As can be seen, this pizza is as satisfactory as possible for the Oldsters, but overall it is satisfactory for 4 out of 5 in other social groups. The price for all the ingredients is just $4.68, but you can set the selling price even to the maximum, because it does not affect the mood of customers.

A pizza, in which the taste foundation is made of meat. The nutriment makes up for more than half of the total weight of ingredients. In addition, the pizza contains small quantities of cheese and vegetables, as well as a little bit of spices. Here are the proportions:

Pizza Connection 3 Rezepte Download

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This pizza is optimal for Workers. The price of all components is $5.25. The satisfaction of other social groups in this case does not depend on price. Regardless of whether the price is - minimum or maximum, all groups except Big Shot will be satisfied.

This pizza is dedicated especially for teens and students. The key ingredient is meat, which makes up the main part of all ingredients. Additionally, the pizza consists of vegetables, cheese and spices in following proportions:

A pizza, in which the four types of ingredients - cheese, fruit, meat and vegetables - are in very similar proportions. In addition, you will find a small amount of spices and fish in it. Everything is kept in following proportion:

Despite the large amount of ingredients, this pizza initially costs relatively little amount of money. However, since no other social group will be interested in buying such a pizza, you can set any selling price.

Diese Wettbewerbe sind brigens durchaus zu gewinnen. Schnelligkeit geht vor absolute Genauigkeit, Hauptsache, die Zutatenwahl und -menge stimmt. Ich hab mich immer gefreut, wenn die Schachbrettpizza kam. Sie ist eine der leichtesten. Aber mit Touchpad wirklich nicht zu schaffen. Erst im spteren Spielverlauf werden die Rezepte so kompliziert und lang, dass man selbst mit flottestem Mitschreiben whrend des immer rasanteren Vorbackens keine Chance mehr hat.

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