In The Name of Love

It's the weekend and it's a beautiful day outside! You (and a group of friends possibly) decide to venture out of town for a little bit and head towards the farmland and the mountains nearby, just to enjoy the scenery and relax for once. You've worked incredibly hard over in the Fantasy World, so treat yourself! Get a good view while not having to worry about a monster ambushing you. No monsters as far as the eye can see, and plenty of flowers blooming in the grass that lays before you. You close your eyes and take a whiff of the smell the flowers provide, and let out a sigh. After opening your eyes, you see a distressed man in the distance. How could he be so upset on a day like this? You decide to go talk to him.

The Man tells you that back at the town, there is a girl he really loves, and she always talks about this one particular type of flower that she loves so much and wishes she could have. However, being the clumsy forgetful man he is, had forgotten what the flower had looked like! There were just so many different types of flowers out in the field, how could he possibly know which one to pick for her? After explaining the situation to you, you decide to look around to see what flower it might possibly be. Perhaps there's one sticking out amongst the bunch?

As you look around to find just right flower she would like, you spot one under a tree. It's the most beautiful flower you had ever seen. However... upon investigating the flower, you realize that there is a giant Beedrill nest just above. They seem to get pretty angry whenever anyone gets close. This may just be the flower that the girl wants so badly, and it makes sense as to why she can't get it...

What should you do in this situation?

  1. Go for the Flower

Despite the bees, you decide to go for the Flower anyways.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll 3d20)

  • Roll for Stealth

  • Roll for Speed

  • Roll For Accuracy

If your total score is 25 or higher or you roll a 20, you retrieve the flower and win.

If your total score is below 25 or you roll a 1 without rolling any 20s, you and your party will get stun by the bees and you will lose. It's a fatal injury, you'll need a Revival Herb to heal you.

2. Fight the Bees (Group of 2 or more Only)

You decide that if you want to get that flower, you're going to have to kill those Bees. So square up for a fight! You and your friends go back to your houses to get equipment such as Bug Spray or something else like that.

Everyone in your party will roll and have their own outcome if they win or lose.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll 3d20)

  • Roll for Initial Hit

  • Roll for Evasiveness

  • Roll For Accuracy

If your total score is 25 or higher or you roll a 20, you kill the bees, retrieve the flower, and win.

If your total score is below 25 or you roll a 1 without rolling any 20s, you will get stun by the bees and you will lose.

If your total score is below 25 or you roll a 1 without rolling any 20s, you and your party will get stun by the bees and you will lose.

It's a fatal injury, you'll need a Revival Herb to heal you.

3. Go for a different Flower

Those Bees look pretty dangerous, so you decide to not go for that Flower. Besides, the girl will most likely like any other flower just as much... right? You pick a flower for the man and he decides to take it to the girl. He says he'll pay you if the girl ends up liking it.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d3)

  • Roll for how much she likes it.

If you roll a 2 or 3, that means she liked it anyways! If you roll a 1.. well... that means she rejected it. Your feelings are hurt, but it's a minor injury, a sitrus berry will do just fine healing you.