Out of nowhere PlaneMaker simply refuses to open the list of aircraft models so that I can choose one to work on. This is happening on both 11.41 and 11.50rc3. I have tried deleting planemaker and all preferences, custom scenery, shader cache, plugins and anything else I can thing of and then running the updater. Nothing works!

For me to open a plane in Plane Maker,I have to double click on Plane Maker " File" / Open" / then select which ever X-Plane version I want to change, (I have 3 ) Double click on it, Select "Aircraft" click on the plane I want to change,and find and highlight the ".acf file, and then at the bottom select "OPEN" and the plane will show up in Plane Maker. It has been like this for me for most of this year. Using 1150 rc3 . My 1141 version opens in the normal way.

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As a "painter" the latest version of Planemaker in the Betas is not ideal. I can open the individual .acf files but unlike previous versions I can not open individual liveries to see how my work is progressing. This is essential to see if lines etc drawn on two different halves of the pant map actually line up when they are applied to the aircraft model. I have a 11.41 running also which I can use for Planemaker functions that I want, but it would be nice if Laminar restored the "individual livery view" to Planemaker.

Thanks Brett, but this doesn't work. What I call the "root file" is the list of files I see when I click on my x plane desktop icon, - aircraft, airfoils, custom data, etc. From this list I click "Plane Maker" and get a grey screen with a darker grey rectangle in the right hand side, from the drop down "file" list I select "open" and here I have -aircraft, airfoils, custom data, etc. again! Clicking on anything here brings a message "I could not open this aircraft"

Unless I'm misunderstanding, why are you selecting Plane Maker again from the file> open menu if you already have it open? Just navigate to the desired aircraft folder & select the aircraft you want to open.

I am not selecting Plane Maker again, selecting "open" returns me to the "root folder (file?)" not the aircraft list as it used to. Selecting aircraft from the iteration of the root folder and I get - "cannot load this aircraft".

@brett s and @twosevenleft, I've been following this topic, but have noticed that twoseven is very bad at describing the issue, and Brett is bad at interpreting it. I mean no offense to either of you, but wish to offer intermediate/impersonal mediation, as I believe twoseven has a genuine issue, and Brett probably knows what can fix it, but you'se just need someone to facilitate it

So, twoseven is saying that when they click on (in PM) 'file/open' they now get a list of the contents of the XP root file, instead of the normal list of folders that contain .acfs. If they use that list to navigate to an actual .acf file, they get an error message when they try to open it. I wonder if it is an OS file-asscoiation issue or something? twoseven, did you recently update your OS? Viruses can also mess with file-association.

The Laminar one in v11.41 & earlier only shows you the .acf files in a folder, the system's native file explorer in 11.50 shows you everything - that's why I was asking for clarification. You can even navigate outside of the sim entirely with it.

You'll get that "cannot load this aircraft" error message if trying to open anything other than a compatible.acf file. If you have the OS option to view file name extensions turned off you'll probably have a hard time selecting the correct file.

Nice, sounds like you nailed it! But twoseven did say the issue was also present in 11.41. By the sound of your explanation though, it sounds more likely that twoseven has some mix-up between installs.

I'm sorry if my description of the problem is not clear, it's really quite simple, I make the normal series of clicks which I have for years been using to open Plane Maker and it doesn't work! Specifically the file from which I choose an aircraft doesn't appear!

This morning I had a rush of blood to the head and deleted everything except a back up copy of 11.00 which I used the installer file from to update to 11.41, except I got 11.50 despite the check for betas box definitely being unchecked. This copy of the sim flies fine but Plane Maker still wont load!

Just tried this and the Baron has indeed opened in Plane Maker, sadly it won't let me change to anything else, choosing Plane Maker from the root file now immediately brings up the Baron again!

Task Manager then opens & now my computer screen displays the Planemaker opening screen, the task manager window and lo-and-behold the 'Select an aircraft to open" window - displays the folder of the last aircraft I was working on (or for Untitled, displays the X-Plane root folder contents - which is incredibly confusing at this point.....)

I have recently started developing a couple planes for x-plane. After just fooling around in planemaker with some makeshift designs for a while I have started on my first serious plane. An Evektor Sportstar Max. I have acquired a POH and have contacted some pilot's.

Also, I have set the engine redline at 5800, that is the max engine RPM, however the POH states that it can only do 5800 RPM for a minute and the max continuos RPM is 5400. How would I set that in planemaker.

So those are my two little problems but here is my big one. I have modeled the whole planes body and everything perfectly in planemaker. Everything matches up to the 3 view exactly just like the Danklaue tutorials have shown how to do it. I have inputed as much info from the POH into planemaker as possible. Yet when I get in the sim, the plane will not take off at the Sportstar's VLOF of 40ish. It will not take off until 80kts. And even then the stick must be pulled all the way back to keep it airborn. Even once I get up to 120kts, I have to keep the stick all the way back to keep it in the air. Naturally, the first thing I checked in planemaker was the COG. It was right on as per the POH. I even moved the COG as far back as it could go without the plane tipping over and the same thing would still happen when flying. What could I possibly be doing wrong here folks? I'm really lost.

It's a very deep topic dealing with all that goes into modeling an aicraft and probably too deep to answer your questions in depth with all the "caveats" and "exceptions" however, we can address a few.

For the horsepower, there's some checkboxes in the upper right corner labeled "FADEC". There's one there that says roughly, "don't exceed max power". Now WHY that's in there is a much more complex discussion regarding engine modeling, but in the absence of a really fine tuned engine model in x-plane, Austin gives us a few ways for us to get around it.

Regarding engine RPM, the real limitation on the aircraft engine is due to stress levels which could cause the engine to fail. X-Plane doesn't model stress so the concept of a running 5800 for only a minute doesn't really mean anything. The fact that the engine CAN rev to 5800 is the best you can simulate with default functionality. If you were to use a plugin, you could monitor engine RPM and if the user left it over 5800 for more than a minute, you could fail the engine, but only with plugin programming, not through plane-maker.

As far as the flying qualities, there are lots of things that can affect that and unless you were willing to let someone else look at your aircraft, no one could really say what the issue is as the "final result" is a balance of a lot of things to be checked.

Alright. Well I don't wanna release anything because right now it is a serious embarrassment. I have full plans for an .obj body and right now I have just pieced together a rudimentary panel just as means for test flying. If anybody would like to take a look at it please PM me. I would really appreciate it.

Power depends on air pressure and temperature. Always do your test flights with calm weather set to +15OC and 29.92 inHg - it's called "standard day" and most, if not all, POH's are calibrated to that. You could play with mixture also. Usually X-Plane calculates power in an accurate way (at least so far for me), so there must be something missing or not set properly elsewhere, like f.e. max throttle > 1.0 or some critical altitude, where shouldn't be any. See, if this 100hp are produced at redline or at some other rpm in real engine. Hard to tell without examining the whole a/c, because usually one thing is affected by three other, each of them being affected by three other things and so on.

My main suspect with incorrect t/o speed are airfoils not generating enough lift. Change (or finetune) the airfoil to other with higher coefficient of lift and see if that helps. Other causes could be too high gross weight, high airfield elevation or lack of flaps deployed to takeoff position. Or...

... or you can't get proper angle of attack needed to generate enough lift for t/o, because of troubles with elevator authority. Afterall it's also a wing and has low efficiency at low (40kts) speed, where even it's full deflection is not enough to raise the nose to proper t/o attitude. Try adding some degrees to max "nose up" deflection and see what happens. Check out if elevator area is correct. Check/change airfoil. Check trim settings, in Plane Maker as well as in sim, just in case of some unknown/involuntary/accidental setting/engagement is messing with the plane. Many things to look for, hard to tell. 152ee80cbc

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