster boards and so you get on our list. Send us a title by e-mail.

  • Organizer: Uri Ascher