Zombie Snowmen

During your travels, you come across a strangely snow covered area. That's odd, it shouldn't be snowing here at all! Your suspicions are correct, as you are ambushed by a bunch of Zombie like Snowmen! Some are in human form, some are in feral form. Watch out!

  1. Fend off the Zombies

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to decide if you are able to fend off against the Zombie Snowmen

Roll anywhere between 11-20 to finish the quest. If you roll between 1-10, then you will get mauled by the Zombie snowmen and receive a Fatal Injury, requiring a Revival Herb to continue.

Buffs/Nerfs: If you are a Fighting, Rock, Steel, or Fire type, you only fail if you roll between 1-5. Failing will also result in a Minor Injury instead of a Fatal one.