CIC Guidelines

New ZealandConstruction Industry CouncilVersion 1.0 / August 2016
LINK TO ORIGINAL PDFThis citation of the original document made available free of charge in the public domain (link is in the sources at the end of the document) - has not been endorsed by the authors and has not been submitted for approval. Interference with the formatting of the text has been used to facilitate listening, translation and other automated activities available online in order to facilitate the reading of the content of the document.

CIC Guidelines

Preface, Preamble and Glossary


The New Zealand Construction Industry Council (CIC) is a not for profit industry association of associations in the building and construction design and property sectors. It is the collaborative voice of the built environment industry in New Zealand and operates at the interface between government (central and local) and industry. The Council was formally established in 2003, and emerged from an informal association of organisations which previously operated under the name of the Construction Liaison Group. CIC Members are also not-for-profit organisations and bodies for professions involved in the delivery of our built environment- designers and specifiers (architects, designers, engineers etc.), contractors and suppliers (manufacturers, distributors, contrac-tors, builders etc.) and a range of other building professionals (compliance, research, surveyors, developers etc.). The CIC is a collaborative group for information, networking, research and advocacy towards a better built environment for all New Zealanders. An Executive Council leads the proactive strategy and a wider General Council informs and connects. The CIC interacts with users of the built environment through the media and through CIC Members. The Council began development of the Design Documentation Guidelines in 2003 following growing concerns of the impact (and limited understanding) of poor documentation on the building industry in New Zealand. At that time guidelines were the subject of wide industry consultation, as well as an international search on best practice.Since their original adoption by the industry the Guidelines have become widely adopted and used, and now represent the single most cohesive interdisciplinary Design Guidelines available in New Zealand.Developments in the industry are ongoing. Matters such as Health and Safety in Design and the Workplace, Environmentally Sustainable Design, and Building Information Modelling have become integrated into the delivery of building processes.The wide use of the Guidelines has demonstrated some omissions in them, and there is now a wish to see the Guidelines include all stages of the design and construction process. The inclusion of new stages will see the Guidelines develop into this comprehen-sive document.A more structured process of periodic review is anticipated, which we believe should be undertaken every 3–5 years.NZCIC is again grateful for the considerable time and effort generously contributed by the individuals of the Committee and their Subcommittees.The industry has obligations to the Clients and Consumers who contract their services to ensure that they know what they have commissioned, and what can be expected for the fees charged. Genuine competition achieved through transparency, responsibility and fair play throughout all project stages are seen as important to the industry.These Guidelines are recommended for use in all building projects, and are considered important in the overall development of building projects. They are part of a suite of guidelines and best practice for the industry, as well as for Clients and decision makers. Suggestions for their improvement as a result of their use are always welcome.

— David Kelly, Chairman



The ultimate aim for all involved in designing and constructing all aspects of a building should be to enhance the quality of our built environment.The design is one part of this process, and these guidelines establish for all parties involved in a project their tasks and responsibilities, together with coordination and design interfaces through all disciplines. Careful identification of client brief and needs, together with advice by consultants to the clients on the most advantageous outcomes, are important ancillary functions that should be linked to these Guidelines. The commentary below provides background to the development of the attached Guidelines and outlines how the Guidelines may be used.The Guidelines are intended as general checklists and benchmarks to define the design process for ‘building’ projects, including interiors, as distinguished from civil works, industrial process and infrastructure projects. They are intended to provide an industry-wide multi-disciplinary schedule of design activities typically undertaken. Noting that no two projects are the same, Clients and consultants should tailor this document to suit the project specific requirements.The Guidelines now incorporate the major developments in building design including Health and Safety in at Work (HSW), Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD), and Building Information Modelling (BIM). Since the introduction of the Design Guidelines they have been widely adopted through the industry, It is now considered appropriate to include all stages of the design and project management processes. This should enable the industry to define the roles of all parties to the design process through all phases of a project, from Project Establishment to Post Completion.The original Guidelines included particular schedules for each design discipline and design phase which made developing an overall scope document, where each party had visibility as to the roles and inputs others, difficult. The new format combines the activities undertaken by each Consultant through each of the project stages. This will allow a full cross- disciplinary view of the design by stage, which should avoid scope omissions and deliver a clear understanding of inter-disciplinary activities.The Guidelines are intended to be edited to reflect to the appropriate level of project complexity and service agreed with the Client. They are presented as an editable PDF which allows for efficient prepara-tion of the document.


The quality of design documentation, and the cooperation of the entire project team, is critical to the success of any building project.Buildings today are much more complex in all facets, including not only the physical aspects of form, structure, services, envelope and interiors, but a process that is informed by procurement, environ-mental, safety and post occupancy requirements.

Who has created the guidelines?

The document has been drafted by a committee endorsed by the NZ Construction Industry Council (NZCIC). The committee consists of representatives from the organisations listed below who have established their own discipline-specific subcom-mittee and consulted widely to ensure that the Guidelines are workable and will benefit the entire building industry.

  • ACENZ (Association of Consulting Engineers of New Zealand)

  • ADNZ (Architectural Designers New Zealand)

  • BOINZ (Building Officials Institute of New Zealand)

  • DINZ (Designers Institute of New Zealand)

  • IPENZ (Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand)

  • NZIA (New Zealand Institute of Architects)

  • NZIOB (New Zealand Institute of Building)

  • NZIQS (New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors)

  • Project Managers

  • RMBF (Registered Master Builders Federation

The Guidelines have been co-ordinated in process and terminology to be consistent for all participants in the building industry. The Guidelines have strong support from the professional bodies listed above, and there is a shared intent that the Guidelines continue as the industry wide best practice document

What is the purpose of the guidelines?

The purpose of the Guidelines is to clearly define and communicate to all parties involved in a project:

  • esponsibilities and deliverables each party has through all project stages the scope of services the various parties provide to the Client

  • he interactions and coordination required between all parties

How are the guidelines used?

he Guidelines outline the stages that all building projects go through irrespective of the procurement methodology or programme. A brief description of each stage is provided in the Glossary attached.The Guidelines are intended for use as a single shared document to define and communicate the responsibilities all parties have through the process.

Major changes

Building on the strengths and wide industry acceptance of the original, the 2016 Guidelines now include:

All stages of the Design and Building process are incorporated in the guidelines as a single document from Project Establishment through to Completion including ‘Procurement’, ‘Administration and Observation’ and ‘Post Completion

  • All major disciplines are now included to the process including Project Managers, Designers/LBPs, Quantity Surveyors, the various Engineering disciplines, and the Builder

  • Layout in a matrix that sets out the activities and deliverables undertaken on one axis and the party responsible on the other

  • Editable PDF formatting provides for easy population of the forms with flexibility that reflects the fact of the contemporary Building environment

  • Legislative Requirements – Health and Safety

  • Adopted design principles – Environmentally Sustainable Design

  • New Technologies – Building Information Modelling (BIM)

These changes are explained in some detail below:

All stages of the Design and Building process

The original ‘CIC Design Documentation Guidelines’ focused solely on the production of traditional design information. Accordingly the Guidelines included the traditional design ‘phases’ including Concept, Preliminary, Developed, Detailed and also ‘Construction design’ which referred to those design activities normally undertaken by the builder – shopdrawings, and the design of proprietary systems.The broad acceptance and wide use across the construction industry of the Design Documentation Guidelines suggested that the opportunity existed to enhance the guidelines to encompass all normal activities undertaken through all stages from Project Establishment to Post Completion. Accordingly the 2016 Guidelines now include the following stages:

• Project Establishment• Concept Design• Preliminary Design• Developed Design• Detailed Design• Procurement• Construction Administration and Observation• Post Completion

Design is an evolutionary and often iterative process, developed from a set of Client requirements within a complex legislative environment. The purposes of working in stages is to move from the general to the particular, and allow the testing of options that define and confirm the Client’s objectives. Important cost advice and Client and stakeholder approvals can be sought in parallel, so that substantial changes can be avoided. Ideally, the fundamental elements of the previous stage should not be overturned, and subsequent stages will allow the refinement of solutions from the previous stage.

All major disciplines

The design focus of the 2004 Guidelines simply included only those disciplines that undertook design. These included Architectural, Electrical, Fire, Fire Protection, HVAC, Hydraulic, and Structural designers only.As mentioned above, the 2016 Guidelines include all activities undertaken through all stages of a project, and the involvement of new parties is naturally implied.Accordingly the 2016 Guidelines now identify all parties reasonably expected to participate in a project, and allow for other particular disciplines to be listed, viz::Client• Project Manager• Architect/Designer• Quantity Surveyor• Town planner/traffic engineer• Topographical surveyor• Structural• Geotechnical• HVAC• Plumbing and Drainage• Electrical • Fire Engineering• Fire Protection• Builder• Other (to suit project requirements)


The Guidelines are presented as an editable electronic template that identifies the party/ies having primary responsibility for the task and its related deliverable, and the party/ies which are required to input/assist/coordinate with the party having primary responsibility. A single mouse click populates a cell with a hollow dot which indicates the party/ies inputting, assisting and coordinating to achieve the task/deliverable. Double clicking populates the cell with a solid dot which indicates the party having primary responsibility for the task and its related deliverable. Some activities, Health and Safety for example, is a responsibility where all parties have an equal roleThe scope of other disciplines such as acoustic, vertical transportation and wind consultants, are not specifically identified in the template, however blank columns are available for the inclusion of these specialists on a project specific basis.

Editable PDF formatting

The complexity and growth of content outlined in the previous section is offset by the Guidelines being in editable pdf form, which is easily downloaded and filled out. For ease the Guidelines are pre-populated with scope typical of a ‘traditional’ project. Parties responsible for preparing the Guidelines on a particular project should fill them out to best suit the project requirements. The format acknowledges and anticipates the variety of building types undertaken and allows for activities to be undertaken by the party best suited to the project requirements. For example, on a warehouse building, the structural engineer may prepare the building plans and undertake the contract admin-istration- roles an architect/designer and project manager respectively might traditionally do.

Legislative Requirements – Health and Safety

Despite an ever increasing focus on Health and Safety in the Construction industry, in the last 5 years the Construction industry has experienced the second highest number of workplace fatalities and Serious Harm Notifications.The new Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) came into effect on 4 April 2016 and sets out the principles, duties and rights in relation to workplace health and safety and the responsibilities business leaders, businesses and workers have under the Act. The Construction industry has and continues to takes these responsibilities determinedly. The Guidelines place therefore place Health and Safety at the ‘top of the list’ of tasks and deliverables.

Accepted design principles – Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

Not only is Climate change undeniable, but energy costs are increasingly significant to building owners and occupiers. In the time since the establishment of the 2004 Guidelines Environmentally Sustainable Design has developed from a responsible novelty to being embedded in private, corporate and government culture. ESD is now considered accepted practice, and is included in the Guidelines accordingly.

New Technologies – Building Information Modelling (BIM)

A proper understanding of what Building Information Modelling (BIM) is, and the differenti-ation between this and 3d design is critical in the modern context. Confusion arises because the software that works in 3D has the capacity also to deliver BIM outcomes. The key word here is ‘Information’. Client or Contractor benefits available through the use of BIM, be it through the quick scheduling of building elements, integration of construction sequencing, or embedding plant and equipment with coding that allows easy facilities management, is not a given. These BIM require-ments must be briefed from design commencement- as soon the designers being assembling elements within the BIM models and the opportunity for establishing BIM parameters (information about an object) exists.The requirements of BIM must be understood and briefed from the project outset. Clients should also be aware that this information does not come for free, as time and skill is needed to embed the required ‘Information’ in the model and to schedule and deliver it in a readily extracted and useable form.The proper use of BIM should deliver high levels of design coordination which are implied where the project is being delivered in a BIM environment that utilises the inherent strengths of 3D documentation. Critical to this is the adherence to the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) which clarifies the level of 3D modelling required by all parties and the coordination processes to be undertaken. The integration of construction sequencing, called 4D design (referring to the time or sequence component of construction planning) into design documentation.Current design procurement, which tends to restrict scope to the production of diagrammatic docu-ments, particularly in the procurement of Building Services design, challenges this ideal. 2D design ‘diagrams’, are considered sufficient for pricing, with Services sub trades providing full detail as part of their shop drawing and plant and equipment procurement processes. There can therefore be a ‘gap’ in the completion of a fully coordinated 3D or BIM model. Clients that require levels of coordination that 3d software or BIM offer must be sure to engage (and remunerate accordingly) designers who might not normally be commissioned to undertake full design.Whoever is preparing the Scopes of Consultants’ Engagements should make clear at the time expec-tations of the Consultants having to undertake their services in accordance with the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) as this requires the Consultants to deliberately produce the required outcomes. Failure to clearly state this expectation at design commencement would likely lead to a variation claim as the work required to conform with the BEP would likely fall outside of Consultants’ traditional scopes.Clients should be also be aware that 3D/BIM design requires considerable resource to assemble the ‘model’ earlier that traditional design processes, and that deliverables may not be presentable as early in the process. Once the ‘model’ is developed however, the flow of deliverables should be well in advance of that delivered in traditional 2D design., The diagram adjacent explains.

The Design Stages

Project Establishment —The project is set up. An Agreement between Client and major Consultants is established and appro-priate information about the site, and preliminary information about the Client Brief, time frame, budget, stakeholders etc is gathered to enable subsequent stages of the project to be undertaken. Methods of Contractor Procurement, other than Tendering, which may affect the Consultant scope and programme, should be advised and inform Consultant Procurement. No design work is done.H&S plans for all disciplines will commence and a coordinated H&S Plan for the project produced

Concept design —Based on the Client approval and the Project Establishment stage outputs this stage involves the exploration of sufficient design concepts for the Client to be able to test the Brief, the development potential of the site, and have a Concept Estimate prepared to establish financial feasibility. Major consultants should be engaged as well as those whose inputs are required to develop the design to Resource Consent. A preliminary project programme, BIM Execution Plan (BEP), outline of legislative constraints, and Concept Estimate should be prepared.The Concept Design, Programme and Estimate produced should reasonably allow the Client to approve the project to proceed to Preliminary Design.H&S plans for all disciplines will be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan for the project will be updated.Concept and Preliminary Design phases are sometimes combined on less complex projects.

Preliminary Design —Based on the Client approval and the Concept Design stage outputs, this stage involves the refinement of the approved Concept including testing options for and selection of major elements suchas structural system, building services and materials. The design should consider regulatory requirements and approvals for both Resource and Building Consent matters. Refinements to the Client Brief are incorporated. Specialist consultants required to input into or prepare the Resource Consent should be engaged.The project programme should be refined and the design should be sufficient to prepare a Preliminary Estimate of Cost, and an update of the feasibility accordingly. Options for Procurement method will be discussed and a preferred method of procurement may be identified.A Resource Consent Application, if required, is prepared and may be applied for at the end of this stage.Preliminary Design drawings should be to scale and show spatial sizes and relationships, outline cross section and elevations, and integrate the major structural elements, as well as zones and plant rooms for services. Outline specifications from each major discipline should be provided. The Preliminary Design should reasonably allow the Client to be able to approve the overall form, functionality and cost of the Project and approve this to move into Developed Design. Stakeholder engagement and requisite approvals, where required, should be undertaken and gained.It may provide sufficient information for the communication of the design to a third party for marketing or consultation purposes.H&S plans for all disciplines will be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan updated.

Developed design —Based on the Client approval and the Preliminary Design the outputs this stage involves the develop-ment of the approved Preliminary design such that the scope of all major elements, including structural elements, building services, materials and finishes and net/gross building areas, is clearly defined and coordinated. The Developed Design phase is where the disciplines prepare the necessary documentation to define the scope of all building elements. High levels of input and coordination are required from all disciplines. Design documentation is produced to scale with grids, principle levels and dimensions are shown, outline specifications are finalised, and all performance criteria confirmed. While resolution of individual details that do not impact on the key elements are left for the next design stage, the docu-ments are advanced to a level where little ambiguity exists for the documents to be developed to a stage suitable for Building Consent, Procurement and Construction in the Detailed Design stage. Where anything other than a traditional Tender process for Contractor Procurement is contemplated this must be agreed as processes suchas Early Contractor Involvement or Novation may affect the Consultant design programme.A Firm Estimate of Cost is prepared on an elemental basis. Developed Design provides sufficient information for the Client, and stakeholders as appropriate, to clearly understand the aesthetics, functionality and performance of the building, it’s internal spaces and facilities.The Developed Design should reasonably describe the final building once its translated to full design during the Detailed Design stage. The Client will be able to approve the aesthetics, functionality and cost of the Project to move into Detailed Design. Stakeholder approvals, where required, should also be gained.H&S plans for all disciplines will be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan updated.

Detailed design —Based on the Client approval and the Developed Design outputs the team develops the design to a level of that clearly defines the quantity and quality of all building elements, materials and systems through drawings, specifications, schedules and performance requirements. The design should be comprehensively co-ordinated with other disciplines.The documents produced in Detailed Design have a critical use in Consenting and Procurement and should, with only minor amendment or clarification, be able to be:• submitted and achieve a Building Consent, and therefore should be able to be reasonably constructed.• accompanied by Tender and General and Special Conditions and Contract documentation, and used to Procure a Construction Contract.The preparation of Tender and Special Conditions and Contract documentation may occur at the end of Detailed Design or during the Procurement stage.The cost plan should be developed into a Tender Estimate which is used to inform the Client of the likely Tender price and evaluate the tender prices submitted. If a Schedule of Quantities is required it should be prepared based on the completed Detailed Design and General and Special Conditions and Contract documentation.H&S plans for all disciplines will be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan updated. Particular H&S matters relevant to the Contract should be included in the Procurement documentation

Procurement —Based on the Client approval and the Detailed Design outputs the process is now undertaken by which a Builder is selected to construct the building, and the preparation of Tender and Special Conditions and Contract documentation occurs. Separate procurement processes may be used to procure separate or specialist items for the building.The process is managed by the Consultant identified. The Client rarely undertakes this specialist role. Consultants are required to review Tender submis-sions for technical conformance and assess Tender tags. The Quantity Surveyor will be closely involved in the assessment of cost and monetary allowances such as Provisional Sums.Once a Tenderer is selected the Contract documents are assembled. Contract and design matters that have been agreed during the Tender negotiations will need to be incorporated into the Contract and design documentation respectively. These revised documents are assembled into the Contract for signing by the Client and Contractor.If NZS 3910:2013 ‘Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction’ is the being used, the Engineer to the Contract, who may not be one of the Consultants, should be engaged during to this Stage.H&S plans for all disciplines will be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan updated. Particular H&S matters relevant to the Contract should be included in the Procurement documenta-tion, and specific responses to H&S matters sought and evaluated during Tender.

Administration & Observation —Although signing a Construction Contract suggests that Client approval for these activities is implicit, formal Client approval and distribution of the Procurement stage outputs are required for the team to commence this stage.These activities occur during the construction of the building and so are grouped into the same stage. They do differ significantly in that Administration relates to the management of the Construction Contract and Observation relates to the monitoring of the construction with respect to the Design documents that form part of that Contract. These activities may be undertaken by separate Consultants or a single Consultant depending on the project requirements and scale. Note that if NZS 3910 is the Contract being used the Engineer to the Contract, who may not be one of the Consultants, must be engaged well prior to this Stage.

Administration: The activities undertaken by the appointed consultant during a building’s construction necessary for the administration of the Contract. This may include issuing of directions or instructions, which may include the changing of the Drawings or Specifications, assessing and valuing of Variations, the provision of Payment Schedules, assessing and granting of extensions of time, issuing of a Practical Completion Certificate or a Final Completion Certificate.

Observation: The activities undertaken by the design consultant during a building’s construction. This normally includes site visits, reviewing of Contractor Design information to determine if the construction materials and installations are in accordance with the contract documents, specifica-tions and performance criteria.The activities of Administration and Observation come together at the Contract completion(s), certified accordingly as Practical or Sectional Completions. The party responsible for Completion Certification requires inspections to be undertaken and defects listed. These lists accompany Certificates issued. Also for consideration at this time may be the provision of items required under the Contract Terms suchas Warranties, as built drawings, testing and commissioning Certificates, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Code Compliance Certificates or CPUs, etc. Shortcomings in these documents that do not prevent Practical or Sectional Completion Certification may be included in the list of defects.Practical or Sectional Completions indicate critical Contract procedures suchas the release of retentions and bonds, changes to insurances, and submission of the Final Account.HSW plans for all disciplines will continue to be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan updated. A HSW plan for the construction will be developed, implemented at commencement on site, monitored and reported.

Post Completion —Although Certification of Practical Completion suggests that commencement of the Post Completion stage is implied, Client approval and distribution of the outputs are required for the team to commence this stage.The Defects Notification Period commences with the issuing of Practical Completion and the Contractor notified of defects that require attention. Unless this was completed in the previous stage items required under the Contract Terms suchas Warranties, as built drawings, testing and commissioning Certificates, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Certificates of Public Use or Code Compliance Certificates, etc will be provided.The Final Account is processed in conjunction with the Quantity Surveyor.The Contractor should proactively, safely, and in coordination with the buildings occupation and operations, attend to any defects listed at the time of PC or arising during the Maintenance Period.HSW plans for all disciplines will continue to be progressively developed and the coordinated H&S Plan updated and issued finally. A HSW plan for the defects rectification will be developed, implemented at commencement on site, monitored and reported, noting particularly the potential risks to occupants.The end of the Post Completion Phase is signalled by the Defects Liability Period stated in the Contract. Subject to all defects being rectified the Contract administrator will issue the Final Completion Certificate, which signals the Contract is ended. Remaining retentions etc are discharged.

How important is co-ordination in the design process?

The thorough co-ordination of design between disciplines is considered to be singularly the most important issue confronting the industry. Informal feedback from the construction industry suggests that up to 20% of wastage on construction sites may be avoided with thorough coordination. The requirement for other parties to integrate and coordinate with the provision of one parties deliverable is identified and formalised in the new editable PDF format. To assist the design practitioner sample Co-ordination Checklists have been put together. The sample Co-ordination Checklists have been developed on the basis of the Architect/designer having the primary role of leading the design co-ordination. It must be emphasised however that all design disciplines have a responsibility for integrating other disciplines’ design into their own as well as undertaking design co-ordination. The sample Co-ordination Checklists are generic, and are not exhaustive. Therefore design teams are encouraged to develop appropriate Coordination Checklists to suit the needs of each project.

What is the impact of the procurement methodology on design documentation?

The input of the designers into the construction procurement methodology and construction is important in the quest for better buildings. Therefore, the appropriate design consultants should be involved in this process. The determination of construction contract procurement and conditions of contract, methodol-ogy of pricing or tendering, and execution of those contracts, should be defined at an early stage of the design process, so that the documentation can be arranged accordingly. It is noted that in Contractor-led projects, much design is undertaken by subcon-tractors. In these cases the ‘designer’ may mean both the Consultant and the Subcontractor and it should be made clear where these cross-overs occur.

How do the guidelines relate to the manage-ment of the design process?

Design management may be undertaken by any of the consultants, or the Client, or specialist design manager. Because of the varied nature of how project teams are structured, the task of design management is not addressed in these Guidelines. Formal Design management is considered particularly necessary where design has a large subcontractor involvement, and design activities inform and are essential to the programme. Design management may overlap with some of the design processes listed in the Guidelines, and include the direction of consultants and specialist and subcontractor designers, the chairing and minuting of project meetings, integration of the design delivery and consents within the project programme, and managing information flow to and from the Client. Responsibility for the design management role needs to be confirmed and formalised at the start of the project and the scope of this role either included in the consultant’s service or defined separately.

Who controls and sets out the building dimensions in the drawings?

A key to a successful project is good control and “set-out” of building dimensions in the documen-tation. For building projects the architect generally has responsibility for dimensions. However, on some projects (often light industrial type or specialist build-ings) the engineer may act as principal consultant, taking responsibility for dimensions. Therefore, when defining the consultants’ scopes it is necessary to define who is responsible for dimensions.

When should ‘Value Management’ take place in the Design Process?

‘Value management’ (VM) reviews at the appropriate stage(s) of the design process may assist in achieving successful projects. However, reviews undertaken too late can be ineffective and adversely impact on programme and costs. It is advantageous to carry out “VM” reviews at the end of the initial design stages and where the design has been coordinated between the design disciplines, to ensure there is a consistent basis for a cost estimate. The necessary revisions that are identified as part of the “VM” review may then be input to the start of the next design phase.The time required for the VM and subsequent docu-ment changes must be allowed in the programme and the sketch below graphically illustrates the opportunity of early reviews.

Using the new format

1.0 Using the new Format

The Guidelines is available in Editable PDF. A recent version of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader needs to be installed to utilise the interactive elements. • Adobe Reader is free and can be downloaded at• PDF Software by vendors other than Adobe (including Apple Preview) are not supported

2.0 Colour

There are a number of text items in colour. These will print clearly if reproduced in black & white

3.0 Stages

Each section of the Guidelines is referred to as a Stage.• The Stages are separate PDFs. It is recommended that all Stages should be filled out, with N/A (not applicable) even if the Stage is not being undertaken.• All disciplines’ work in the Stage is contained in the section.

4.0 Columns

4.1 Left hand ‘Task’ column•Lists downwards all the tasks that can be undertaken, starting with approvals and previous stage deliverables•Tasks are Grouped under common headers.•Additional Services can be added at the bottom of each section on the ‘Other’ line.

4.2 ‘Deliverables’ columnLists downwards the types of deliverable required, these are:•Report (written document)•Coordinate (not a physical deliverable, but evidenced in them)•Minute/Note recording the matters of meetings etc•Draw traditional drawn documentation •Schedule traditional spreadsheet or drawn (combination of drawings and text) schedules•Specification written description of materials, workmanship standards, and performance requirements.

4.3 ‘Required’ column• A solid dot in this column shows that the deliverable is required.

4.4 ‘Disciplines’ columns• From left to right are columns headed by discipline (Client, Project Manager, etc)

5.0 Populating the Guidelines

One click in the cell produces a hollow dotwhich shows:• the party(ies*) required to input, assist, and coordinate with the party responsible in the production of the deliverable. It is anticipated that most rows will have cells will have a combination of one solid dot and a number of hollow ones

Two clicks in the cell produces a solid dotwhich shows two things:• In the Disciplines’ columns the party responsible for producing and issuing the deliverable• In the Required column shows that the deliverable is required.

6.0 Saving the Guidelines

As you populate each stage of the Guidelines, you will need to Save or Save As the PDFs. Reader/Acrobat will not prompt to save your changes before closing the file.

7.0 Distributing the Guidelines

Each stage is small enough to email (under 10mb) however the entirety of the Guidelines will be too large to email. We recommend distributing the larger document via a cloud-based storage service such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive or a file transfer service such as Hightail or WeTransfer

8.0 Printing the Guidelines

Print the guidelines using Adobe Reader/Acrobat.• The document is A4 landscape. Consider printing double sided.• Ensure size setting is set to 'Actual Size' or 100% and do not 'fit to page'.• The document can be wire-bound or hole punched along the top edge or stapled in the top left corner.


Glossary — particular to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

Activity - Includes manufacture, assembly, use of the structure for the purpose advised to the designer, construction, handling, inspection, cleaning, maintenance, repair, decommissioning, dismantling, demolition and/or disposal.

Commission - Authorising someone to perform certain duties or tasks, or to take on certain powers e.g. to commission an architect / engineer to undertake a design

HSD - Health and Safety in Design

HSW - Health and Safety at Work, as defined by the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

H&S Plan/register - The framework for managing those risks in a particular project.

Overlapping duties - Because a PCBU owes duties to workers affected by its work, not just those who work for it, it is possible for that PCBU to owe overlapping duties. PCBUs will need to consult, co-operate and co-ordinate activities to meet their shared responsibilities and duties and responsibilities to ensure that the work does not pose risk to people's health and safety.

OfficerA person who holds a senior leadership position and has the ability to significantly influence the management of a PCBU. An officer of a PCBU must exercise due diligence to ensure that the PCBU complies with its duties.

Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) - Person conducting a business or undertaking –plant duty holders under Despite its name, a PCBU will usually be a business entity, such as a company, not an individual person. However, an individual carrying out business as a sole trader or self-employed person would also be a PCBU.

Reasonably practicableWhat is or was reasonably able to be done at a particular time to ensure health and safety.

Volunteer - Where volunteers carry out work for a PCBU, the Act distinguishes between casual volunteers and volunteer workers.

Worker - A person who carries out work in any capacity for a PCBU

Workplace - A place where work is being customarily carried out for a business or undertaking and includes any place where a worker goes, or is likely to be, while at work and includes the site

Glossary — general

This Glossary has been assembled by using the definitions available from NZ Legislation, NZ Standard and Published Industry documents. Where these are not available definitions specific to the disciplines have been provided by representatives on the 2016 Review Committee.

Administration - The management by a nominated consultant of the construction contract between the Client and the Contractor, on behalf of the Client, including issuing instructions and variations as required.

Agreed Services - The services to be provided by the Consultant to the Client as identified in their contract agreement

As built drawings - Revisions to the original design drawings to reflect any changes made in the course of the Construction Contract

Brief - The written statement prepared by or for the Client summarising their expressed requirements, preferences and priorities, with respect to at least scope, cost, quality and time frame in sufficient detail for the Project Team to carry out the Agreed Services

Budget - The target Cost of the overall project including but not limited to the Contract Works as nominated by the Client and stated in the Brief

Buildability - The extent to which the design of a planned building facilitates its construction.

Builders Work - Work that is necessary as a result of other specialist work area either by separate or sub-contractor. It does not include site preliminaries

Building Consent - Confirmation provided by the Building Consent Authority that they are satisfied that the building’s design meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code and may proceed to construction.

Building Consent Authority (BCA) - Registered Territorial Authorities (or in some cases private organisations) permitted to issue Building Consents and perform Certifying functions (e.g. issuing Code Compliance Certificates) under the Building Act.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) - Building Information Modelling. The digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of an asset. Refer to the New Zealand BIM Handbook for more detailed explanation of all BIM terminology:

—BIM Brief - Prepared by client prior to engaging consultants to outline required BIM outcomes and uses

—BIM Execution Plan (BEP) - Defines how a project will be executed, monitored and controlled with regard to BIM

—BIM Manager - Leads and coordinates the BIM process for the project

—Common Data Environment (CDE) - Common platform for sharing information accessible to all project participants

—Level of Development - Measure of the completeness of elements within a model.

—Pre Contract BEP - Prepared by consultants as a part of their proposals in response to the BIM Brief.

Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) - A confirmation issued by the Territorial Authority and publically displayed confirming that the building’s life safety systems (called specified systems) have been maintained and inspected for the period required.

Certificate for Public Use (CPU) - A certificate that enables members of the public to use a building or part of a building prior to a Code Compliance Certificate being granted.

Client - The person or organisation named as Client in the Contract Agreement or Construction Contract. Often referred to as the ‘Principal’ or ‘Owner’ in some Construction Contracts

Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) - Formal statement issued by the local consenting authority at the completion of the construction activities as confirmation that the building work has been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Building Consent

Commission (under section 43 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015) - means authorising someone to perform certain duties or tasks, or to take on certain powers e.g. to commission an architect / engineer to undertake a design

Commission (plant and equipment) - Prior to construction Completion, the process during which installed equipment or plant near operated, adjusted, tested and verified with respect to its adherence to the specifications. This is not to be confused with the action of employing a Consultant, which is referred to as Engagement in this document

Concept Estimate - A rough order or high-level assessment of costs based on the Client’s brief and the Concept Design that are used to set an early budget, generally undertaken at an early stage on limited information

Construction design - Where construction requirements such as site conditions, erection requirements, and proprietary, performance and fabricated elements require shop drawings, calculation and selection to create documents that can be directly “built” from. This design is normally undertaken by the Contractor or relevant Subcontractor(s)

Construction methodology - Refers to the planned method of construction, taking into account all contractual and legal requirements, construction constraints, risks, and opportunities. Methodology includes the temporary and permanent works and the services required to complete the construction works.

Consultant - A specialist design or construction professional or subject matter expert engaged to contribute in some way to the delivery of the project. They may be Separate-Consultants engaged and paid directly by the Client or Sub-Consultants paid and engaged by a Lead Consultant

Containment Networks - Cable trays, cable ladders and trunking

Contingency - An amount of money, expressed either as a percentage or lump sum, included in the project budget to allow for the unknown or unresolved aspects of a design. Sometimes referred to as a Contingency Sum

Contract Agreement - The legally binding agreement between two parties. Between the Client and the Consultants this defines the services, scope, timing, deliverables, and terms and conditions. Also the Contract between the Client and the Contractor, as defined by the Contract Documents

Contract Documents - The documents listed in the Contract Agreement, which make up the Contract, together with all information formally issued to the Contractor during the progress of the Contract

Contract Price - The amount agreed in the construction Contract between the Client and the Contractor for the cost of the Contract Works

Contract Works - Everything to be carried out by the Contractor to complete the Project, including goods, services, labour, materials and equipment, items supplied by the Client, and Temporary Works

Contractor - The organisation or person engaged by the Client to undertake the whole or part of the Contract Works for the Project

Cost plan - A system of cost analysis, which enables the cost of a proposed building to be developed and monitored and controlled during the successive project stages and prior to a Construction Contract being let. Normally undertaken on an ‘elemental’ basis which breaks down the materials, labour, plant and equipment and assembles them into building elements. This is generally prepared at Preliminary Design phase and updated as the design progresses through Developed Design, Detailed Design and For Tender documents

Defects Notification Period - The period for notifying and rectifying defects in the Works after Practical or Sectional Completion has been issued

Design Consultant - The specialist Consultants engaged in the project to undertake the design of the building fabric including services

Design Criteria - Definition of building services performance criteria including required external conditions

Drawings - Refers to all drawings of the Contract Works described or included in the Contract Agreement together with any modification or addition provided for in the Contract Agreement

Engagement - The process of employing a Consultant to undertake the Scope of Services required for the project in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Contract Agreement

Engineering Approval Plan (EAP) - Territorial Authority-approved design of public drainage, water, or road works, or of a public open space

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) - Holistic process for design, construction and operating an asset to minimise whole of life costs and impact on the environment. May be linked to an industry standard e.g. GreenStar

Equipment - Components of building services systems including, for example, fittings and outlets, major plant, grills and diffuser, cameras and controllers

Final Account - The final construction cost; including all variations and expenditure against provisional and price cost sums, to be assessed and paid to the Contractor at the conclusion of the project

Financial Report - A Report that covers all of the cost centres included in the project budget and is reviewed and updated generally on a monthly basis

Fire Engineering Brief (FEB) - Definition of required fire safety precautions including egress, separations and systems. Used to identify and discuss fire safety design solutions with stakeholders at an early stage in the project

Fire Report - Description of fire engineering solutions (including calculations) demonstrating compliance with the FEB

Firm Estimate of Cost - Generally prepared based on well-defined documentation and will generally be in an elemental format or trade by trade format. The accuracy should be +/-5-10%

Heritage NZ (HNZ) - The agency acting under The ‘Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act, 2014’ that promotes the identification, protection, preservation, and conservation of the historical and cultural heritage of New Zealand. Formerly NZ Historic Places Trust.

High Level Order of Cost - A rough or high-level approximation of the cost to construct or develop the building or project, generally done at Concept Design stage with limited information

Independent Qualified Person (IQP) - A person (or firm) approved by the territorial authority as qualified to inspect certain specified systems and ensure that necessary maintenance occurs

Intake/Discharge - Openings in the building fabric for air inlet, air and other exhausts

Interface Matrix - Definition of demarcation points and interconnection requirements between independent systems

Land Information Memoranda (LIM) - A comprehensive report that has all relevant information the Territorial Authority knows about a property or section. Normally includes special features (flooding, stability, contamination, etc), private and public drainage, consents, notices, requisitions, Zoning, notifications by Network Utilities Operators, other relevant information

Liquidated damages - Costs deductible from the Contract Price that in the event of a delay to the completion of a project, and are based on a genuine pre-estimate of the actual losses that the principal will suffer as a result of that delay

Novation - An arrangement that effectively substitutes an original party to an Agreement with a third party and transfers both the benefits and the obligations of the original party to the third party. It essentially gives rise to a new Agreement on the same terms as the original agreement. Consent of the original parties to an agreement is required for a novation. Most often relevant to the transfer of (design) Consultant agreements from the Client to the Contractor in a Design/Build project

NZ Fire Service (NZFS) - The organisation whose statutory role is fire safety, fire prevention, and fire extinction. NZFS is constituted under section 3 of the Fire Service Act 1975.

NZIA - The professional body representing the majority of Registered Architects in New Zealand

NZIQS - The professional body representing the majority of Quantity Surveyors in New Zealand

Observation - The activities undertaken by the design consultant during a building’s construction. This normally includes responding to Contractor queries, checking Contractor design, and visiting the site at intervals agreed with the Client, to observe that the Contract Works have generally been built in accordance with the Contract documents, including specifications and performance criteria

Payment claim - A request for payment, in writing, issued by the Contractor to the Client under the Construction Contract. Normally includes the specific details of the Contract, the work undertaken, the period to which the claim relates, the amount claimed and the method of calculation. Note that a Payment Claim under the Construction Contracts Amendment Act 2015 has a specific meaning

Performance Bond - A bond issued by a bank or other financial institution, guaranteeing the fulfilment of a particular Contract by a party to that Contract

Person or person - An individual, partnership, body of persons, firm, company or organisation whether corporate or not.

Practical Completion - The date at which the Contract Works is Certified at being generally built in accordance with the construction contract and are able to be used for their intended purpose without material inconvenience. Minor defects may be still be outstanding. If a separate section of the Works is Certified as above this is called ‘Sectional Completion

Preliminary Estimate of Cost - An early estimate prepared based on concept or preliminary documentation. The level of accuracy is generally consistent with the level of definition in the documents

Primary Services Routes - Space allowance for installation of main Containment Networks

Prime cost sum (PC Sum) - A material-related monetary allowance that provides for the purchase and supply, to the Site, of specific materials which are to be incorporated into the Contract Works. The sum includes the net purchase price of the materials, including related Contractor expenses, overheads and margins. Does not include the cost associated with the installation of the materials

Principal - The person or organisation for whom the Construction work is being undertaken under NZS 3910:2013 ‘Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction’. Often referred to as the ‘Client’ in some Construction Contracts.

Procurement - The stage during which, and the process by which, the Contractor is selected and engaged to undertake the Contract Works. Note also that the process by which Consultants are selected and engaged is often called Procurement.

Procurement - The process through which a Contractor, Consultant or FF & E item is selected. Includes the activities required to define the scope, specification, value and timing of the work to be undertaken

Producer Statement (PS) - A written statement provided by Consultants and/or Contractors to confirm that design or building work complies, or will comply, with the Building Code. Producer Statements are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, referring to different statements relating to:—PS 1: Design—PS 2: Design Review —PS 3: Construction —PS 4: Construction Review

Product Technical Statement (PTS) - A summary of the key details about a building product or system. Note that a PTS does not replace evidence of a product or systems compliance with the Building Act

Programme - A document describing the time and the sequence of activity necessary to complete tasks that support any or all stages of project delivery

Project - The building, or part, to be designed and constructed in a defined location as identified in the Contract Agreement.

Project Budget - A budget that incorporates all of the components of the project including land costs, construction costs, FF&E, consultants’ fees, development costs, contingency allowances, funding costs, Consent costs, etc.

Project Control Group (PCG) - The group of key project team members to report on project wellbeing, makes key decisions and resolves any issues escalated by the design team

Project Execution Plan (PEP) - A document describing for the Project Team the communication, development, implementation, and control of design and construction activities associated with the project

Project Information Memoranda (PIM) - A summary of the property information a Territorial Authority Council has on record that may affect a building project including requirements for Resource Consents, drainage and utilities, and about the land

Provisional Sum - A monetary allowance, including expenses and margins, that provides in the Cost Plan or Contract Price for work or items not yet or fully defined to be done by the Contractor

Quality Assurance (QA) - A system to help organisations meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product

Resource Consent - Confirmation provided by the Territorial Authority that they are satisfied that the building design meets the requirements of the New Zealand Resource Management Act. Sometimes referred to by TA’s as a Land Use Consent due to the activity of constructing a building occurring on specific land

Retentions - A percentage of the amount certified as due to the Contractor on a Payment Certificate, that is deducted from the amount due and retained by the Client to ensure the proper completion of the Contract Works

Risers - Vertical space allowance for installation of Containment Networks

Risk - Any event which may have health and safety, financial, programme, quality, implications on the project.

Schedule of Quantities - A document in which materials and labour for the Works are quantified or itemised. The Schedule is used by Tenderers to price the same scope, and can be used to value Progress Claims and Variations during construction.

Services Distribution - Ducts, pipes and cables associated with building services systems

Single Line Diagrams/Schematics - Non-location specific drawings illustrating building services systems, components and interconnections

Site - he land, building and other places made available by the Client, where the Contract Works are to be carried out.

Specification - A written document describing the materials, workmanship standards, and performance requirements (which focus on the outcomes rather than the characteristics of the components) required in the Contract Works

Stakeholder - An individual, group, or organisation which has an interest or may be affected by the project.

Supports and seismic bracing - Gravity and seismic supports and lateral bracing for Services Distribution and Containment Networks

Tags - Anything identified in a Tender submission that departs from or clarifies items contained in the Tender documents

Temporary Works - The provision, operation and maintenance of temporary facilities necessary for the Contractor’s Site operations, and preparatory or enabling works not forming part of the permanent Contract Works.

Tender - A formal offer, including price, required information, and tags, to provide a Consultant service or construct a building

Tender Estimate - The estimate of cost of the Works based on the Tender documentation that is used to inform the Client of the likely Tender price and evaluate the tender prices submitted

Tendering - The processes undertaken to competitively procure a Construction Contract or Consultants’ services

Territorial Authority (TA) - A city council or district council under the Local Government Act 2002

Utilities - Externally provided water (potable, storm and sewage), power, gas and communications.

Value Engineering - The organised approach to providing a building that complies with the project requirements at the lowest cost.

Value Management - The process of making explicit the project requirements, and appraising the design against them

Variation - A change to a Construction Contract or Consultant’s service. A variation may be a change to contract conditions, scope or timing which may or may not have cost implications

Zones - The areas or coverage of building services systems broken down across an entire building


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: To proceed with Project Establishment activities.

Client Information: Provide information that the Client holds regarding the site and project vision

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Consider report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include SubContractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Consider report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing risks, prepare preliminary assessment

Other: (specify)


Quality Assurance: Prepare project specific QA plan.

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with Programme requirements, prepare design programme if required

Value Management (VM): Develop VM strategies for the project

Seismic Design: Confirm responsibility for seismic design across all disciplines

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, Programme, Progress, Cost, Risk, Non Conformances, etc.)

Collate: Relevant information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives.

Stakeholders: Identify and confirm handover data requirements and format

BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Prepare preliminary.

Common Data Environment (CDE): Specify Client preferences, confirm if for design phase only or entire project

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD: Define ESD objectives.


Resource Consent: Consider project requirements

Town planning and associated legislation: Investigate planning controls, consult with Territorial Authority as appropriate

Heritage: Identify scheduling with TA or Heritage NZ

Urban design: Consider urban design requirements with TA including possible liaison with Urban Design Panel.

Compliance: Consider compliance strategies for the project

H1 Energy efficiency: Confirm responsibilities for H1 documentation.

Other: (specify)


Health and Safety: Prepare overall project H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSW matters

Brief: Prepare stating objectives, scope and constraints including time and budget

Project Programme: Prepare showing high level timeline and milestones

Project Execution Plan: Prepare and consult with others, finalise and issue. Include requirements for management 'platform', e.g. Aconex

Team: Identify necessary consultants, and scope including areas of work to be undertaken by Design Build, ESD Leader/Consultant and BIM Manager.

Prequalify Design Team: Seek statements and review H&S policy and QA accreditation, experience, resource, capability, cost, BIM Assessment

BIM: Prepare Project BIM Brief confirming consultant BIM scope requirements

BIM manager: Identify requirement and engage for design stages required

Engage Design Team: Prepare and issue guidelines, agreements, insurance requirements, Producer Statement Authorship, BIM capability, etc

Insurances: Review and agree required project insurances (PI, PL, Construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

Survey: Identify requirements – topographical, civil, geotechnical, existing building drawings, hazards, as built, hydrological, heritage, etc

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD): Outline ESD options with Client (i.e. NZBC, Homestar™, Green Star etc.)

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, issue notes, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, issue notes, attend

Stakeholders and User Groups: Consider engagement

Risks: Prepare schedule

Budget / Cost Planning: Seek out high level budget estimates to inform project feasibility and constraints

Resource and Building Consents: Identify outline requirements

Building Code Compliance: Who is providing what

Elements not covered: In this stage

Provide deliverables: From this stage for commencement of next stage

Other: (specify)Other: (specify)


Design Process: Agree the structure of the design process.

Brief: Obtain brief requirements from Client

Site: Assist Client with site selection

Other: (specify)


Due Diligence: Identify any previous history or work documented to date. Oversee initial appraisal, market analysis etc.

Feasibility: Prepare the project feasibility/viability, business case

Other: (specify)


Brief: Consider requirements for importance levels, seismic requirements, special loads, geotechnical issues or other

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: Of previous stage information, documentation, updated programme and budget. List matters from previous stage to be addressed in current stage.

Documentation: From previous stage that forms the basis of the ongoing design.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Prepare report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include Subcontractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Prepare report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Health and Safety at Work: Workshop and coordinate H&S report with team

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing risks, finalise assessment and actions

Existing Conditions/Materials: Verify risks closed out

Other: (specify)


Comply: Proactively with H&S Plan, Project Execution Plan, BIM Execution Plan, and others as required

Quality Assurance: Prepare/update project-specific QA plan. Undertake work in accordance with.

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with programme requirements, prepare design programme if required

Documentation Register: Prepare and progressively update.

Value Management: Integrate VM items in design stage

Waste Management: Consider cleaning, refuse and recycling provisions with Client

Seismic Design: Consider for all elements across relevant disciplines

Drawn/modelled documentation: Prepare and issue progressively to others as agreed/required, resolve issues arising

Specifications and schedules: Consider and agree level of specification

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, programme, progress, cost, risk, non-conformances, etc

Collate: Design information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives.

Stakeholders: Identify and confirm handover data requirements and format.

Stakeholders: BIM introduction meeting, receive brief

BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Prepare preliminary BEP including schedule of phase by phase by type (model, drawing, schedule) and LOD (level of detail)

Technology and systems: Validate, establish connection to CDE, confirm communications protocols.

CDE: Implement for information and model sharing

BIM meetings: Chair.

Coordination: Manage and confirm in accordance with BEP

Coordinate/integrate: Input to models with team

Modelling: Consider design in accordance with BIM Execution Plan (BEP)

Other: (specify)


ESD: Consider and incorporate into design


Resource Consent: Confirm if required

Town Planning and associated Legislation: Prepare summary

Town Planning and associated Legislation: Include in design, liaise with Territorial and other Authorities as required

Heritage: Liaise with TA or Heritage NZ

Urban Design: Confirm urban design requirements with TA including possible liaison with Urban Design Panel

Urban Design: Discuss matters with Council Urban Design Team

Urban Design Panel: Prepare and make presentation

Resource Consent Submission: Prepare and lodge application with Territorial Authority

Compliance: Progressively check design against District Plans

Compliance: Consider compliance strategies for the project

Compliance: Consider design with NZ Building Code and relevant standards and Codes of Practice

Certificates of Public Use (CPU): Determine if required for existing buildings

Pre-Application: Establish liaison with TA.

H1 Energy efficiency: Consider compliance pathways, compliance of design

Other: (specify)


Health and Safety: Prepare/update project H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSAW matters.

Brief: Issue stating objectives, scope and constraints including time and budget

Legal Advice: Consult with Client’s legal advisor (if required)

Project Programme: Prepare/update high level design, procurement and delivery and milestones. Review progress

Design Programme: Develop and align with the overall project programme. Include dates and scope of all deliverables

Project Execution Plan: Prepare/update and consult with others, finalise and issue. Include requirement for management ‘platform’, e.g. aconex

Team: Identify necessary consultants and scope, including areas of work to be undertaken by Design Build, ESD leader/consultant and BIM Manager

Prequalify Design Team: Seek statements and review H&S policy and QA accreditation, PI, experience, resource, capability, cost, BIM Assessment

BIM: Confirm Consultant BIM scope requirements

BIM manager: Identify and engage for design stages required

BIM capability: Prepare assessment for consultant selection/engagement documents

BIM requirements: Confirm BIM contractual matters for consultant engagements

Roles: Identify responsibility for dimensional control, coordination, design management

Engage Design Team: Prepare and issue guidelines, agreements, insurance requirements, producer statement authorship, BIM capability, etc.

Insurances: Review and agree required project insurances (PI, PL, construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

Survey: Identify/commission - topographical, civil, geotechnical, existing building drawings, hazards, as built, hydrological, heritage, etc

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD): Discuss and agree ESD requirements with Client. Draft scheme (i.e. NZBC, Homestar™, Green Star etc.) and level of compliance. Register project. Brief Team

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Stakeholders and User Groups: Identify channels, commence consultation, facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Tenants: Identify channels, brief, consult, facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Risk: Prepare/update schedule. Apply risk/opportunities management principles.

Budget / Cost Planning: Manage the cost consultant to provide estimates/reports

Value Management: Facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Resource and Building Consents: Identify channels, commence consultation, facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Checklist for Building Code Compliance: Clarify who is providing what

Contractor Procurement: Outline options for Client consideration

Elements not covered: In this stage

Approve Design: For progress to next stage, with list of matters to be addressed in next stage

Provide deliverables: From this stage for commencement of next stage

Other: (specify)


Brief: Analyse against constraints

Site Inspection: Visit site, prepare site analysis diagrams, environmental and context studies

Site Encumbrances: Identify potential impact on the project, review with the Client. Resolve to a concept level. Liaise with specialists (if required)

Site Information: Additional information obtained (if required)

Bulk and Location Study: Prepare and document, including site/context influences, massing, circulation

Design Concept: Prepare, architectural bulk and location

Structure: Consider concept options and include in design

Building Services: Consider concept options and include in design

Vertical Transportation: Consider options, include in design

Fire: Consider concepts and principles of fire protection, egress and NZFS access.

Accessibility and facilities for people with disabilities: Consider and incorporate requirements

Floor Areas/Schedule of accommodation: Schedule/update based on current drawings/model

Materials: Consider concept finishes

Presentation: Prepare graphics to standard agreed.

Presentation: Prepare model(s)

Marketing Material: Review design with Client’s marketing/real estate advisors, including plan for presentation materials

Other: (specify)


Due Diligence: Identify any previous history or work documented to date. Oversee initial appraisal, market analysis etc

Feasibility: Prepare/update the project feasibility/viability business case

Cost estimate: Prepare project budget

Cost estimate: Prepare concept estimate

Coordinate: Cost matters, including pricing of alternatives, with other disciplines.

Other: (specify)


Brief: Review/recommend importance levels, seismic requirements, special loads, geotechnical issues, etc

Existing Structure: Survey, assess and report including seismic matters

Geotechnical: Summarise available information, advise further investigation required, provide initial recommendations on foundations systems, siting, basements and retaining

Drawings: Sketch plans of primary structural systems marked up on architectural drawings

Report: Structural concept design brief, key risks and assumptions, key issues and options considered

Other: (specify)

Building Services

Note: Activities in this section may apply to all services disciplines

Brief: Review/recommend Client requirements regarding efficiency, ESD

Functional services brief: Establish design criteria, including systems concepts, reliability, redundancy options and recommendations, hazardous area classifications (as appropriate), and special requirements

Load: Estimate assessments based on overall areas

Energy efficiency: Review/recommend Client requirements regarding efficiency, ESD

Interface requirements: With existing buildings and equipment – consider.

Design: Sketch drawings (may comprise ‘marked-up’ architectural drawings) including preliminary plant room requirements and services routes

Diagrams: Concept schematics to convey design options.

Authorities/Utilities: Establish contact with network authorities and identify applicable codes and standards

Utilities/Connections: Identify utility connections, including existing

Distribution: Consider space allocation for major services distribution and containment networks (ducts, cables, pipes, cable trays) including access and maintenance

Fire, Acoustics, Other: Incorporate preliminary requirements of the fire, acoustic, or other disciplines

Other: (specify)


Design criteria: Establish for fire engineering design, i.e. either acceptable solution or alternative solution

Fire Engineering Brief: Prepare draft, including definition of fire safety precautions, fire resistance ratings, egress principles, and property protection

Fire Report: Prepare concept fire engineering design report

Smoke production/extract: Preliminary guidance

New Zealand Fire Service: Establish contacts and liaison process

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: Of previous stage, design documentation, updated programme and cost plan. List matters from previous stage to be addressed in current stage

Documentation: From previous stage that forms the basis of the ongoing design

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include Subcontractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Health and Safety at Work: Workshop and coordinate H&S report with team

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing risks, finalise assessment and actions

Existing Conditions/Materials: Verify and advise risks closed out

Other: (specify)


Comply: Proactively with H&S Plan, Project Execution Plan, BIM Execution Plan, and others as required

Quality Assurance: Prepare/update project-specific QA plan. Undertake work in accordance with.

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with programme requirements, prepare design programme if required

Documentation Register: Prepare and progressively update

Value Management: Integrate VM items in design stage

Waste Management: Incorporate preliminary cleaning, refuse and recycling provisions with Clien

Seismic Design: Consider for all elements across relevant disciplines.

Construction methodology: Confirm assumed construction methodology governing design

Buildability: Highlight significant or unusual buildability

Drawn/modelled documentation: Prepare and issue progressively to others as agreed/required

Coordinate: Lead coordination with other disciplines

integrate design: Coordinate with other disciplines

Specifications and schedules: Prepare outline and issue progressively

Warranties: Consider warranty requirements

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, programme, progress, cost, risk, non-conformances, etc

Collate: Design information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives.

Stakeholders: Identify and confirm handover data requirements and format

Stakeholders: Finalise brief

Deliverables: Finalise schedule of phase by phase by type (model, drawing, schedule) and LOD (level of detail)

BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Finalise

CDE: Implement for information and model sharing

BIM meetings: Chair.

Coordination: Manage and confirm in accordance with BEP.

Coordinate/integrate: Input to models with team

BIM outputs: Confirm alignment with selected BIM uses from BEP

Modelling: Model preliminary design elements and systems in accordance with BEP

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD: Consider and incorporate into design

Performance modelling: Undertaken, options considered and retested, reported

Other: (specify)


Resource Consent: Confirm if required

Town Planning and associated Legislation: Include in design, liaise with Territorial and other Authorities as required

Heritage: Discuss and agree design with TA or Heritage NZ if any, receive formal approval

Urban design: Liaise with TA

Urban design: Discuss and agree matters with Council Urban Design Team

Urban design Panel: Prepare and make presentation incorporating feedback as appropriate

Resource Consent Application: Prepare and lodge application with Territorial Authority

Resource Consent Processing: Answer queries arising from application, provide further information if requested. Comment on consent conditions prior to acceptance.

Resource Consent: Receive, review and distribute consent including conditions.

Compliance: Progressively check design against resource consent including conditions

Compliance: Develop and agree compliance strategies for the project

Compliance: Progressively check design with NZBC and relevant standards and Codes of Practice

Certificates of Public Use (CPU): Determine if required for existing buildings

Pre-Application: Establish liaison with TA and agree pathways

H1 Energy efficiency: Confirm compliance pathway, input into design

Building Consent Forms including Checklist: Prepare

Other: (specify)


Health and Safety: Update overall project H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSAW matters

Brief: Monitor design for compliance with objectives, scope and constraints. Identify and mitigate scope creep

Legal Advice: Consult with Client's legal advisor (if required)

Project Programme: Prepare/update design, procurement and delivery and milestones. Review progress

Design Programme: Develop and align with the overall project programme. Include dates and scope of all deliverables

Project Execution Plan: Implement plan, track performance of team

Team: Identify further consultants required and scope, including areas of work to be undertaken by Design Build.

Pre-qualify Design Team: Seek statements and review H&S policy and QA accreditation, PI, experience, resource, capability, cost, BIM assessment

Roles: Identify responsibility for dimensional control, coordination, design management

Engage Design Team: Prepare and issue guidelines, agreements, insurance requirements, producer statement authorship, BIM capability, etc

Peer Reviews: Identify need and engage

Insurances: Review and agree required project insurances (PI, PL, construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

Survey: Identify/commission – topographical, civil, geotechnical, existing building drawings, hazards, as built, hydrological, heritage, etc

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD): Finalise scheme (i.e. NZBC, Homestar™, Green Star etc.) and level of compliance.

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Stakeholders and User Groups: Consult, facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Tenants: Identify channels, brief, consult, facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Risk: Update schedule. Apply risk/opportunities management principles

Budget / Cost Planning: Manage the cost consultant to provide estimates/reports

Value Management: Facilitate, establish timing, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Resource and Building Consents: Identify channels, commence consultation, facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Checklist for Building Code Compliance: Confirm who is providing what

Resource Consents: Assemble documents and make application

Resource Consents: Manage responses to queries arising

Contractor Procurement: Discuss option and confirm preferred procurement methodology and Form of Contract with Client

Elements not covered: In this stage

Approve Design: For progress to next stage, with list of matters to be addressed in next stage

Provide deliverables: From this stage for commencement of next stage

Other: (specify)


Brief: Analyse against constraints

Site Inspection: Visit site, prepare site analysis diagrams, environmental and context studies

Site Encumbrances: Identify potential impact on the project, review with the Client. Resolve to a concept level. Liaise with specialists (if required)

Site Information: Additional information obtained (if required)

Design: Prepare preliminary design plans, sections, elevations to scale. Preliminary grids, levels

Schedules: Preliminary fittings, fixtures, hardware selections, internal and external finishes

Structure: Consider/develop and incorporate preliminary options and include in design

Building Services: Consider/develop and incorporate concept options and include in design

Vertical Transportation: Select preferred option for number, size and speed, include in design

Facade: Consider and evaluate options for façade, consider compliance with Code requirements, coordinate with relevant consultants

Thermal Envelope: Consider and evaluate options for thermal envelope, consider compliance with Code requirements, select preferred

Fire: Evaluate concepts and accommodate preferred/recommended fire protection and egress requirements. Integrate requirements of NZ Fire Service

Fire and Egress: Incorporate requirements from acceptable solution or specific design

Accessibility and facilities for people with disabilities: Consider and incorporate requirements

Building Maintenance: Consider options, receive Client approval, integrate in design

Floor Areas/Schedule of accommodation: Schedule/update based on current drawings/model

Materials: Prepare preliminary/finishes schedule(s), consider durability and ESD matters

Fixtures and Fittings: Make initial selections, discuss with Client and revise, prepare schedule

Presentation: Prepare materials/samples board(s)

Presentation: Prepare graphics to standard agreed

Presentation: Prepare model(s)

Marketing Material: Review/finalise design with Client’s marketing/real estate advisors, including plan for presentation materials

Other: (specify)


Due Diligence: Identify any previous history or work documented to date. Oversee initial appraisal, market analysis etc

Feasibility: Update the project feasibility/viability business case

Cost estimate: Prepare preliminary estimate of cost

Cost Plan: Prepare cost plan. Review against budget. Identify provisional items, contingency and exclusions.

Coordinate: Cost matters, including alternatives, with other disciplines

Other: (specify)


Brief: Review/recommend and incorporate importance levels, seismic requirements, geotechnical issues, special loads, etc

Existing Structure: Survey, assess and report including seismic and geotechnical matters consider remedial options

Geotechnical: Complete investigations, and issue draft factual and interpretive reports, confirm geotechnical hazards, design criteria, consider foundation, retaining wall, basement, site remediation and drainage options

Geotechnical: Based on reports, consider and input into basement drainage options.

Structural Design: Preliminary sizing of all primary and typical secondary members

Serviceability Criteria: Provide preliminary building movements/deflections, vibration

Loads: Preliminary floor loads, high/special load areas, design loads for proprietary design elements

Proprietary Design: Consider elements of non-specific code and/or proprietary design

Drawings: Plans of primary structural systems, including preliminary sizing

Report: Update including structural design brief, key risks and assumptions, key issues and options recommended

Erection/construction: Consider methodology governing design (where appropriate), build-ability of primary structure, unusual temporary stability or sequencing

Specification: Outline preliminary materials, durability/coatings and serviceability, coordinate surface finishes

Other: (specify)

Building Services

Note: Activities in this section may apply to all services disciplines

Brief: Review/recommend and confirm Client requirements regarding efficiency, ESD, operational descriptions

Functional services brief: Develop approved design criteria and develop, including systems concepts, reliability and redundancy options and recommendations, hazardous area classifications (as appropriate), and special requirements

Load: Preliminary assessments on area by area basis

Energy efficiency: Review/recommend and confirm Client requirements regarding efficiency, ESD, operational descriptions. Prepare preliminary analysis, consider in design

Interface matrix: Prepare preliminary matrix outlining demarcation between services

Interface requirements: Identify interfaces with existing buildings and equipment – develop

Zones: Prepare preliminary zoning for all services

Design: Drawings outlining services concepts, including plant rooms, (including maintenance and access requirements), risers, and primary services routes, typical area equipment layouts

Diagrams: Single line diagrams and schematics showing connections to major equipment (equipment, cables, pipes, ducts, circuit breakers unsized)

Utilities/Connections: Assess supply utility requirements. Prepare connection/installation strategy.

Equipment: Advise preliminary sizing and generic selection, draft schedules

Distribution: Advise preliminary sizes for services distribution and containment networks (ducts, cables, pipes, cable trays) including access and maintenance

Intake/discharge: Assess approximate size locations and separations with respect to location of system and equipment

Standby power: Consider requirements

Emergency lighting: Concept

Earthing and surge protection: Consider specific lightning protection requirements

Incorporate requirements: Of the fire, acoustic, or other relevant disciplines

Other: (specify)


Design criteria: Confirm for fire engineering design, i.e. either acceptable solution or alternative solution

Fire Engineering Brief: Confirm including definition of fire safety precautions, fire resistance ratings, egress principles, and property protection

Fire Report: Prepare develop fire engineering design report, coordinate

Interface: Prepare concept requirements with existing buildings and equipment

Calculations: Undertake design modelling to test concepts including radiation at boundaries, structural behaviour, smoke generation, escape times, etc

Egress: Analyse including required egress time and available egress time (if applicable). Confirm escape route requirements and dimensions.

Smoke Extract: Prepare extract strategy and coordinate with mechanical.

Building Services: Input into and expand the services concepts

Drawings: Locate fire cells, fire ratings and escape routes, evacuation zones (if applicable)

Coordinate documentation: Mark up other disciplines' drawings showing fire ratings, egress routes and widths, special items, major plant and connections

Structural behaviour in fire: Analyse and identify/coordinate methodology for applied fire proofing of structure in conjunction with architect and structural engineer

Radiation to boundary: Preliminary guidance

Smoke production/extract: Preliminary calculations

New Zealand Fire Service: Meet and discuss preliminary fire safety provisions under the NZBC clause C3.3.9. Liaise with design team as to requirements

New Zealand Fire Service: Meet and discuss with evacuation scheme provider preliminary evacuation scheme

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: Of previous stage, design documentation, updated programme and cost plan. List matters from previous stage to be addressed in current stage

Documentation: From previous stage that forms the basis of the ongoing design

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include Subcontractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Health and Safety at Work: Workshop and coordinate H&S report with team

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing risks, finalise assessment and actions

Existing Conditions/Materials: Verify and advise risks closed out

Other: (specify)


Comply: Proactively with H&S Plan, Project Execution Plan, BIM Management Plan, and others as required

Quality Assurance: Update project-specific QA plan. Undertake work in accordance with

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with programme requirements, update design programme if required

Documentation Register: Prepare and progressively update

Value Management: Integrate VM items in design stage

Waste Management: Confirm cleaning, refuse and recycling provisions with Client

Seismic Design: Consider for all elements across relevant disciplines

Construction methodology: Confirm assumed construction methodology governing design

Buildability: Highlight significant or unusual buildability.

Builders Work: Coordinate with design team and incorporate

Drawn/modelled documentation: Prepare and issue progressively to others as agreed/required

Coordinate: Lead coordination with other disciplines

Integrate design: Coordinate with other disciplines

Specifications and schedules: Revise outline and issue progressively.

Contractor/subcontractor design: Identify performance specifications required

Warranties: Prepare draft schedule

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, programme, progress, cost, risk, non-conformances, etc

Collate: Design information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives

BIM meetings: Chair

Coordination: Manage and confirm in accordance with BEP

Coordinate/integrate: Input to models with team

Contractor BIM: Identify preliminary requirements to meet Client BIM outcomes

BIM outputs: Confirm alignment with selected BIM uses from BEP

Modelling: Model developed design systems and elements, in accordance with the BEP

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD: Incorporate into design

Performance modelling: Selected systems remodelled based on finalised layouts to confirm performance

Other: (specify)


Heritage: Discuss and agree design with TA or Heritage NZ if any, receive formal approval

Town Planning and associated Legislation: Include in design, liaise with Territorial and other Authorities as required

Urban design: Discuss and agree matters with Council Urban Design

Urban design Panel: Prepare and make presentation incorporating feedback

Resource Consent Application: Prepare and lodge application with Territorial Authority

Resource Consent Processing: Answer queries arising from application, provide further information if requested

Resource Consent: Receive, review and distribute consent including conditions

Compliance: Progressively check design against resource consent including conditions

Compliance: Agree compliance strategies for the project

Compliance: Progressively check design with NZBC and relevant standards and Codes of Practice

Pre-Application: Establish liaison with TA and agree pathways. Seek and receive approvals for interpretations

Producer statements etc.: Agree requirements

Inspection of specific design: Specify inspection requirements

H1 Energy efficiency: Using compliance pathway, input into design

Building Consent Application: Prepare and lodge application with Territorial Authority

Building Consent Forms including Checklist: Prepare

Materials/Products: Collate technical statements for all

Materials: Collate evidence for alternative solutions

Specified systems: Identify, locate, advise performance standards and inspection, maintenance and reporting requirements

QA process: Agree inspection and reporting QA process for large/complex/reclad projects

Coordination statements: Arrange between various designers and design reviewers

Building Consent Processing: Answer queries arising from application, provide further information if requested

Other: (specify)


Health and Safety: Monitor H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSAW matters

Brief: Monitor design for compliance with objectives, scope and constraints. Identify and mitigate scope creep

Project Programme: Update high level design, procurement and delivery and milestones. Review progress

Design Programme: Develop and align with the overall project programme. Include dates and scope of all deliverables

Project Execution Plan: Implement plan, track performance of team

Team: Identify areas of work to be undertaken by Design Build

Novation: Consider novation of consultants, prepare agreements

Engage Design Team: Prepare and issue guidelines, agreements, insurance requirements, producer statement authorship, BIM capability, etc

Peer Reviews and Producer Statements: Identify requirements and engage

Commissioning: Identify and report all commissioning requirements and activities including need for independent commissioning

Insurances: Review and agree required project insurances (PI, PL, construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

Survey: Identify/commission – topographical, civil, geotechnical, existing building drawings, hazards, as built, hydrological, heritage, etc

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD): Monitor the inclusion of ESD items into the design

ESD Application: Assemble all information and prepare application

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Stakeholders and User Groups: Consult, facilitate, chair, minute, issue notes, attend

Tenants: Identify channels, brief, consult, facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend. Coordinate design changes arising and mitigate effects on programme and scope

Tenant furniture and equipment: Identify and integrate including interfaces with base build

Risk: Update schedule. Apply risk/opportunities management principles.

Budget / Cost Planning: Manage the cost consultant to provide estimates/reports

Value Management: Facilitate, establish timing, chair, issue notes, minute, attend.

Resource and Building Consents: Identify channels, commence consultation, facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Checklist for Building Code Compliance: Confirm who is providing what

Building Consent: Arrange and attend pre-application meeting, issue notes, minute

Resource and Building Consents: Assemble documents and make application

Resource and Building Consents: Manage responses to queries arising

Contractor Procurement: Confirm preferred procurement methodology and form of contract with Client

Form of construction contract: Consider and discuss forms of contract

Special Conditions of Contract: Discuss with Client

Insurances, Bonds, Liquidated Damages: Discuss and agree with Client, incorporate

Elements not covered: In this stage. Consider provisional and prime cost sums, contingency to capture

Approve Design: For progress to next stage, with list of matters to be addressed in next stage

Provide deliverables: From this stage for commencement of next stage

Other: (specify)


Site Information: Additional information obtained (if required)

Design: Develop plans, sections, elevations, enlarged plans and sections, all to scale. Finalise grids, levels

Schedules: Finalise fittings, fixtures, hardware selections, internal and external finishes

Design Details: Typical construction details, to scale

Structure: Integrate in design

Building Services: Integrate in design

Vertical Transportation: Develop, include in design

Façade: Develop option for façade, consider compliance with Code requirements, coordinate with relevant consultants

Thermal Envelope: Develop preferred option for thermal envelope, consider compliance with Code requirements

Fire: Evaluate concepts and accommodate preferred/recommended fire protection and egress requirements. Integrate requirements of NZ Fire Service

Fire and Egress: Incorporate requirements from acceptable solution or specific design

Accessibility and facilities for people with disabilities: Develop design of requirements, resolve compliance matters, demonstrate

Building Maintenance: Consider options, receive Client approval, integrate in design

Floor Areas/Schedule of accommodation: Schedule/update based on current drawings/model

Materials: Develop finishes schedule(s), incorporate durability and ESD matters

Fixtures and Fittings: Confirm selections, revise schedule

Presentation: Prepare/revise materials/samples board(s)

Presentation: Prepare graphics to standard agreed

Presentation: Prepare model(s)

Marketing Material: Finalise design with Client’s marketing/real estate advisors, including plan for presentation materials

Other: (specify)


Feasibility: Update the project feasibility/viability business case

Cost Plan: Update cost plan. Review against budget. Identify provisional items, contingency and exclusions

Cost Estimate: Update preliminary estimate

Coordinate: Cost matters, including alternatives, with other disciplines

Other: (specify)


Brief: Incorporate importance levels, seismic requirements, special loads, geotechnical issues, etc

Existing Structure: Report including seismic and geotechnical matters recommend remedial action

Geotechnical: Issue final factual and interpretive reports, using design criteria develop foundation

retaining wall, basement, site remediation and drainage design

Geotechnical: Consider and input into basement drainage options

Structural Design: Confirm sizes of all primary and typical secondary members, input into architectural elements.

Serviceability Criteria: Update building movements/deflections, vibration

Loads: Finalise floor loads, high/special load areas, design loads for proprietary design elements

Proprietary Design: Identify elements of non-specific code and/or proprietary design

Drawings: Layout and size all primary and secondary members, reinforcing as kg/m3 , generic details including connections for typical primary elements and façade support

Report: Update including key risks and assumptions, issues and options, high cost/complex elements, define proprietary design items (e.g. precast flooring, piling), identify elements requiring applied fire protection

Erection/construction: Confirm methodology governing design (where appropriate), build-ability of primary structure, unusual temporary stability or sequencing

Specification: Outline final materials, durability/coatings and serviceability, coordinate surface finishes

Other: (specify)

Building Services

Note: Activities in this section may apply to all services disciplines

Functional services brief: Finalise performance targets against design criteria

Load: Calculate and develop elemental assessments and profiles

Energy efficiency: Develop analysis, confirm performance against target rating, integrate in design

Interface matrix: Finalise building services interface matrix

Interface requirements: Finalise interface with existing buildings and equipment – develop

Zones: Develop zoning plans for all services

Design: Developed drawings (sections as necessary) indicating finalised plant room locations, risers and service routes, initial reflected ceiling plans

Diagrams: Developed single line diagrams and schematics showing connections to all equipment (equipment, cables, pipes, ducts, circuit breakers all sized)

Utilities/Connections: Finalise utility connections/installations and liaise with local authorities

Equipment: Confirm sizing and generic selection, develop schedules

Materials and Equipment: Prepare preliminary schedule(s)

Distribution: Confirm sizes for services distribution and containment networks (ducts, cables, pipes, cable trays) including allowance for access and maintenance

Intake/discharge: Confirm with respect to location of system and equipment

Standby power: Develop requirements

Emergency lighting: Develop concept

Earthing and surge protection: Develop specific lightning protection requirements

Incorporate requirements: Of the fire, acoustic, or other relevant. Report

Other: (specify)


Fire Report: Prepare develop fire engineering design report, coordinate and review consultants design with regard to

Interface requirements: With existing buildings and equipment, and with other disciplines.

Calculations: Develop design modelling to test agreed concept including radiation at boundaries, structural behaviour, smoke generation, escape times, etc

Egress: Confirm including required egress time and available egress time (if applicable). Confirm escape route requirements, dimensions signage

Smoke and Extract: Finalise extract strategy and coordinate with mechanical

Building Services: Develop in conjunction with the services concepts

Drawings: Showing fire ratings, locations of fire cells, fire separations, egress routes and sizes, fire doors, locations for exit signs, etc

Design Details: Input into initial typical and critical construction details

Coordinate documentation: Mark up other disciplines' drawings showing fire ratings, egress routes and widths, special items, major plant and connections

Structural behaviour in fire: Analyse and identify/coordinate methodology for applied fire proofing of structure in conjunction with architect and structural engineer

Radiation to boundary: Finalise calculations

Smoke production/extract: Finalise calculations

New Zealand Fire Service: Meet and confirm fire safety provisions under the NZBC clause C3.3.9. Liaise with design team as to requirements

New Zealand Fire Service: Meet and confirm with evacuation scheme provider developed evacuation scheme. Liaise with design team as to requirements

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: Of previous stage, design documentation, updated programme and cost plan. List matters from previous stage to be addressed in current stage

Documentation: From previous stage that forms the basis of the ongoing design

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include Subcontractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Health and Safety at Work: Workshop and Coordinate H&S report with team

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing risks, finalise assessment and actions

Existing Conditions/Materials: Verify and advise risks closed out

Other: (specify)


Comply: Proactively with H&S Plan, Project Execution Plan, BIM Management Plan, and others as required

Quality Assurance: Update project-specific QA plan. Undertake work in accordance with

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with programme requirements, update design programme if required

Documentation Register: Prepare and progressively update

Value Management: Integrate VM items in design stage

Waste Management: Document cleaning, refuse and recycling provisions with Client

Seismic Design: Document requirements for all elements across relevant disciplines

Construction methodology: Confirm assumed construction methodology governing design

Buildability: Highlight significant or unusual buildability

Builders Work: Coordinate with design team and incorporate

Drawn/modelled documentation: Finalise and issue progressively to others as agreed/required

Coordinate: Lead Coordination with other disciplines

Integrate design: Coordinate with other disciplines

Specifications and schedules: Finalise Full Trade, including Provisional and General, Warranties, etc

Contractor/subcontractor design: Prepare performance specifications required

Warranties: Finalise schedule

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, programme, progress, cost, risk, non-conformances, etc

Collate: Design information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives

BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Prepare for construction phase in consultation with sub trades

BIM meetings: Chair

Coordination: Manage and confirm in accordance with BEP

Coordinate/integrate: Input to models with team

Contractor BIM: Finalise and document requirements to meet Client BIM outcomes

BIM outputs: Confirm alignment with selected BIM uses from BEP, including procurement documents

Modelling: Model detailed design systems and elements, in accordance with BEP

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD: Incorporate into design

Performance modelling: Update, if required, based on development design outputs

Other: (specify)


Heritage: Document agreed design and receive approvals

Resource Consent Processing: Answer queries arising from application, provide further information if requested

Resource Consent: Receive, review and distribute consent including conditions

Compliance: Integrate and progressively check design against resource consent including conditions

Compliance: Integrate and progressively check design with NZBC and relevant standards and Codes of Practice.

Pre-Application: Arrange/attend pre-application meeting

Producer statements etc.: Agree requirements. Obtain pre-construction producer statements

Inspection of specific design: Specify inspection requirements

H1 Energy efficiency: Demonstrate/calculate compliance pathway for design

Building Consent Application: Prepare and lodge with Territorial Authority

Building Consent Forms including Checklist: Prepare

Materials/Products: Collate technical statements for all

Materials: Collate evidence for alternative solutions

QA process: Agree inspection and reporting QA process for large/complex/reclad projects.

Coordination statements: Arrange between various designers and design reviewers

Building Consent Processing: Answer queries arising from application, provide further information if requested

Other: (specify)


Health and Safety: Monitor H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSAW matters

Brief: Monitor design for compliance with objectives, scope and constraints. Identify and mitigate scope creep

Project Programme: Update high level design, procurement and delivery and milestones. Review progress

Design Programme: Develop and align with the overall project programme. Include dates and scope of all deliverables

Project Execution Plan: Implement plan, track performance of team

Team: Identify scope of work to be undertaken by Design Build

Novation: Manage novation of consultants, prepare agreements

Review Design Build Team/subcontractors: Review scope, insurance requirements, producer statement authorship, BIM capability, etc

Peer Reviews and Producer Statements: Track inputs and align with programme.

Commissioning: Identify and report all commissioning requirements and activities including need for independent commissioning

Commissioning: Consider and prepare schedule of items

Insurances: Review and agree required project insurances (PI, PL, construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

Survey: Identify/commission – topographical, civil, geotechnical, existing building drawings, hazards, as built, hydrological, heritage, etc

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD): Monitor the inclusion of ESD items into the design

ESD Application: Assemble all information and prepare application. Duplicate of ESD section of document

ESD Certification: Receive (design) Certification and distribute

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, note, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, note, attend.

Stakeholders and User Groups: Coordinate design changes arising and mitigate effects on programme and scope

Tenants: Coordinate final design with base build. Consider sectional completion for early handover

Tenant furniture and equipment: Integrate including interfaces with base build. Coordinate design changes arising and mitigate effects on programmer and scope

Risk: Update schedule. Apply risk/opportunities management principles

Budget / Cost Planning: Manage the cost consultant to provide estimates/reports

Value Management: Facilitate, establish timing, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Building Consents: Consult, facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend.

Checklist for Building Code Compliance: Record who is providing what

Building Consent Pre-Application: Meeting to finalise consenting requirements and processes, issue notes, minute

Resource and Building Consents: Assemble documents and make application

Resource and Building Consents: Manage responses to queries arising

Contractor Procurement: Prepare procurement documentation

Form of construction contract: Consider and discuss forms of contract.

Special Conditions of Contract: Discuss and agree with Client, incorporate into procurement documentation

Insurances, Bonds, Liquidated Damages: Discuss and agree with dlient, incorporate into procurement documentation

Nominated/ subcontractors and suppliers: Review and agree required with Client

Elements not covered: In this stage. Recommend provisional and prime cost sums, Client supply items, contingency to capture. Receive Client approval. Include in tender

Approve Design: For progress to next stage, with list of matters to be addressed in next stage

Provide deliverables: From this stage for commencement of next stage

Other: (specify)


Site Information: Additional information obtained (if required)

Design: Finalise set out plans, floor and RCP plans, sections, elevations, fittings and fixtures locations, enlarged plans and sections, construction types and systems, drawn schedules

Schedules: Document fittings, fixtures, hardware selections, internal and external finishes

Design Details: Typical and critical construction details, to scale

Structure: Integrate in design

Building Services: Integrate in design

Vertical Transportation: Document in design

Facade: Detail façade type in consultation with specialist (if required); select glazing and cladding, confirm against requirements of authorities

Thermal Envelope: Detail thermal envelope, consider compliance with Code requirements

Fire: Integrate in design fire protection and egress requirements, and requirements of NZ Fire Service

Fire and Egress: Integrate from acceptable solution or specific design

Accessibility and facilities for people with disabilities: Detail design of requirements, resolve compliance matters, demonstrate

Building Maintenance: Detail in design, Coordinate with structure

Floor Areas/Schedule of accommodation: Schedule/update based on current drawings/model

Materials: Detail finishes schedule(s), incorporate supplier details

Fixtures and Fittings: Document final selections, schedule

Presentation: Finalise materials/samples board(s)

Presentation: Prepare graphics to standard agreed

Presentation: Prepare model(s)

Other: (specify)


Feasibility: Update the project feasibility/viability business case

Cost Plan: Update cost plan. Review against budget. Finalise provisional items, contingency and exclusions

Cost estimate: Prepare firm estimate of cost.

Elements not covered: List and recommend inclusion as provisional or prime cost sums. Recommend contingency. Finalise and incorporate. Confirm Client supply items

Coordinate: Cost matters, including alternatives, with other disciplines

Other: (specify)


Brief: Document importance levels, seismic requirements, special loads, geotechnical issues, etc

Existing Structure: Finalise including seismic and remedial action. Integrate into design

Geotechnical: Review foundation, retaining wall, drainage design

Geotechnical: Finalise basement drainage design

Structural Design: Complete for all structural elements, including connection details

Serviceability Criteria: Define building movements/deflections, vibration

Loads: Document floor loads, high/special load areas, design loads for proprietary design elements

Proprietary Design: Finalise elements of non-specific code and/or proprietary design

Drawings: Document layout and size all primary and secondary members in plan section and elevation, cross referenced. Connections detail for all elements, or reference standard industry details (e.g. HERA details) or specifying forces for proprietary systems

Report: Design features explaining structural systems, load paths, design standards, key design parameters and assumptions

Erection/construction: Finalise methodology governing design (where appropriate), build-ability of primary structure, unusual temporary stability or sequencing

Specification: Trades including performance specification for proprietary design elements, method statements for critical processes, loads for proprietary non-structural elements, deliverables from Contractor (e.g. producer statements, shop drawings, and testing requirements), durability/coating requirements where not addressed other disciplines, tolerances where different from industry standards

Other: (specify)

Building Services

Note: Activities in this section may apply to all services disciplines

Functional services brief: Document performance targets against design criteria

Load: Finalise calculations and develop elemental assessments

Interface matrix: Document finalised interface matrix

Interface requirements: Document interface with existing buildings and equipment

Zones: Finalise zoning plans for all services

Design: Completed layout drawings defining requirements for services, including plans, elevations, and sections, Coordinated reflected ceiling plans

Diagrams: Finalised single line and schematic diagrams showing connections to all equipment (ducts, pipes, cables, breakers sized)

Utilities/Connections: Document utility connections/installations and liaise with local authorities

Equipment: Finalise sizing generic selection and schedules

Materials and Equipment: Prepare final schedule(s)

Distribution: Detail sizes for services distribution and containment networks (ducts, cables, pipes, cable trays) including mounting access and maintenance

Intake/discharge: Detail with respect to location of system and equipment

Standby power: Finalise and document

Emergency lighting: Finalise

Earthing and surge protection: Document specific lightning protection requirements

Incorporate requirements: Of the fire, acoustic, or other relevant report

Other: (specify)


Fire Report: Prepare, develop fire engineering design report

Interface requirements: With existing buildings and equipment, and with other disciplines

Calculations: Develop design modelling to test agreed concept, including radiation at boundaries, structural behaviour, smoke generation, escape times, etc., to demonstrate compliance

Smoke and Extract: Document extract strategy and Coordinate with mechanical

Building Services: Coordinate with the final services design

Drawings: Defining and justifying fire engineering requirements including calculations, plans and sections

Design Details: Input into initial typical and critical construction details

Coordinate documentation: Mark up other disciplines' drawings showing fire ratings, egress routes and widths, special items, major plant and connections

Detailed check: Of other discipline documentation to confirm that fire engineering features have been correctly and fully incorporated

Structural behaviour in fire: Finalise applied fire proofing of structure in conjunction with architect and structural engineer.

New Zealand Fire Service: Verify safety provisions under the NZBC clause C3.3.9 included in design team documentation

New Zealand Fire Service: Finalise evacuation scheme. Liaise and verify with design team as to requirements

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: Of previous stage design documentation, updated programme and cost plan. List matters from previous stage to be addressed in current stage.

Documentation: From previous stage that forms the basis of the ongoing design

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during occupation, use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include Subcontractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Health and Safety at Work: Workshop and coordinate H&S report with team

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing risks, finalise assessment and actions

Existing Conditions/Materials: Verify and advise risks closed out

Welfare Facilities: Include in tender adequate welfare facilities for the construction personal and site visitors.

Public Safety: Include in Tender to provide plan to reasonably manage risk to the public during construction

Contract Work Programme: Include in tender to provide Plan to proactively manage Health and Safety in construction risks

Issue Reports: By discipline, for the Client to issue to tenderers/contractor, including separate/nominated/(sub)contractors

Other: (specify)


Comply: Proactively with H&S Plan, Project Execution Plan, BIM Management Plan, and others as required

Quality Assurance: Update project-specific QA plan. Undertake work in accordance with

Contractor Quality Assurance: Contractor to provide and update as necessary after review and comment by Team

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with programme requirements, update design programme if required

Documentation Register: Prepare and progressively update

Value Management: Integrate accepted VM items identified during procurement process

Seismic Design: Include requirements for Contractor design of seismic restraints

Construction methodology: Include construction methodology in tender documentation

Buildability: Highlight significant or unusual buildability in tender documentation

Contract Documents: Update documents to incorporate tender clarifications

Builders' Work: Highlight requirements in tender documents

For Construction Documents: Update to 'For Construction' status and issue

Contractor/Subcontractor design: Include in tender performance specifications

Warranties: Include schedule in tender information

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, programme, progress, cost, risk, non-conformances, etc.)

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives

BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Review construction phase BEP aligned with design BEP

Technology and systems: Validate, establish connection to CDE, confirm communications protocols for construction stage team

BIM meetings: Chair

Coordination: Confirm level of coordination clash resolution required during construction design stage

Brief Contractor: On overall design BIM strategy and outputs

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD: Define and monitor Contractor input required in procurement documentation


Compliance: Issue resource consent including conditions to tenderers/Contractor

Compliance: Integrate resource and building consent requirements into tender documents

Consultant Engagement – Construction: Engage for site observation role per consent conditions

Building Consent Processing: Answer queries arising from application, provide further information if requested

Building Consent: Receive consent documents and distribute


Health and Safety: Monitor H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSAW matters. Include construction H&S matters

Legal Advice: Consult with Client's legal advisor (if required)

Project Programme: Update high level design, procurement and delivery and milestones. Review progress

Design Programme: Update and align with the construction programme. Include dates and scope of all deliverables

Tenderer's Programme: Review against project programme and revise as necessary

Project Execution Plan: Implement plan, track performance of team, including construction matters arising

Team: Document scope of work to be undertaken by Design Build

Novation: Manage novation of consultants

Consultant Engagement - Construction: Engage for site observation role per consent conditions

Commissioning: Identify and report all commissioning requirements and activities including need for independent commissioning

Commissioning: Consider and prepare schedule of items

Insurances: Review and agree required project Insurances (PI, PL, construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, note, minute, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, note, minute, attend

Stakeholders and User Groups: Coordinate construction with Base Build and mitigate effects on programme and scope

Tenants: Coordinate tenders with tenant requirements

Risk: Update schedule. Apply risk/opportunities management principles

Budget: Manage the cost consultant to provide estimates/reports

Schedule of Quantities: Discuss requirement for with Client and instruct cost planner accordingly. Discuss requirement for schedule to form part of contract

Value Management: Value initiatives arising from procurement - facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Authorities: Liaise with and coordinate inputs for inspections and compliance

Contractor Procurement: Prepare procurement documentation

Form of Construction contract: Agreed and prepared

Special Conditions: Incorporate into procurement documentation

Insurances, Bonds, Liquidated Damages: Review details in tenders

Nominated/ subcontractors and suppliers: Review and agree required with Client

Collate Tender: Contract and design information from all disciplines, include Contractor BIM requirements

Call Tenders: Issue invitation letter and tender documents to selected tenderers

Tender: Monitor process. Respond to tender queries. Issue Notices to Tenderers, as required

Check tenders: For compliance with tender documents, Heath and Safety, programme, resource, subcontractors proposed, tags, etc., analyse with Client, QS and Design Team

Tender Interviews: Arrange, chair, minute, notate, distribute

Tender Report: Prepare including recommendation

Notify Tenderers: Successful and unsuccessful

Pre-Construction meeting: Arrange with TA

Construction Contract: Compile, arrange signing, issue

Elements not covered: In this stage. Include provisional and prime cost sums, Client supply items, contingency in tender

Approve Design: Matters raised during tender for inclusion in Construction

Provide deliverables: From this stage for commencement of next stage

Other: (specify)


Feasibility: Update the project feasibility/viability business case

Elements not covered: List and recommend inclusion as provisional or prime cost sums. Recommend contingency. Finalise and incorporate. Confirm Client supply items.

Coordinate: Cost matters, including alternatives, with other disciplines

Prepare Schedule of Quantities: And compare with the approved cost plan

Tenderers' Schedule of Quantities: Compare prices with QS schedule and pricing

Prepare tender estimate

Prepare tender report

Other: (specify)


Brief: Document importance levels, seismic requirements, design loads and building movements, geotechnical issues, etc

Erection/construction: Review Contractor construction methodology and inspection schedules.

Other: (specify)

Building Services

Note: Activities in this section may apply to all services disciplines

Authorities/Utilities: Assist with utility procurement and liaise with local authorities

Equipment: Review selections and technical submissions

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: To commence post-contract award activities.

Documentation: From previous stage that forms the basis of the ongoing design

Client Approval: Of for construction documentation and associated tags

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during occupation, use, maintenance, construction, demolition or disposal. Include Subcontractor design

Health and Safety at Work – Construction (HSW): Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during construction

Health and Safety at Work: Workshop and Coordinate H&S report with team

Existing Conditions/Materials: Report existing and new risks, assess and mitigate, advise, monitor

Existing Conditions/Materials: Verify and advise risks closed out

Welfare Facilities: Implement adequate welfare facilities for the construction personal and site visitors. Monitor what provisions are provided

Public Safety: Monitor plan to reasonably manage risk to the public during construction

Contract Work Programme: Monitor plan of Health and Safety in construction risks

Issue Reports: To separate/nominated/(sub)contractors

Other: (specify)


Comply: Proactively with H&S Plan, Project Execution Plan, BIM Management Plan, and others as required. Update plan to reflect agreed contract processes

Quality Assurance: Update project-specific QA plan. Undertake work in accordance with

Contractor Quality Assurance: Contractor to provide and update as necessary after review and comment by team

Attend: To correspondence and at meetings

Resources: Align internal resources with programme requirements, update design programme if required.

Documentation Register: Prepare and progressively update

Seismic Design: Design and Coordination of seismic restraints; include for all elements across relevant disciplines

Construction methodology: Review ongoing construction methodology

Buildability: Highlight significant or unusual buildability identified in Subcontractor design

Buildability: Highlight significant or unusual buildability identified in Subcontractor design

Builders' work: Prepare, Coordinate and implement requirements

Supplementary Construction documentation: Issue under instruction as required, keep records

Samples: Undertake review(s) and record comment/approvals

Integrate design: Coordinate across trades

Substitutions: Demonstrate equality with original documentation, determine/note requirement for revised building consent, seek and achieve approval to change, engage consultants, manage consent variation, pay all related charges and fees ??

Supplementary Construction documentation: Prepare and issue, keep records

Contractor/subcontractor design: Review progressively

Shop Drawings: Review progressively

Observation: Undertake as per project requirements, clarify and communicate matters arising. Provide supplementary input/information as required

Sectional Completion: Undertake Sectional Completion inspections and issue defects Schedules

Practical Completion: Undertake Practical Completion inspections and issue defects Schedules

As Built Drawings: Progressively update drawings, review and comment on documents by others, issue at completion

Warranties: Review and comment, include any defects in defects Schedule

Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Review and comment, include any omissions in defects Schedule

Compliance: Provide statements/certificates

Client Report: Content and timing per PEP H&S, programme, progress, cost, risk, non-conformances, etc.

Collate: As built information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives

BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Review Construction phase BEP aligned with Design BEP

Technology and systems: Validate, establish connection to CDE, confirm communications protocols

CDE: Implement for information and model sharing. Maintain CDE and communication protocols in line with BEP

BIM meetings: Chair

Modelling/Shop Drawings: Prepare in line with BEP.

Coordination: Manage and confirm in accordance with BEP

Coordinate/integrate: Input to models with team

Contractor BIM: Review to meet Client BIM outcomes

Construction phase BIM: Audit of information, models and Schedules required for hand over.

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD: Brief and monitor Contractor input

ESD: Building user guides and operation and maintenance manuals prepared and agreed

Other: (specify)


Compliance: Progressively check construction against resource consent including conditions

Compliance: Progressively observe construction compliance with NZ Building Code and relevant standards and Codes of Practice and approved building consent conditions

QA: Undertaken QA in accordance with agreed strategy

Consent conditions: Review all to ensure these can be met at CCC (e.g. survey certificates and producer statements)

CCC as-built Drawings: Collate for drainage, sprinklers, backflow devices, etc

CCC testing and commissioning Certificates: Collate all

CCC energy works Certificates: Collate all

CCC Reports: Collate all QA, photographic records, etc. for council record

Producer statements: Obtain and review

Certificate of Public Use: Collate documentation and make application

Code Compliance Certificate: Collate and make application, provide supplementary information as required

Other: (specify)


Health and Safety: Monitor H&S plan/register incorporating both HSD and HSAW matters. Update to Include construction H&S matters

Project Programme: Review progress and update relative to construction programme. Track Client supplied items

Construction Programme: Monitor against programme and liaise with Contractor on matters arising

Project Execution Plan: Implement plan, track performance of team, including completion matters arising

Team: Review Construction team including designers undertaking Design Build.

Novation: Manage novation of consultants. Check consultants' obligations.

Consultant Engagement – Construction: Engage for site observation role per consent conditions

Peer Reviews and Producer Statements: Track inputs and align with programme

Commissioning: Develop detailed commissioning plan. Coordinate, undertake and document commissioning in line with plan

Insurances: Review and agree required project insurances (PI, PL, construction, etc.)

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

Supplementary Construction documentation: Issue under instruction as required/keep records

ESD Application: Assemble all information and prepare application

ESD Certification: Receive (design) certification and distribute

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, notate, attend

Design Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, notate, attend

Stakeholders and User Groups: Coordinate construction with Base Build and mitigate effects on programme and scope

Tenants: Coordinate base build works with tenant requirements

Construction Meetings: Establish, facilitate, chair, minute, notate, attend

Risk: Update Schedule. Apply risk/opportunities management principles

Budget: Manage the cost consultant to provide reports

Value Management: Value initiatives arising from procurement - facilitate, chair, issue notes, minute, attend

Authorities: Liaise with and Coordinate inputs for inspections and compliance

Contract Administration: Agree and establish processes for contract correspondence including claims, contract Instructions, variations claims and advice, etc. Update PEP to reflect

Contract Correspondence: Arrange, Schedule and progressively audit, communications per PEP (RFIs etc.)

Payment Claims: Receive, distribute for comment, certify

Variation Claims: Seek advice from QS

Variation Claims: Assess and approve

Extensions of Time Claims: Assess time component, approve

Disputes: Proactively seek to resolve per contract, attend/manage mediation if required

Commissioning: Identify and report all commissioning requirements and activities including need for independent commissioning

Completion: Identify and report all Completion requirements and activities

Sectional Completion: Assess Sectional Completion and issue certificate(s) with defects Schedules

Practical Completion: Assess Practical Completion and issue certificate(s) with defects Schedules

Completion: Oversee transfer/discharge insurances, retentions, bonds etc

Final Account: Receive and distribute, Coordinate comments, certify

Code Compliance/Certificate of Public Use: Identify and report all Code compliance requirements and activities

Provisional and Prime Cost Sums, Contingency: Manage expenditure

Other: (specify)


Accessibility and facilities for people with disabilities: Monitor construction

Building Maintenance: Coordinate specialist installation with structure

Other: (specify)


Financial Report: Progressively update and report against agreed contract sum

Prepare progress claims

Variation Claims: Assess costs and incorporate into the financial report

Other: (specify)


Brief: Document importance levels, seismic requirements, design loads and building movements, geotechnical issues, etc

Proprietary Design: Review of Contractor design of systems (e.g. flooring); detailed coordination with other trades, site conditions, erection requirements and shop details

Design Review: Review shop drawings, technical specifications and construction method statement submission for consistency with detailed design/specification

Erection/construction: Review Contractor construction methodology

Other: (specify)

Building Services

Note: Activities in this section may apply to all services disciplines

Load: Confirm/review capacities, sizes based on equipment selection of all trades

Design: Complete documentation for services, including selections, plans, elevations and sections

Shop Drawings: Production of Coordinated larger scale detailed including mounting details, supports, seismic bracing and restraints, provisions for access and maintenance

Plant/control rooms: Detail space/location requirements, and physical requirements including access and maintenance, plinths, bracing, isolation

Plant/control: Wiring diagrams, points schedules system programming

Utilities/Connections: Observe utility connections

Equipment: Review selections and technical submissions

Fabrication details: Ductwork, pipework, switchboards, etc

Distribution: Detail sizes for services distribution and containment networks (ducts, cables, pipes, cable trays) including mounting, access and maintenance, including all supports and seismic restraints

Intake/discharge: Produce fabrication and installation documents

Other: (specify)


Approvals and Inputs

Client Approval: To commence post-completion

Health and Safety

Health and Safety at Work – Design (HSD): Include residual risks and operation and maintenance risks in handover documentation. Update report to reasonably address Health and Safety issues during use, maintenance, demolition or disposal and during defects liability period

Public Safety: Develop adequate plans to reasonably manage risk to the public during defects rectification

Other: (specify)


Documentation Register: Update and issue final

Seismic Design: Certify for all elements across relevant disciplines

Observation: Inspect defects rectification works and update and progressively issue defects schedule. Provide supplementary input/information as required

Defects Rectification: Confirm fully complete.

As Built Documentation: confirm fully complete

Warranties: Confirm all received

Operation and Maintenance Manuals: confirm all received

Compliance: Provide statements/certificates

Collate: As built information from all disciplines and issue at agreed milestones

Other: (specify)

BIM: Develop and agree strategies and objectives

Modelling: Deliver BIM model for post completion use in accordance with BIM Execution Plan (BEP)

Other: (specify)

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD)

ESD – Post-Occupancy Evaluation: Report including testing and summarised findings

ESD – Final Performance Report: Submitted showing final performance results for approval by ESD rating system organisation for the buildings final formal ESD rating accreditation

ESD – Supplementary Construction documentation: Issue under instruction as required/keep records

ESD: Building user guides and operation and maintenance manuals completed and issued

Other: (specify)


Compliance: Provide Code compliance documentation required in resource consent conditions.

Producer statements: Obtain post-construction producer statements

Other: (specify)


Construction Programme: Monitor defects rectification against programme, liaise with Contractor on matters arising, co-ordinate owners/tenants/occupiers' needs during defect rectification

Insurances, Retentions, Bonds etc.: Review all and confirm status, timing and cancellation etc

Consultant Payments: Review and certify claims

PCG/Client Meetings: Facilitate, chair, minute, notate, attend

Tenants: base build defects rectification with tenant works

Post-Construction Meetings: Establish, facilitate, chair, minute, notate, attend

Contract Administration: Agree and establish processes for post-completion correspondence

Contract Correspondence: Arrange, schedule and progressively audit, communications per PEP (RFIs etc.)

Final Account: Receive and distribute, co-ordinate comments, certify

As Built Documentation: Collate and issue

Disputes: Proactively seek to resolve per contract, attend/ manage mediation if required

Defects Completion: Identify and report all Completion requirements and activities

Final Certificate: Issue and oversee transfer/discharge insurances, retentions, bonds etc

Other: (specify)


Financial Report: Update to incorporate final cost and agreed contract sum

Other: (specify)

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