
NO. - 106670947

Position: Midlane

Style: Fast-Paced, Aggressive

Notable Heroes:

  • Shadowfiend
  • Invoker
  • Queen of Pain


"Hello, my name is UltraGunner and this is my way of playing Invoker. I like to lock him in as soon as possible, to maximize the amount of time i can spend flaming my teammates for not being 5k. When the game starts, i buy a null talisman and 2 Faerie Fires, because I find last hitting with less than 60 damage difficult. I make up for this lack of regen by spamming my team until the give me 2 tangos. For my skill build, i max out Exort first, as it assists further in my poor last hitting abilities, and allows me to assist my teammates by casting Sunstrike and missing. For my item build, i like to rush Eul’s and Aghanim’s Scepter to facilitate my casting spells as quickly as possible while also looking cool. Thanks for listening."



  • 6k MMR
  • Level 1 Roshed Veggie Esports
  • RD2L Captain

Draft Notes: