If I run non dedicated server, where is my friends saving files?

Is it in my computer or in their computer?

I'm sorry if it is a stupid question, but I want to make sure if the saving files disappear I can restore everthing.

The only personal file you or your friends have on PC is the PlayerLocalData.arkprofile inside a "LocalProfiles"

You should back it up every now and then. This file stores your exploration of MAP fog and your progress of Explorer notes etc. and also all items and dinos you might have uploaded to terminal.

My PC once crashed and reset that file for unknown reasons and i lost all of that since i did not back that file up. Other than that your character levels and server files should be fine as that's stored in server folder i mentioned above.

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I've been having an issue lately (since June) with playing MP3 files from Dropbox where the audio cuts out while playing. It cuts out at the same time stamp each time, so its not randomly cutting off the audio. When I play the MP3 files back on my computer from the hard drive, there is no audio cut off. This is only happening after the file is uploaded to Dropbox and when playing the file from Dropbox. This happens on the Dropbox app on my iPhone, iPad, and when playing the file from the Dropbox website on a computer. I have deleted the file from Dropbox and re-uploaded it but that does not resolve the issue. I have been using Dropbox to store and play MP3 files for many years and never had this problem until recently. It seems that something has changed or there is some kind of bug causing this audio drop out of the file when playing.

Players have permission to Configure Token Settings and Use File Browser - this allows them to click on the Browse button and see the folder itself, but there are no files displayed and so they cannot select anything to set a character portrait.Ditto if they try to edit Token to select an image that way. I can replicate the problem with my player test account.

Alternatively, if you do trust your players and want them to be able to browse your own assets library instead of their own, we have a system in place to allow that : How to share access to your Assets Library - Docs - The Forge

I recently got some FLAC files with embeded cue sheet. Though, the info of the sheet file doesn't seem to show up in Rhythmbox; Banshee; Amarok or Audatious. Which media players support this kind of file?

If you have saved your players and worlds the the cloud they are moved from you "my games" folder. Steam moves them to the "userdata" folder inside the steam directory. Inside the "userdata" folder there will be numbered folders for each person who uses your computer if its only you there will only be one folder. Inside your folder there will be numbered game folders, Terraria is number 105600. Inside you will find the "remote" folder that holds all your saves.

The long version of the story is that I'm a fan of Marc Gunn's Irish & Celtic Podcast. Marc's released 80-something of the podcasts, and I've got 78 of them on my PC. Unfortunately, Marc has been "lax" about naming the files consistently. So, the first thing that I did when I downloaded the first 78 is to name them consistently. Then, I used MP3Tag to fix the internal names, order the track numbers, fix the dates, author, genre, and comments. All of the things needed to get the files to play in order. In MP3Tag, they now show up in strict order.

When I then dropped the files onto Windows Media Player to sync to my MP3 Player, some of these were out of order. I went into Windows Explorer and fixed the data in the file meta-data by editing the "properties" of the files that Media Player saw out of order.

Hi Bob,

I have the following ideas:

if you have not already done so, use the function "tag - filename" to rename your files (that is the filenae, not the title tag inside the files) consistently.

A mask like

$num(%track%,3) _ %title%

is a fairly good one to appy a numeric order to filenames.

BUT: there are some MP3 players that do not have a sorting algorithm and display the files in the order they were copied.

For Windows 7 this means that if you select a list of files the windows explorer and then click right into the middle of that list, the copy-process takes the file under mouse cursor first (which could be #61) and then copies the rest, sometimes in an appearingly random order.

The only way, I found, is to really explicitly grab the first track in a list and drag it over to the MP3 player file system.

I do not know which seqence WMP uses for synchronization.

It is a bat file, that, after checking if the player is present,

makes a file, containing an alpanumerically ordered filelist with:

dir /A:-D /B /O:N > %cscrdir%\mpdlist.txt

and then calls a script, that reads the file line by line and copies the files.

My script needs the free AutoHotkey software to be installed on the system

Get it from

Some mp3-players play the files and folders in the order, they were copied to the player:

The files in one folder are played in this order.

Then the files in the next folder are played.

If a file in a folder is deleted, the next file added to this folder is not necesseraly placed at the end.

This is convenient for making playlists by dragg-dropping files to the player.

Unfortunately, Windows doesn't copy files in (alphanumeric) order,

so the orders of albums get mixed up, when copying entire folders,

even if the filenames start with the tracknumbers.

General problem, i am unable to play music from the owncloud sync folder, because no music was found. When i take a look with a file explorer, the data is there.

I tried it with different music players wich are able to work with local files, but none see more than

I dont understand, when i download a mp3 from my owncloud instance, i can choose the download folder an play it from there, but i can only choose the top owncloud folder, but nothing within. Looks like my player is able to play local files, but cant read in the owncloud sync folder

After searching music apps who can access this files i see the only reason to make no update looks like to sell another music app who can do this (with money or ads or stealing my data). No functional stock music player on android, welcome back to the dark age of the waybearer. Thank you google that i have to pay to get access to my music+.

At this point, because i fdroid, i have to steal a player or go back to a native mp3player.

Hello... I am new to sound design and thus have some downloaded .wav files and sound samples to use in compositions. The Kontakt Player opens my .wav files fine but in a DEMO mode only and then it times out telling me to upgrade to the full Kontakt (which I have Kontakt 7). However, when I try to load the .wav files into Kontakt 7, it does not allow me to open them and they are greyed out (see my second screenshot below), so how do I use these in the full Kontakt 7 player? What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks.

PS. I am able to obviously open the .nki instrument files from these packs into Kontakt 7, but I was just wondering how come the .wav files will not also open in Kontakt 7 as they do in the Kontakt 6 Player.

first open kontakt full version, then drag and drop wave files from file browser into kontakt. Once a instrument instance is created you can also open wave files via instrument editor as far as I remember (i always use drag and drop). I would highly recommend to look into the manual, kontakt is not an easy sampler, it's so sophisticated.

Thanks guys... yes, it is best to drag and drop the .nki instruments by 3rd parties into the Kontakt 7 rather than the .wav files. Good to know the drag and drop of the .wav files do open this way in the Kontakt 7.

When I play this videos with VLC or other players they plays till a certain point and then instantly exits. Sometimes I can try to skip the bad part but I could meet another bad sector and have an insta-quit again.

I have some .trm files that I need to play, but right now they are only working in my windows partition. I'd like to know if there are any .trm file players for OS X or any software that can convert these trm files to an mp3 or wma file that will play on the mac partiton. I use a free program called express scribe to listen to recordings on my mac, but it won't play .trm files, and I'd like to continue to ues the mac partition instead of having to use Windows, which I hate with a passion. Can anyone help me?

Karl, what version of All2MP3 are you running? I am running 2.0820 and it is converting .trm files just fine. If you're in a serious hurry, you could upload the file online using google drive or drop box and post a link here to it. I'll see if I can convert it for you.

Looks like the company did this on purpose. I spent the last twenty four hours working with the file and earlier versions of the program. The company evidently thinks their future is in restricting access to these files. The basic issue is this... depending on what version of the FTR software the court is using - the .trm file may or may not be convertable by All2MP3. 0852c4b9a8

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