Ghost Hunting

  1. Let's go Ghost Hunting

Fantasy High has had rumors about the ghost of a female student haunting the halls for as long as the school's been around. However, rumor has it that the ghost has started to become more and more aggressive as of recently. You suspect that the darkness has something to do with this and investigate the school afterhours.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for how well the investigation went!

If you roll between 5-20, you win. If you roll between 1-4, then you didn't find any evidence that a ghost is haunting school. Losing will make you unable to do quests for 2 days, unless you draw/write your character not finding anything.


Since it's afterhours, there's still some staff walking the halls who would bust any students who are here when they're supposed to be home. It's best to sneak around them and avoid getting caught during your investigation, or if you can find a clever excuse as to why you're there in the firs place.


Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for to either sneak past staff or for how convincing your excuse is.

If you roll between 5-20, you avoid coming contact with the staff. If you roll between 1-4, then you are caught by the staff and sent home! Losing will make you unable to do quests for 5 days, unless you draw/write your character getting caught by the staff.


You've found some evidence from your investigation! Time to put all that to use and get to the bottom of this mystery! Be wary, however, the Ghost is lurking around the school somewhere... You best find her before she finds you...


Roll 3: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to see if you find the ghost

If you roll between 5-20 you are able to find the ghost before she finds you. If you roll between 1-4, then she found you first, best start running. Losing will make you unable to do quests for 1 week, unless you draw/write your student getting absolutely spooked by the ghost!


After finding the ghost, it's discovered that the ghost does belong in the highschool world, but she started to act up due to an unknown force. At this point you're already aware that it's the darkness seeping out from the fantasy world. Whether it's through talking, being kind, or kicking her but somehow... find a way to remove the darkness from her soul and get her to move on!


Roll 4: Discord Command: (!roll 1d20)

  • Roll to subdue the Ghost

If you roll between 5-20, you win the quest and promptly expel the darkness from her, setting her free back up to the after-life. If you roll between 1-4, then she manages to escape, ready to haunt for another day... Losing will cause your character to receive a minor injury, needing a Sitrus Berry in order to continue.