"That" Escort Mission

Due to the darkness being pushed back and it's town's residents returning to normal, one of the Royal Families has deemed it was okay to travel back home. The Mother and Father returned first, but now it was time for their son to return as well. The child's name is Master Cory, and you will be escorting him back to his home. He is however... quite the brat. He's a little shit, he's going to insult and annoy you to the point where you feel like he might not even be worth saving, but, its a quest, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

  1. Escort Master Cory Home

Cory is a real piece of shit, so he's always loud mouthing and being an annoying jerk the entire way through. Your patience wears thin and you're just about ready to call it quits on the quest.

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll 2d20)

  • Roll to decide how tolerant you are to the kid

  • Roll to decide on your luck on running into baddies.

For your first number, you must roll anywhere between 6-20 to not fail. If you roll between 1-5, then you will lose your cool towards Master Cory and fail the Quest. You will receive a minor injury and will need a sitrus berry to continue.

For your second number, you must roll anywhere between 11-20 to not run into baddies and finish the quest. If you roll between 1-10, then you will encounter bad guys that you must defeat in order to save Master Cory.

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for how well you defend Master Cory against the incoming baddies.

between 5-20 to win the quest. If you roll between 1-4 , then you will lose Master Cory and get yourself beaten in the process. You will receive a fatal injury in the process and will need a revival herb to try again.