"Plantum" is a Junior Achievement Bulgaria student company, which is engaged in the development, production and sale of an original organic soil substitute. Our blend is completely natural and chemical-free. The main ingredient of the product is the renowned Bulgarian zeolite, famous for its properties.

Creation of the blend

Our long journey began with the creation of our blend, based on long-forgotten research from the 1970s on the effectiveness of Bulgarian zeolite, which we used as our main ingredient. We combined it with other minerals and the latest moisture retention technologies, and finally, Plantum blend came to light! 

Does it work?

After the blend was created and everything was supposed to work in theory, it was time to test it in practice. We started planting different plants in soil and Plantum blend. Trying to verify if it works for all types of plants, we reached over 80 plants ready for observation. "Hopefully, something grows in the blend!!!"

The answer is yes!

After a while, we noticed that the plants actually started to grow and soon surpassed those in the soil in terms of growth, being watered 2 times less and looked after under the same conditions.