Freaky Friday

Rise and Shine! Uh oh... something's not right... again

You woke up as one of your classmates! You sit in their room, completely unsure of what the heck is going on, until you realize that you're currently them. Whoever you're living with in this new house calls for your name. You start to freak out, wondering what to do and how exactly you're going to get away with being a different person you may not even fully know.

Your best bet is to get to the Fantasy World as soon as possible so that you can reverse this all by getting help from Manaphy. But for that to happen, you need to get through the entire school day. This certainly is going to be rough....

This Quest can either be done Solo or with a Partner! If done solo, pick another person's character with their permission! Collabs are only required if two people are eligible to take the quest and do it together.

  1. Pretend to be the person you swapped with

You decide to pretend and be the person you swapped with and will try either avoid making contact with your family/roommates or convince them that you are in fact, the person you're pretending to be.

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll 2d10) (If your character swapped with someone who lives by themselves or members who don't care about them, skip this step)

  • Roll for how well you avoid your new Family/Roommates

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're the person you swapped bodies with.

As long as you don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this step! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


Now that you've arrived at School, you're gonna want to find the person you swapped bodies with.

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d5)

  • Roll for how well you work as a team in order to pretend to be one another.

As long as you
don't roll a 1, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


You're in your final class and you've almost made it through the clear! But, then a group of close friends of the person you swapped with begin to talk with you. The person you swapped with is no-where to be found... you're on your own for this one.

Roll 3: Discord Command: (!roll d5)

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're their close friend and not some body swapped person pretending to be them.

As long as you don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


If you've made it this far... then you win! You are able to successfully make it to the Fantasy World, find a manaphy, and revert you and the other person back to their normal bodies. Hopefully that never happens again!