Dangerously Attractive

One of the most attractive students at school has been affected by the darkness. All of a sudden, it seems that they've decided to flirt with you! It's not just any normal flirting, however... the darkness has given them the ability to use the move, Attract! You can feel the magical energy of attract trying to get the best of you, if you weren't already attracted by them in the first place. Figures that they also just happen to be the gender you're attracted to the most!

This is a single player Quest. No multiplayer version is available.

  1. Attraction to Male Characters

The most popular boy in school walks up to you and begins to flirt with you. He looks kinda hot, but you know better than to just instantly fall for him... right?.... right?


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for Self Control

If you roll anything other than a 1, you win. If you roll a 1, then you're a fucking simp and fall for the man and lose. Losing will make you unable to do quests for 1 week, unless you draw or write crackship art of your loss.


Anyways, after clearly not failing that, he knows that you realize he's being controlled by the Darkness, so he doesn't spend much time messing around and uses his signature move, attract. It causes you to get dizzy and lose sight of your main objective. Lust because to fill your head and all you suddenly want is him. It doesn't help that he actually looks really hot, too...

With nobody else around, it's up to you to snap out of it!


Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for to snap out of Attraction

If you roll between 8-20, you win the quest and promptly kick his butt.. If you roll between a 1-7, then you fail to snap out of attraction and the man takes you out on a date for the day. Losing here will result in a Fatal Injury that requires a Revival Herb to continue.

2. Attraction to Female Characters

The prettiest girl in school walks up to you and begins to flirt with you. She looks kinda hot, but you know better than to just instantly fall for her... right?.... right?


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll for Self Control

If you roll anything other than a 1, you win. If you roll a 1, then you're a fucking simp and fall for the lady and lose. Losing will make you unable to do quests for 1 week, unless you draw crackship art of your loss.


Anyways, after clearly not failing that, she knows that you realize she's being controlled by the Darkness, so she doesn't spend much time messing around and uses her signature move, attract. It causes you to get dizzy and lose sight of your main objective. Lust because to fill your head and all you suddenly want is her. It doesn't help that she actually looks really hot, too...

With nobody else around, it's up to you to snap out of it!


Roll 2: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to snap out of Attraction

If you roll between 8-20, you win the quest and promptly kick her butt.. If you roll between 1-7, then you fail to snap out of attraction and the woman takes you out on a date for the day.. Losing here will result in a Fatal Injury that requires a Revival Herb to continue.

3. Are Asexual or have no attraction to either gender.

The most popular person in school walks up to you and begins to flirt with you. They give you a wink, but honestly, you feel nothing. What are they even trying to do? They seem unamused by the fact that you aren't budging one bit, so they attempt to use attract on you.


Roll 1: Discord Command: (!roll d20)

  • Roll to snap out of attraction.

If you roll anything other than a 1, you win the quest and promptly kick their butt. If you roll a 1, then oops, you ended up falling for them... somehow? You run away before it gets any worse, failing the quest and needed a Revival Herb after everything that just occurred.