A Very Nasty Lunch

It's finally lunch time! You're absolutely starving, and you didn't bring any pre-made lunch with you to school today, so it's off to get food from the School's Cafeteria! Bad news, though, the Lunch Ladies have been infected by the Darkness, and they're specifically targeting you by giving you some pretty nasty food! It looks like they want you to get sick so you can't make your way over to the Fantasy World for a while. You notice something fishy going on with the Lunch Ladies, but nobody else seems to really notice, what do you do?

  1. Sneak out of the School and go grab some Fast Food!

You realize that eating the food would be a terrible idea, so you decide to go sneak out of school in order to get food from the outside world. Be careful, though, the staff might notice you leaving the school grounds!


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d10)

  • Roll for ability to escape off the school grounds.

If you roll anything other than a 1, then you are able to get off of the school grounds and get some food! If you roll a 1, then you get caught by the staff and sent back inside, either forcing you to starve for the day or eat the nasty food. Losing will give you a minor injury, requiring you to get a sitrus berry.


After escaping outside, you go and quickly grab the food that you want to get and then make your way back to the school, the problem is now that you have to get back inside, and while holding food! You need to be extra careful getting past the staff this time, it's going to be tougher than it was before...

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d10)

  • Roll for ability to return back to the cafeteria with your food

If you roll between 3-10, then you are able to get off of the school grounds and get some food! If you roll between 1-2, then you get caught by the staff and confiscate the food that you just bought. Losing will automatically make you lose 10 stars and you will also receive a minor injury, requiring you to get a sitrus berry.

2. Eat the Food you were given, I'm sure you will be fine.

Who cares? Probably not the wisest decision you've made, but these edibles ain't shit.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for your poison tolerance

If you roll between 12-20, then are able to eat the food without getting sick! If you roll between 1-11, then you start to regret all of your decisions, as you find yourself in the bathroom for the next couple of days. Losing will give you a fatal injury, requiring you to get a revival herb.

Buffs/Nerfs: Steel Types have better resistance to poison, therefore they must roll between 6-20 to finish the Quest. If they roll between 1-5, then they still manage to get sick, but not as badly. You will receive a minor injury, requiring you to get a sitrus berry.

3. Trade Lunches with the annoying kid

You grab your lunch, look down at it for a moment and think about what to do. You then hear that annoying ass kid at that one table who never shuts up. Sure, you'd have to interact with them, but maybe you could trade Lunch with them and get them sick instead.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for annoying kid's poison tolerance

If you roll between 1-10, then are able to freely eat your food while they get sick! Don't have to bother listening to them now. If you roll between 11-20, then they never get sick and you're stuck there having to sit and eat lunch with the annoying kid. Losing will give you a minor injury, requiring you to get a Sitrus Berry.

Note: When drawing/writing the "Annoying Kid", you can either make it one of the existing Fantasy High Students (with permission from the owner!) or make them a random NPC student not in the group.