Slaking Stan at it again

Group Projects... everyone hates them. Why? Well, because there's always one person in your group who's always SLACKING!

Wait... oh no.

  1. This Binch Slaking. Time to do it yourself. (2-4 characters in Party)

You hate to see it, your project is due tomorrow and one of your group members has completely slacked off on doing their work what so ever. You and your group members are absolutely furious. You're gonna have to do all the work yourself now. Your parents will absolutely not be happy if they find out you failed this project.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20) for the first character

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d10) for the every character collabing in the quest after that.

  • Roll for Homework completion skills

If your score is 10 (+3 for every additional person participating), you complete the project!. If you can't score high enough, then all of you fail the project and take a minor injury and will need a Sitrus Berry to continue.

2. Oh no no no.... This Binch Slaking WILL do it.

Slaking has decided to not do their part project, but you're not having any of this bullshit. If anything, it's probably the darkness that is causing them to slack off so much. Whip them into shape in whatever way you think is necessary.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20) for the first character

If your score is between 6-20, you successfully got the Slaking to do their part of the project! If you can't score high enough, then your plan backfires and either the Slaking beats you up instead, or you manage to get into even more trouble while also failing the project, resulting in a Fatal Injury that will require a Revival Herb to continue.