Hallucination Station

Drugs drugs we love drugs come on down town to have our drugs!

Student drugged into Illusion Taylor Appearance

Illusion Form Ref

Student drugged into True Form Taylor Appearance

True Form Ref

You're currently on your way to the nearest town, but first you have to cut through a forest. Unfortunately for you, you picked the wrong forest to travel through today... That crazy bitch Taylor is there, waiting for your to consume literally anything in the forest, all of which she has drugged up in order for you to join her hivemind. You are never made aware of her presence, but something definitely feels off...

  1. Make your way through the forest without getting drugged.

Upon entering the forest, you start to get thirsty. That's so odd, you could've sworn you had water just a little bit ago. But there seems to be a really clean pond nearby. Would it really kill you to go and take a quick drink?

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to resist the urge to drink the water.


Roll anywhere between 6-20 to ignore the water and continue. If you roll between 1-5, then you end up drinking the water and get drugged. Taylor has successfully drugged you and now you have succumbed to her mindset and looks.

Pick one of the following if you lost. (Note: Being "Taylor'd" essentially makes your character look like Taylor, sporting her hairstyle, eyes, outfit, personality, and gender, as shown in the ref. Can depict as either Illusion or True Form)

  • Wait 1 week before you can try quests again

  • Draw/write your character getting "Taylor'd". Depict them as either the Illusion or True form.

  • Automatically win this Quest, but must use the "Taylor'd" version for the next two quests.

Buffs/Nerfs: If you are a Mage class, Steel Type, or Ghost Type, you only fail if you roll between 1-3.


You haven't eaten in a while, either... an apple tree very conveniently waits for you up ahead. These apples are totally find and absolutely won't drug you into being Taylor. Why not take a bite?

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to resist the urge to eat the apples.


Roll between 6-20 to win the quest. If you roll between 1-5 , then you end up eating the apple and get drugged. Taylor has successfully drugged you and now you have succumbed to her mindset and looks.

Pick one of the following if you lost.

  • Wait 1 week before you can try quests again

  • Draw/write your character getting "Taylor'd". Depict them as either the Illusion or True form.

  • Automatically win this Quest, but must use the "Taylor'd" version for the next two quests.

Buffs/Nerfs: If you are a Mage class, Steel Type, or Ghost Type, you only fail if you roll between 1-3.


You make your way out of the forest and give a big sigh of relief. You feel like you just narrowly avoided something terrible. Don't worry, Taylor will try to get you again in the future. She's always watching... waiting... and coming for you.

2. Save a Friend who has been drugged.

You were talking with your friend at an earlier point in time and you knew that they went through this path earlier. What you didn't expect, however, is to see them look completely crazy! They seem to have a parasite of some kind affecting them that's causing them to act differently. Their eyes are crazy looking, they have more rat-like features, and they're acting like a crazy lady that wants to subdue you... wait what?!?

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to resist being subdued by your drugged friend


Roll anywhere between 6-20 to resist being subdued. If you roll between 1-5, then you end up getting subdued and drugged by your friend. Congratulations! Taylor has successfully drugged you and your friend. Both of you have succumbed to her mindset and looks.

Pick one of the following if you lost. (Note: Being "Taylor'd" essentially makes your character look like Taylor, sporting her hairstyle, eyes, outfit, personality, and gender, as shown in the ref. Can depict as either Illusion or True Form)

  • Wait 1 week before you can try quests again

  • Draw/write your character getting "Taylor'd". Depict them as either the Illusion or True form.

  • Automatically win this Quest, but must use the "Taylor'd" version for the next two quests.

Buffs/Nerfs: If you are a Mage class, Steel Type, or Ghost Type, you only fail if you roll between 1-3.


After defeating your friend in a fight. You attempt to snap them out of it. Be careful, though, it seems that the drugs, virus, or whatever, has one last trick up it's sleeve. Be careful!

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to snap your friend out of their drugged state.


Roll between 2-20 to win the quest. If you roll a 1, then you accidentally drop your guard and get drugged. Congratulations! Taylor has successfully drugged you and your friend. Both of you have succumbed to her mindset and looks.

Pick one of the following if you lost.

  • Wait 1 week before you can try quests again

  • Draw/write your character getting "Taylor'd". Depict them as either the Illusion or True form.

  • Automatically win this Quest, but must use the "Taylor'd" version for the next two quests.


Snapping your friend out of it, they finally return to normal. It's time to take them the hell out of this crazy forest! Why did they look like that and who caused it, we may never know. But don't worry, Taylor will try to get you again in the future. She's always watching... waiting... and coming for you.