Privacy Policy

By this privacy policy (henceforth referred to as the “Policy”), Boris Maclean M. (henceforth referred to as the “Company”), developer and rights holder for the applicable games governed by the terms herein (henceforth referred to as the “Games”), establishes the general regulations and conditions for privacy in the request, storage, and usage of personal data and information of players of the Games (henceforth referred to as the “Data”), as commercial products published and available in any and all digital stores, per the applicable terms and conditions of the corresponding digital store as established by their respective owners and rights managers; all of whom are entities not directly affiliated with the Company.

The download and use of the Games require, necessarily, the continued acceptance by the player or user of this Policy, and the use of the Games shall constitute tacit acceptance of the Policy and agreement to its terms. Express acceptance of them through explicit prompt notwithstanding.

The agreement to the terms of the Policy, be it expressly or tacitly, constitutes a legally binding agreement between the Company and the player, with the parties being obligated to the terms of the Policy; all of it in accordance with its current version at the time of the particular Game being played, and to the law.


For the Proper use of the Games, the Company may or may not require one or more authorizations to access the player’s various systems, depending on third-party platforms used for the use of the Games themselves; with the acceptance terms of which being required for the proper use of the Games themselves, when applicable.


Through tools for data analysis, both proprietary and implemented through third-party licensees, all of them which may or may not be integrated into the each specific Game, the Company may or may not access and collect Data from the player, be it on the act of downloading the Game, registering and logging in to play, and/or through the course of each game session, as well as through user feedback requests when applicable, and other such manners and at other such times.

This information may include Data pertaining to:

  • Installation of the Game

  • Opening of the Game

  • Play time

  • Country of the player at the time of opening the game

  • Language of the operating system of the device used by the player

  • Wireless carrier of the player

  • App version used by the player

  • Model and operating system of the device used by the player

  • Game started

  • Game failed

  • Game retried

  • Use of the rewarded video to continue

  • Crashes of the game

  • Application not responding (ANR) reports

  • End of the game session

The purpose of collecting the Data pertains directly and exclusively to the interest of the Company to identify players, measure analytics generated by user experience, and identify bugs and other errors either in the corresponding Game’s code or with regards to hardware compatibility with the player’s device; all of it order to improve the Games.


For the general use of the Games, and for the collection of Data, the Company may or may not use one or more third-party tools and licenses, to which correspond their own privacy policies, all of which must be agreed to by the player, for the use of the Games, and are understood as agreed to by acceptance to this Policy.

These, to the current date of these terms, include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Unity Analytics

  • Google Play Store

  • App Store

These third-party tools, as well as other third-party tools, when implemented by the Company, shall be so for the specific purpose of improving the players game experience, to integrate services to the game, to improve the Data analysis of the Game session, and other related ends.

The refusal on the part of the player to allowing the use of these third-party tools, or the refusal to the terms of the privacy policies of said third-party tools, could make the corresponding Game partially or entirely inaccessible to the player.

The Company has no control over the terms of the privacy policies of third-parties, being they themselves responsible for the terms of their own policies, with the updated versions of each being available through their corresponding owners and through their own sites, such as through the following links:


The Data shall be stored by the Company, be it directly or through third-party services, and shall have the right to access the Data thus stored, without restriction.

In handling the Data, the Company shall seek to safeguard the confidentiality and anonymity of the players. The Company shall restrict access to the information to third-parties, by storing, transmitting and treating the Data in an encrypted fashion and in accordance to legal standards that may correspond to the handling of player information, and shall thus seek to, at all times, keep the players digital and physical identity safe, when using the Data.

To this effect, the Data shall only be shared with third-parties granted that there exists sufficient contractual conditions as to guarantee the confidentiality and safety of the Data.

At the players request, and as allowed within reasonable means, the Company shall put the Data to the players disposition, with indication of the type of data collected, date of collection, status of storage, use given to the Data, and copies of all data collected that may be in it.

The player’s Data may be destroyed by the Company, beyond all possible recuperation or recovery, reading or use, if the Company so decided to do so, at any moment, and will also proceed as such and within the time established by law, when such destruction is requested by the player.


The Company shall safeguard the internal integrity of the Data, as well as the anonymity and protection of it, and in collecting it shall always verify that the integration and implementation of third-party tools for data collection to the Game are done with third-parties that have equally reasonable means and safety protocols with regards to the Data and its collection.

Despite this the Company may not entirely guarantee the infallibility of the safety protocols put in place for the handling of the Data, especially with regards to third-party actions of hacking that may be unforeseeable and impossible to protect against, by virtue of its nature, form, or opportunity, and which may then surpass any and all reasonable safety standard.

In any case, any breach of Data or of the safety of the Data by third-parties shall be immediately notified to the player in accordance to the terms of this Policy.


When applicable, and in compliance to the requirements set forth by the respective digital stores in which the Games may be available at any time, the Company states and guarantees that, for the handling of Data pertaining to children under 16 years of age, the following special conditions shall apply, without restriction to the rest of the terms of the policy when applicable:

Data collection shall not be intentionally performed on the use of the Games made by players under 16 years of age, without the consent of their parent or guardian.

The Company shall, within reasonable means, and as required by law, provide the parent or guardian of any child under 16 years of age with access to information on Data that may be collected on the use of the Games by said child, and as long as said information exists or remains in possession of the Company, and may be indeed identified as data belonging to the specific child, per these terms.

The Company shall, upon knowing that particular Data belongs to a child under 16 years of age, proceed to promptly destroy any and all said Data, beyond all recuperation or recovery. Should the Data collected in a Game with a registration or user account system in place reveal that a user account has been created or is used actively by a child under 16 years of age, the Company will —in addition to the destruction of all Data of said player— promptly disable, close, and destroy, the user account.


Any communication that may be required by the player with the Company must be made to