EZIC messengerDate of BirthUnknownSexNot specifiedNationalityUnknownOccupationMessenger(s) for The Order of the EZIC StarThe Order of the EZIC Star frequently sends masked messenger(s) to deliver notes to the inspector. Though all messengers have the same appearance, their weight is inconsistent and they may not be a single person. They wear a blue hood that covers their face so that only a nose and an EZIC symbol over their left eye are visible.

The messengers give the inspector tasks that can be completed to aid EZIC to reach their goals. They mostly communicate with the inspector through notes bearing the mark of EZIC. One of the reasons for communicating this way could be to not leave an audio transcript of the communication, that could be found by the political police. These notes start out simple, and gradually become more detailed. The messengers also deliver documents which may be used to recognize key EZIC operatives.

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The first messenger appears on Day 8 to deliver a paper with the name Corman Drex on it. They greet the inspector with "The Order Awaits" and leave without the inspector interacting with them at all.

Their next appearance is on day 10 when they deliver a cipher to the coded document given by Corman Drex earlier. If all goes smoothly, the inspector will not see them until day 15 when they come to collect the documents. If things do not go as EZIC wants, messengers show up on days 11 and 14.

On day 23, a messenger visits with instructions to kill the man in red and also gives the inspector the key to use the rifle. If the inspector follows through and shoots him, they will be sentenced to either death or forced labor. Either way, a note will slide under the cell door, telling that EZIC has new problems arising and that they must hibernate, saying that the inspector's family has been sent to Obristan. If the man survives, a messenger will debrief the inspector about the event on day 24.

If the inspector has helped EZIC at least four times, a messenger will make their final appearance on day 31 to inform the inspector about an upcoming EZIC coup attempt, warning them to not shoot, and they will be safe. (If they do not appear on day 31, this means it is now impossible to receive ending 19 and also that they will try to attack the inspector).

@Franz Are you not able to login to messenger.com? If so, please dsiable 3rd party trackers in shield and try again?. If not, please elaborate a bit on the issue and fill out the template and revert back.

I just tried to start the BOW Dlc, but the messenger at the very beginning of the dlc kills my party, since he casts spells and my weapons do hardly any damage.

I am playing just at hard. Party consists of Paladin (me), Eder, Xoti, Aloth and Ydwin. Level 15

Does anyone have hints? Any must have spells, buffs or weapons? I almost can kill him with fire spells, but he recovers too quickly from near death (

Note that I didn't encounter this issue before. Previously I can log in Zoom, establish connection with my company's VPN, receive notification from Messenger when Kaspersky protection is on. Now, I have to pause the protection for normal operation. I noticed this issue for the past 2 weeks, but only found the culprit last week. Could you please advise what to do with this issue? Thank you

Please take a few moments to sign up for school messenger. This is a tool that will allow you to receive school-related information. This information could include early dismissal due to inclement weather by phone, email, and/or text.

There are other ways to donate outside of Rycor. If you would like to make a donation of gift cards or donate to a specific student, please email Ms. Mattos at mmattos@pasco.k12.fl.us and she can assist you with submitting this donation.

As you come to school, please follow the speed limit and the signs in the parking lot as to the direction of the traffic flow and where to drop off and pick up students. As a reminder, all students should be dropped off and picked up in the Red Car Loop. No one should be dropped off or picked up anywhere else on campus, especially Photonics Blvd. Also, please be ready to drop off your student when you get to the car loop. Please do not have further conversation at the car and please do not dilly dally as you exit and get your items to go to school. It is holding up the car line and we are trying to get people and cars in and out quickly.

Please arrive in your classes on time each day, as being on time is important now and in the future. Security gates will remain open each day until 8:30AM. If a student arrives after 8:30AM, he or she must go to Student Services and check in there as the gates will close and should remain closed for security. Do not prop open gates or put items in gates so that the gates remain open. If you arrive to campus on time, you should not need to worry about having to use these gates. If you arrive late to campus, please do not ask someone to come and open the gate. Please follow our expectations and report to Student Services. Violations of these expectations will result in disciplinary action.

I say this every week, but I hope that this week families will talk with each other about being kind and avoiding hate speech and hateful acts. There is no place at JWMHS for words and actions that are hateful and bigoted. Each of us is unique and has something to offer our Mustang community. Hopefully, as we are kind, we can see that our differences bring us together and make us stronger. Again, please be kind to each other.

As a reminder, all students should be dropped off and picked up in the Red Car Loop. No one should be dropped off or picked up anywhere else on campus. Children should also not be going into the parking lot to cross traffic and enter a car or exit a car. Students should wait on the sidewalk for parents to drive around. We have rules in place to keep children safe and to avoid accidents. Students and parents, please follow and support our rules.

PGCPS Employees that want to receive text alerts (such as inclement weather closings) will need to create a SchoolMessenger subscriber account. Staff MUST NOT use their PGCPS email when creating a subscriber account. Be sure to use a personal email address, and the phone number you'd like to receive text alerts on. When signing up, subscribe to PGCPS under topics. For assistance, please contact websupport@pgcps.org.

(Also, please note that Axure is a prototyping software and the outputs are used as proof of concepts. Once we start calling the API and integrating SQL databases (just as an example) we start to leave the boundaries of prototyping and enter in to web app developement.)

Spelman Connection Submission Guidelines

If you have a story idea for consideration, please contact the Office of Communications at 404-270-5893, or e-mail spelmanconnection@spelman.edu.

Feature Items

Feature story items should be one paragraph in length (approximately 3-4 sentences). If a website exists that contains in-depth information pertaining to the story, please provide the URL. Keep in mind the newsletter is targeted for the entire campus community; therefore, all stories should appeal to a wide audience.


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The plucky, eager young messenger has been ordered to deliver a message to the queen. The messenger, desperately wanting to please his superiors, runs along as fast as he can and hands over the envelope before the wax has even cooled. He watches, nervously, as the queen reads it and... wait, why is she pointing a gun at him?

Sometimes the message refers to the messenger, but not by name. This message often gets handed to a different messenger for delivery. Alternately, the messenger or another person intercepts and modifies the message.

Not to be confused with Shoot the Messenger, Spare a Messenger or Don't Shoot the Message. It's related, however, to Shoot the Dangerous Minion. Can be combined with the related Uriah Gambit, when the message tells the recipient to send the messenger on a deadly errand. If you're playing a video game and your Player Character gets hit with this, you've just encountered one variety of Treacherous Quest Giver.

LiteratureĀ  Address Unknown: While Max's letters to Martin don't explicitly state anything threatening, he has been weaponizing Spy Speak, penning his letters in such an odd way that they look like coded messages. He does this intentionally in order to get Martin accused of espionage by the Nazi regime. In Blood Games by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (part of her Saint-Germain series), Justus sends his slave Monostades who has been helping him with a note instructing the recipient to seize the slave, geld him, cut out his tongue, and send him to hard labor. He learns to write (and testify) in the labor gang. In The Destroyer series, if it ever becomes necessary to disband CURE via Killed to Uphold the Masquerade, Smith will commit suicide after sending Remo to deliver such a message to Chiun. The Executioner. In "Panic in Philly", Mack Bolan pulls a nasty version of this when he kills a Black Ace (an elite Professional Killer, answerable only to The Mafia Commission), dresses the body in his trademark black body suit, and gives it to the idiot son of a Mafia boss to take to New York. When the Don finds out, he has a Villainous Breakdown at the thought of what will happen to his son for this cock-up. Five Wise Words: Ram Singh is falsely accused before the rajah, but is quite popular, so the rajah decides to execute him stealthily, by giving him a coded message to deliver that will signal the recipient to kill him. However, by following the principles that his guru taught him, Ram Singh accidentally avoids his death, and his accuser inadvertently delivers the message instead. A variation in the Gaunt's Ghosts novel Blood Pact. Junior Commissar Ludd is given such a letter by his superior officer, with the caveat that he's only to deliver it (and thus be shot) if he feels he needs help earning the respect of the Ghosts, thereby failing in his role as morale officer. In Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!), he suggests improving the track-and-field Olympic events in various ways, one of which is to give each runner a sealed envelope the winner is supposed to deliver. The envelopes contain a kill order for the winner. Everyone knows this but the runners. I, Claudius has a downplayed version which doubles up as a Snipe Hunt: Caligula punishes someone who's annoyed him by sending him with a letter to the King of Morocco. The letter says, "Kindly send bearer back to Rome." Was earlier played straight by Sejanus; he'd been given a letter from Tiberius to deliver to the Senate. Tiberius led Sejanus to believe it was a promotion, but in fact it accused him of numerous crimes and requested that the Senate put him to death. Dr. Bledsoe pulls a non-fatal version on the Narrator in Invisible Man with a supposed letter of recommendation that actually says something along the lines of "Do not hire this man under any circumstances." Marcus Didius Falco: Lampshaded in In The Iron Hand of Mars. Falco is sent to deliver a message to a military camp in Germania. As Falco is a former soldier from a disgraced Legion they aren't very nice to him, maliciously joking that the message might read, "Please kill the messenger." As it happens the emperor's son (who gave him the assignment) has taken an interest in Falco's Love Interest, so he doesn't find that particularly funny. Vagabonds of Gor: Tarl risks life and limb to deliver a message from the regent in Ar to the commander of Ar's Station, but when he gets there, he learns that the message is, "This man is a spy. Kill him." The message wasn't from the regent but from another traitorous faction within Ar's government. A variant occurs in Nomads of Gor. Tarl is the only one who can speak with Elizabeth Cardwell, as she is newly arrived on Gor and can only speak English. She is also carrying a message bearing orders to find and kill the man who can speak with her. Kamchak treats this as a Secret Test of Character, pretends to be illiterate, and tells Tarl to read the message for him. In The Wheel of Time series: Mat carries one of these at one point. Being less than completely honorable, he decides to read it before he delivers it. Bayle Domon, too. He is smart enough to read it before delivering it, and makes the entirely sensible decision to flee far, far away. ff782bc1db

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