Not so Sweet Dreams

Detecting a lot of Dark Energy coming from a particular household, you go inside to investigate... only to learn that it was a trap! You and anyone with you get sent into a dream dimension, trapped inside the dream of the residents sleeping there. You find them scared and defenseless against some big scary enemies. Time to go and save the day!

  1. Wake up! Wake up!

You prepare to fight, only to learn that your weapons aren't working as intended! This is bad. Like REAL bad. It's clear you can't win against this dream enemies, you're gonna need to find a way to wake the sleeping person up, from within their own dreams.

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to improvise a plan to wake up the person from within their own dreams.

Roll anywhere between 8-20 to finish the quest. If you roll between 1-7, then you will be defeated by the Dream World monsters, resulting in a minor injury that will require a sitrus berry to continue.

Buffs/Nerfs: If you have a Pokeflute, then you automatically win the Quest. Completing this quest removes the item from your inventory.