Genderbending Troubles

Rise and Shine! Uh oh... something's not right...

You woke up as the opposite gender! Everything about your appearance has changed, as if you had always been living this way. When opening your closet, it seems that you now have both pants and a skirt to choose from!. Your room, however, has remained exactly the same, photos of you in your room still depict you as the gender you originally were, and whoever you're living with calls out for your original name. You start to freak out, wondering what to do and how exactly you're going to explain to people in the real world that you just suddenly flipped genders.

Your best bet is to get to the Fantasy World as soon as possible so that you can reverse this all with a Gender Potion, but for that to happen, you need to get through the entire school day. This certainly is going to be rough....

  1. Pretend to be your original Gender

You decide to grab your original uniform and will try either avoid making contact with your family/roommates or convince them that you are the same gender you've always been. Perhaps grab a hat or jacket to cover any obvious changes, try not to talk to much to expose your different voice, just anything to avoid being caught!

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll 2d10) (If your character lives by themselves or members who don't care about them, skip this step)

  • Roll for how well you avoid your Family/Roommates

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're still your original gender.

As long as you don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this part! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


Now that you've arrived at School, you're gonna want to not get the attention of your Classmates! Roll again to avoid being caught.

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d10) Roll a d15 instead if you are collabing with another member doing the same quest!

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're still your original gender.

As long as you
don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


You're in your final class and you've almost made it through the clear! But, your teacher asks you a question in class, and you have to answer. How well can you fake your voice?

Roll 3: Discord Command: (!roll d10)

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're still your original gender.

As long as you don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


If you've made it this far... then you win! You are able to successfully make it to the Fantasy World, grab a Gender Potion, and revert yourself back to your original gender. Hopefully that never happens again!

2. Pretend to be somebody new

You decide to grab the new uniform and will try to pass off as a completely new person! Nobody can know that you got genderswapped if they don't even know it's you in the first place! But that does mean you're going to have to put a very convincing act on. The first thing you're going to need to do is get out of your house, so just slip out of there as fast as you can!

Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d10) (If your character lives by themselves or members who don't care about them, skip this step)

  • Roll for how well you avoid your Family/Roommates

As long as you don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


Now that you've arrived at School, you're gonna want to blend in as a new student! You might need to lie a few times and come up with a fake story and name as to who you are.

Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d10) Roll a d15 instead if you are collabing with another member doing the same quest!

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're an actual student at Fantasy High

As long as you
don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


You're in your final class and you've almost made it through the clear! But, your teacher asks who are you, and you have to answer. How well can you fake your reasoning for being there?

Roll 3: Discord Command: (!roll d10)

  • Roll for how well you trick them into believing you're a new student and that you're supposed to be in this class.

As long as you don't roll a 1 at all, you will win this quest! If you do roll a 1, then you will be caught out and questioned.. You will receive a minor injury in the process and will need a sitrus berry to try again.


If you've made it this far... then you win! You are able to successfully make it to the Fantasy World, grab a Gender Potion, and revert yourself back to your original gender. Hopefully that never happens again!