"Let's Plant America"

It is an Educational Method to create Enviromental Awareness, created during the late 80's, by Ecologist Félix Latzo, at The University of the District of Columbia; Washington DC. ; U.S.A., with the objective to create ecological conscience in humanity. The method is described in the following lines with these "Sine Qua Non" requirements: a) It Must begin in childhood and b) The educational process must be foster and completed during the period of two years after sowing.

It is a method of awareness and tree planting that also has a reforestation phase, but the latter requires the participation of City Halls who identify municipal vacant lots for reforestation and after plantation a follow up is carried out with boys and girls from secondary school.

Visual description of "Let's Plant America"

Photo of the group of children with their newly planted sapling.

A class of third grade proceeds to plant a tree, ideally, within the grounds of its School.

We proceed to take a picture of the group with its newly planted sapling as shown in the left hand picture and the children keep the record, as indicated by the Method's Workbook.

It is reiterated, it is a tree for each grade NOT A TREE PER EACH CHILD. What each student should have is their own personal Activity Workbook.

Photo where the growth of the tree and children is registered one year later.

Photo 2 years after sowing; where children can be seen raising their arms because the tree is practically taller than them. This is an unrepeatable experience. This stays with them in their memory and in their hearts and conscience the rest of their lives without needing an adult to point them out.

The "Let's Plant America" method being developed in several parts of the world also with the names of "Plantando America" and its twin programs "Let's Plant Europe", "Let's Plant Asia" and the most recent "Let's Plant Qatar"

"Let's Plant America" celebrates the centennial of the Panama Canal

PANAMA. For the celebration of the hundred year of the Panama Canal, Felix Latzo participated with his method "Plantando América" and visited the El Arado School Center, in the canal basin, where they implemented the mechanism in their school.

"Plantando América" consists, precisely, not only in planting trees, but in giving them the respective follow-up, by participating primary students, who after planting the tree, witness the growth of themselves together with the trees sown with that goal; through an annual photograph record and the use of the respective Method's Workbook.

The objective is to give schools a tool to sensitize the little ones about the care and preservation of nature.

"Let's Plant America" arborizes schools

The Centro Escuela República de Colombia, in the center of San Salvador, carried out yesterday an activity of tree planting in allusion to Mother Earth Day. The initiative was made in collaboration with Felix Latzo, creator and founder of the "Plantando América" method.

The sowing was possible thanks to the advance management of the permit, on August 23, 2016, through the manager of Vivero de la Alcaldía de San Salvador, Óscar Rolando Castro

During the planting of three Maquilishuat trees, third and fourth grade students participated, since "Plantando América" carried out tree planting activities by betting on environmental education from the third school year.

"The only way to create ecological awareness is to start during childhood and give a follow-up process to the educational method selected for that purpose," said Latzo.

Initiative "Let's Plant America" will be promoted in QatarQatar

The planting and awareness method "Planting America" ​​will be promoted from 2019 in the State of Qatar, informed the founder of this initiative, Felix Latzo.

He commented that the period required by the method is three years. Hence, he considers that the time difference between a world football championship and another is timely. "This is how I came up with the idea of ​​starting Plantando Qatar, I just got back from Qatar and it was an incredible reception, I am more than satisfied", and this will represent the opportunity to present it to the world press that attends this event, and so send their explanation to the whole world and invitation to participate in it; expressed Latzo, since by that date it is expected to have the digital version of the book of activities in English and Arab language, which will facilitate its global implementation.

He added that universities would sponsor schools and also a very important banks in that state.

Written press around the world focus the implementation of the method.