Urinal Investigation

Alright.. who the HELL keeps putting random food in the urinals?!? For a while, nobody knows who did it, and it just keeps happening. Certainly a joke that is bland and repetitive as this could only be done by someone who was infected by the Darkness. You decide to look into it and try to find out who it is. Unfortunately for you, rumors start appearing that YOU were the one who has been doing this! Whoever started these rumors against you is probably the one who did it. You need to shut down these rumors somehow while also catching the real culprit. It's the only way that you're gonna get off the hook.

  1. Prove your innocence and find the culprit!

There are many different ways to solve this case, but in terms of the dice, this is a pretty simple one! Whether you're with a group of friends or by yourself, you'll each roll a 3 sided dice.

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d3)

  • Roll for deduction skills

If done solo, you win if you roll anything that isn't a 1!

If done in a group of 2, your total must be above 2.

If done in a group of 3, your total must be above 4.

If done in a group of 4, your total must be above 6.

If you succeeded, then you found the culprit and saved yourself from gossip. However, if you were unable to save yourself, you must take the guilt of being the culprit, even if you really weren't. You have to take a fatal injury which can be healed by a Revival Herb.