There is overlap between whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) and vegan diets, but there are also some key differences. A vegan diet can include highly processed imitation meats and cheeses; a WFPB diet eschews these products in favor of whole or minimally processed, close-to-nature foods that make it easy to meet your nutritional needs.

There are plenty of other foods you can also enjoy, including nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, tempeh, whole-grain flours and breads, and plant-based milks. However, we recommend eating these foods in moderation, because they are more calorie-dense and can contribute to weight gain.

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A whole-food, plant-based diet is extremely effective at promoting cardiovascular health and preventing, halting, and in some cases even reversing heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. A 2021 review of 99 studies found that diets rich in whole and minimally processed plant-based foods were associated with significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared with diets high in meat and dairy products.

There are several reasons for this. Animal-based foods are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which raise blood cholesterol levels, causing fatty, wax-like plaque to build up in the arteries. Highly processed foods often contain excessive salt, which raises blood pressure, damaging the lining of the arteries over time. By eliminating these harmful foods from your diet and replacing them with whole plant-based foods, you can bring down your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and risk of heart disease. Learn more about diet and heart disease here.

A 2018 report in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care found that for people with Type 2 diabetes, plant-based diets were more beneficial than the diets recommended by several diabetes associations, offering greater improvements in physical and emotional well-being.

Plant-based diets are low in saturated fat (a culprit behind insulin resistance) and high in fiber, which helps the body to regulate blood sugar and properly absorb nutrients. Plant-based diets also reduce the risk of being overweight or obese, a primary risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Learn more about diabetes and diet here.

Amy Richter is a registered dietitian who specializes in skin conditions and gut health. She owns The Acne Dietitian, a blog and private practice dedicated to helping people with acne achieve clear skin using diet and lifestyle changes.

People who follow vegan diets abstain from consuming any animal products, including dairy, meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and honey. Vegetarians exclude all meat and poultry from their diets, but some vegetarians eat eggs, seafood, or dairy (3).

A study in 65 people with overweight or obesity found that those assigned to a WFPB diet lost significantly more weight than the control group and were able to sustain that weight loss of 25 lbs (11.5 kg) over a 1-year follow-up period (6).

A large study in over 200,000 people found that those who followed a healthy plant-based diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and nuts had a significantly lower risk of developing heart disease than those following non-plant-based diets (9).

Similarly, another recent study showed that greater consumption of nutritious plant-based foods was linked to a lower risk of aggressive forms of prostate cancer, especially in men under 65 years (13).

A study in more than 200,000 people found that those who adhered to a healthy plant-based eating pattern had a 34% lower risk of developing diabetes than those who followed unhealthy, non-plant-based diets (19).

Another study demonstrated that plant-based diets could be beneficial for the prevention of type 2 diabetes, especially when they included nutritious plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes (20).

The study reported that a 70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and land use and 50% less water use could be achieved by shifting Western diet patterns to more sustainable, plant-based dietary patterns (22).

A healthy, WFPB diet should focus on plant foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. If animal products are eaten, they should be eaten in smaller quantities compared to plant foods.

We spoke with clinical nutritionist Sabrina Toledano, MS, RD, a certified dietician-nutritionist who counsels patients at the Pancreas Center of NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, to find out more about plant-based eating.

A plant-based diet is not a vegetarian or vegan diet; you can eat poultry, beef, eggs, fish, and dairy products, however most of your nutrient intake is coming from plant-based food sources. There is no set ratio of plant to animal foods on a plant-based diet, but at least 2/3 of each plate of food (or meal) you eat is a good way to start. The emphasis should be on plants.

Yes. A plant-based diet is considered to be nutrient-dense and packed with fiber, healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is a very healthy way of eating and can meet all of your nutrient needs.

Most adults can benefit from a plant-based diet. Research shows plant-based diets may prevent and treat chronic diseases and reduce dependence on medications. If you suffer from a digestive disease, consult your doctor prior to changing your diet.

A plant-based diet consists of exclusively plant foods, including fruit, vegetables, grains, and legumes, and avoids meat, dairy, and eggs. Plant-based foods are full of fiber, rich in vitamins and minerals, free of cholesterol, and low in calories and saturated fat. Eating a variety of these foods provides all the protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients your body needs. It's important to include a reliable source of vitamin B12 in your diet. You can easily meet your vitamin B12 needs with a daily supplement or fortified foods, such as vitamin B12-fortified breakfast cereals, plant milks, and nutritional yeast.

Those who eat a plant-based diet lower their risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other health conditions. Research also shows that a plant-based diet can be less expensive that an omnivorous diet.

People who eat a plant-based diet have a lower risk of dying from heart disease when compared to non-vegetarians. Plant-based diets have been proven to prevent and reverse heart disease, improve cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

A plant-based diet is a diet consisting mostly or entirely of plant-based foods.[1][2] Plant-based diets encompass a wide range of dietary patterns that contain low amounts of animal products and high amounts of fiber-rich[3] plant products such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.[4][5] They do not need to be vegan or vegetarian[6][7] but are defined in terms of low frequency of animal food consumption.[8][9]

Origin of the term "plant-based diet" is attributed to Cornell University nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell who presented his diet research at the US National Institutes of Health in 1980.[10] Campbell's research about a plant-based diet extended from The China Project, a decade-long study of dietary practices in rural China, giving evidence that a diet low in animal protein and fat, and high in plant foods, could reduce the incidence of several diseases.[11] In 2005, Campbell and his son published The China Study, a best-selling book emphasizing the potential health benefits of a plant-based diet.[10][12] Campbell also used the plant-based concept to educate consumers about how eating meat had significant environmental consequences.[10]

A review analyzing the use of the term plant-based diet in medical literature found that 50% of clinical trials use the term interchangeably with vegan, meaning that the interventional diet did not include foods of animal origin. 30% of studies included dairy products and 20% meat.[14]

In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that "plant-based diets constitute a diverse range of dietary patterns that emphasize foods derived from plant sources coupled with lower consumption or exclusion of animal products. Vegetarian diets form a subset of plant-based diets, which may exclude the consumption of some or all forms of animal foods."[15] The WHO lists flexitarian, lacto-vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, pescatarian and vegan diets as plant-based.[15]

Plant-based diets are of interest in preventing and managing chronic diseases.[19][20] The British Dietetic Association have stated that a plant-based diet "can support healthy living at every age and life stage", but as with any diet it should be properly planned.[2]

Not all plant-based foods are equally healthy. Rather, plant-based diets including whole grains as the main form of carbohydrate, unsaturated fats as the main form of dietary fat, an abundance of fruit and vegetables, and adequate n-3 fatty acids can be considered healthy.[21]

With processed plant-based foods, such as vegan burger patties or chicken nuggets, becoming more available, there is also concern that plant-based diets incorporating these foods may become less healthy.[22]

In practice lacto-ovo vegetarians or vegans seem to have a higher overall diet quality compared with nonvegetarians. The reason for this is the closer adherence to health organisation recommendations on consumption of fruits, whole grains, seafood and plant protein and sodium. The higher diet quality in vegetarians and vegans may explain some of the positive health outcomes compared with nonvegetarians.[23]

Therefore, vegetarian and vegan diets are under clinical research to identify potential effects on type 2 diabetes, with preliminary results showing improvements in body weight and biomarkers of metabolic syndrome.[33][34]

When the focus was whole foods, an improvement of diabetes biomarkers occurred, including reduced obesity.[30][35][36] In diabetic people, plant-based diets were also associated with improved emotional and physical well-being, relief of depression, higher quality of life, and better general health.[35] 2351a5e196

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