Another option is to try our Plickers Stickers, featuring card numbers 1-30. These can be added to workbooks and binders (or any flat surface) to create longer lasting Plickers cards for a lower price.

To test out the process of using task card images with Plickers, download the Basic Units of Customary Measurement Task Cards shown below. This freebie includes 10 printable task cards, 10 task card images, and my Plickers Made Easy with Task Cards tutorial.tag_hash_106

Plickers Cards Download

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These are the large version for gymnasiums and other bigger spaces. The cards are scannable at distances of 30-40 feet. I redesigned these based off the free cards that are single-sided. My version adds a back-side that gives students a visual guide (arrows) for the ABCD answers to help with user errors (plus it shows the card # so students can easily identify which card is theirs. While this isn't a new concept, I also created them to be anti-cheat as the answer key on the back is small and a light shade of gray, making it really hard for anyone next to the student to see what answer they are showing.

You should print these in double-sided mode on cardstock paper. Be careful with regular school laminate as the glare can cause the scanner app to not always read the cards. As stated above, I will be selling a physical version with matte (low gloss/low glare) laminate soon. I created my own special matte laminate set and they rock, so I wanted to get them out to the masses!

Thanks for the ideas! I experimented with Plickers a little last Spring but have not gotten them back out this year. The stumbling block for me was knowing how to make their use seamless. Original ideas had me using them for assessment purposes, but that required assigning cards/students which is confusing with the number of classes and students that I see. The ideas you've cited have helped me to see ways that I might use Plickers without needing to worry about who had what number card. Thanks for the inspiration!

Thanks for the INFO!!! This is exciting to try--I LOVE learning about new technology that will make it easier to teach--ESPECIALLY easier to assess!!!! I really like the fact that Plickers only relies upon ONE piece of hardware technology and the cards--so much more accessible in the music room. 

In the 'olden days', we used pieces of laminated construction paper with 1, 2, 3, 4 written on one side and True/False on the other. Students would hold up their cards--with their pointer finger over the correct answer--easy to see at a glance. We called it: E.P.R. or Every Pupil Response.

I'm in the process of starting to use plickers and trying to get them all organized and have a few questions for those of you that use them frequently! 

1. Where/How do you store them in your room? 

2. Can you punch holes in the upper corner for ring hook to hang on a hook and it not interfere with the scanning?

Thanks for all the ideas. I have only used Plickers for pre-assessments and post-assessments. I really like the Plickers concept though I do hope they add some more functions so you can track certain kids better. The library function is new and helps a lot. (I've been using Plickers for almost 3 years now). Like others I'm also in the process of trying to figure out how to best use it in my classroom.

Question: How do you hand the cards out? I do have numbered spots (well, numbered to me, the sharpie ink won't stick to the duck tape marks on my velcro tape attached to my carpet). #1 is always in the front-right corner and #30 is the back-left. Time to hand out and collect is what I'm always worried about. It would be nice to find a way to store them and be able to hand them out quickly when needed.

This is what I like about Plickers, you can get students do this activity without getting any devices and paper/pen. How? After you add the name of students in your class, print out the cards. I printed the standard Plickers card and laminated them so that they would last longer.

I would highly suggest implementing some type of classroom response system. There are a ton of options out there and this is just one of them. There are also some where your students can use their phones to send in answers. I liked the simplicity of the Plicker cards and the ease with which I could use the software.

The only glitch I encountered was through the orientation of my iPad. If I held it horizontally, it read the code cards in one way. But, if I turned the iPad portrait style, it read the codes in another way. Make sure you are aware of that before scanning.

The video below will give you an idea of how I introduced Plickers for the first time and how you can use it to assess kids. It takes a little longer the first time you try it, but after your students understand the procedures and how the cards work the whole process can be done very quickly.

I also use a pocket chart organizer to store my cards on the back of my storage closet door so that they can easily be accessed by students anytime by simply opening up the door. You can check out the Pocket Chart Organizer HERE. My cards were a little droopy so I used a hot glue gun to put some glue spots in between the cards on the organizer which has helped improve the way that it holds the cards. See the picture below:

I am curious how young your students are when you teach them to use plickers cards? I absolutely LOVE using plickers cards for my 3-5 kids but I have never attempted it with my littles and I am curious if you have and how you go about it? Are there any changes you make to your delivery or how they are used? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Thanks for posting this plickers info. I am a K-12 PE Specialist and new to plickers. I am wondering if there are resources like yours that have already created questions for assessment. I can certainly do my own, but like these fitnessgram questions, I am guessing there is a lot of good information already out there.

I love the idea of applying technology in P.E. My only concern is the students are not being active. They are sitting while answering the question. Is it possible to use only for cards and put it in each corner of the gym then they can do locomotor skills or any movement to go to wall for letter that they pick then scan it?

I like that it offers an alternative to pencil and paper. We have to assess as part of our curriculum, and I like the plickers format. Easy to apply at the end of a class after cool-down prior to dismissal.

You could use plagnets (magnetised plickers) which are based on a white board. Students move their plicker next to their answer choice/chosen level of understanding and then you scan the codes on the board.

When you have your classes created, you will need to print out their response cards. Once you print the cards you can use them over and over again. Lamination is not recommended unless it is matte lamination. You can print on cardstock, but make sure it is white or light colored paper. Darker colored paper will make it harder to scan the card.

The cards can be printed in two different sizes. Each card is numbered at the corners and each side of the card is labeled with a letter (A/B/C/D). When a student decides on their answer, they will hold the card in the air with their chosen letter at the top of the card.

This is an image of the website after you begin scanning cards. One student in the class has not answered yet. The other 3 students have all responded. This question has no right or wrong answer. You will want to click on the graph button to see all the answers and how many voted for each option.

To help you get started with plickers I have created a set of 8 cards that you can use as practice questions. They are a mix of multiple choice, true/false and a voting option. Click on the image below to download.

Plickers are cards with a unique 4-sided shape that look similar to a QR code. Each side of the shape is labeled with the letters a, b c, and d. Plicker cards are numbered either 1-40 or 1-62, depending on which set you select.  

After reading the question, students select their answer by turning their square so their answer is at the top and raising their card. Once all cards are raised , scan the room using your device. Using the control settings, you can determine when the results are displayed.

Plickers typically work well in smaller courses. However, in a large enrollment course students can work in groups, and designate one person to raise a card upon reaching consensus. Since each card is unique, Plickers work especially well when discussing sensitive topics. Cards can be reused in different courses, and are a good way to spark discussion in class. For more information, visit

Another use of plickers is gathering student opinions or responses in relation to a book, event, or question. Think of any question you have asked in the classroom related to a book. If you take that same question and make it a multiple choice question, you can ask it and get all students answering with the Plickers. Almost the same question with more engagement from your students.

Once you have set up your Plickers account, you will be prompted to create a class and assign the numbered Plicker cards. I recommend assigning your Plicker cards in alphabetical order to match your class roster. Once you have assigned your Plicker cards to your students you just need one simple question. The question is: are you hot lunch or cold lunch? The students will raise their cards, and your device with the Plicker app will record their responses. You will have hot and cold responses with student names and all names without responses are absent. Plickers make for an easy count of lunches and attendance.

Accessibility: Students of all ages can use this tool. Students with learning and physical disabilities can also use this tool. Modifications would have to be made for the visually impaired and students with motor skill impairment. Plickers cards come with larger fonts for younger students and in larger sizes for large classrooms or auditoriums. ff782bc1db

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