Clathrin independent endocytosis (CIE) is a form of endocytosis present in all cells that mediates the entry of nutrients, macromolecules and membrane proteins into cells. When compared to clathrin-dependent endocytosis (CDE), however, much less is known about the machinery involved in forming CIE endosomes. One way to distinguish CIE from CDE has been to deplete cells of coat proteins involved in CDE such as clathrin or the dynamin GTPase, leading to a block of CDE but not CIE. A drawback of such genetic manipulations is that depletion of proteins important for mediating CDE over a period of days can have complex indirect effects on cellular function. The identification of chemical compounds that specifically and rapidly block CDE or CIE would facilitate the determination of whether a process involved CDE or CIE. To date, all of those compounds have targeted CDE. Dynasore and the dynoles specifically target and block dynamin activity thus inhibiting CDE but not most forms of CIE. Recently, a new compound called pitstop 2 was identified as an inhibitor of the interaction of amphiphysin with the amino terminal domain of clathrin, and shown to inhibit CDE in cells. Here we show that pitstop 2 is also a potent inhibitor of CIE. The effects of pitstop 2 are not restricted to inhibition of clathrin since knockdown of clathrin fails to rescue the inhibition of endocytosis of CIE proteins by the drug. Thus pitstop 2 has additional cellular targets besides the amino terminal domain of clathrin and thus cannot be used to distinguish CIE from CDE.

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I think I read a thread saying that this season (2022), F1 pitstops must be at least 2 seconds and cannot go lower. I think that this gives a disadvantage to Red Bull since their pitstop timing is superb.

The FIA outlawing these systems, and reintroducing human reaction times, means that pitstops are slightly slower and more deliberate, such that making a pitstop in less than 2 seconds is now much harder than before. However, doing so is neither illegal nor impossible: at the 2023 Qatar Grand Prix, McLaren broke the world record for fastest pitstop by changing Lando Norris' tyres in just 1.80 seconds. They faced no punishment and were awarded the DHL Fastest Pit Stop award for that race.

I have created a 30mM stock in DMSO; then added 1 ul of this stock (at room temp) to 1.2 mls cell culture medium (minimum essential medium); I mix and immediately I can see crystals form in the medium after adding the 1ul pitstop;

Any idea what is going on and how to keep pitstop in solution?

I have treated U251 cells with 25uM pitstop for 10 min. However the cells start to roll up even before 10 minutes. After the 10' treatment I intend to treat the cells with a drug to determine if the drug effect relies on clathrin function. but the cells are dying before the assay can be completed. any advice would be appreciated.

(A) Hela cells were preincubated with DMSO (control) or 20 M pitstop 2 or pitstop 2-negative control for 15 min. Cells were allowed to internalize Alexa594-Transferrin and antibodies to MHCI for 30 min at 37C in the presence of DMSO or drugs. Surface bound antibodies were removed by low pH wash to visualize the internalized proteins (Internal) prior to fixation or cells were fixed immediately after the internalization to label for the internal and surface pools (Total) of the protein. Cells were then labeled with secondary antibodies to detect MHCI. (B) Cells preincubated with DMSO or 20 M pitstop 2 were allowed to internalize antibodies directed towards CD59, CD44, CD98 and CD147 for 30 min and fixed. Surface bound antibodies were removed by acidic wash or blocked with unlabeled goat-anti-mouse IgG. Cells were then incubated with secondary antibodies to detect the internalized cargo proteins. The results shown are representative of three independent experiments. Bar, 10 m.

Recently, new compounds that selectively target proteins involved in CDE have been identified with the promise that these could be used to acutely inhibit this process. These include compounds that specifically target dynamin such as dynasore [16] and the dynoles [17]. Since dynamin is required for all forms of CDE and is used in some forms of CIE [18], a compound that selectively targets clathrin was developed by Haucke and colleagues. This compound, named pitstop 2, was designed and shown to bind to and block interactions between the amino terminal domain of clathrin heavy chain and amphiphysin, one of many proteins shown to bind to this domain of clathrin [19]. In cells, pitstop 2 was shown to inhibit endocytosis of transferrin receptor, a CDE cargo protein, but not affect endocytosis of shiga toxin [19], which enters cells independently of clathrin [20].

We attempted to use pitstop to acutely block CDE in order to examine effects of blocking CDE on subsequent trafficking of endocytosed CIE cargo proteins. Surprisingly, we found that pitstop 2 potently blocks endocytosis of endogenous proteins normally entering cells by CIE.

(A) Hela cells were preincubated with DMSO (0.1%) or different doses of pitstop 2 ranging from 5 M to 30 M. Cells were then allowed to internalize Alexa594-Transferrin and antibodies to MHCI in the presence or absence of the drug for 30 min and then processed as described in Figure 1. Bars, 10 m. (B) Total integrated fluorescence intensity of internalized Tfn and MHCI was quantified using Metamorph Software as described in Materials and Methods. The values of the different doses of pitstop 2 were then normalized to DMSO controls (set to 100%). Quantification was done for 60 cells at each dose and the error bars represent the standard deviation from the mean. P-values were calculated from the raw data and compared between DMSO and different doses of pitstop 2. Inhibition of MHCI uptake with pitstop was statistically significant for all doses with p-value

(A) BEAS-2B cells were preincubated with DMSO or 20 M pitstop 2. Cells were then incubated with Alexa-594 Tfn and antibodies to MHCI in the presence of DMSO or the drugs for 30 min and then processed as described in Figure 2. Lower panel represents the quantification of the integrated intensity of internalized proteins (Tfn and MHCI). The total integrated intensity of each cell was quantified as described in Materials and Methods. The mean fluorescence intensity, as arbitrary units, is plotted with standard deviation for 50 cells in both control and pitstop-treated cells. Both Tfn and MHCI internalization were inhibited at 20 M pitstop 2 (p

(A) Hela cells expressing SNAP-Tac were preincubated with DMSO or 20 M pitstop 2 for 15 min. Cells were labeled with BG-488 for 30 min at 37C in the presence or absence of the drug and then imaged in the confocal microscope. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) of surface SNAP-Tac was performed. Images were taken at 2 sec intervals, starting 10 sec before photobleaching, followed by imaging for a total time of 2 min after photobleaching. Corrected relative fluorescence intensities of surface SNAP-Tac in the FRAP region is represented in the graph. The graph was representative of 15 individual FRAP analyses from 2 independent experiments. (B) Hela cells pretreated with DMSO or pitstop 2 were allowed to internalize 568-labeled shiga toxin (140 ng/ml) and antibodies to CD98 for 30 min. Cells were fixed and labeled with 488-labeled secondary antibodies to detect internalized CD98. This experiment was repeated 2 additional times. Bars, 10 m.

For live cell microscopy, Hela cells expressing SNAP-Tac were used. Transiently transfected cells were placed in serum-free media for 1 h. Cells were treated with 20 M pitstop 2 for 15 min at 37C. Surface SNAP-Tac was then labeled with BG-Alexa 488 for 15 min at 37C in the presence or absence of the drug. The probe was washed with PBS and cells were imaged in DMEM without phenol red. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments were performed immediately. Images were taken at 2 sec intervals, starting 10 sec before photobleaching, followed by imaging for a total time of 2 min after photobleaching. Fluorescence of 488-labeled SNAP-Tac was analyzed in the photobleached region of the plasma membrane with time. Intensity values were corrected by analyzing the fluorescence intensity in a non-bleached control area.

CDE and CIE can be observed in HeLa cells by monitoring endocytosis of labeled transferrin and an antibody to the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I protein (MHCI), respectively. After 30 min of endocytosis, internalized transferrin and MHCI partially colocalized in the juxtanuclear regions (Fig. 1A, Control, Internal) and MHCI was also observed in some recycling tubules as described reported [23], 24. Similar to what has previously been reported [19], treatment of cells with 20 M pitstop 2 led to a block in internalization of transferrin receptor compared to untreated cells (control) or cells treated with the negative control of pitstop 2 that was provided by the manufacturer (Fig. 1A). However, internalization of MHCI was also inhibited (Fig. 1A, Pitstop 2, Internal). Although endocytosis of MHCI was inhibited by Pitstop 2, the antibody was still capable of binding to the surface of cells as shown by imaging the total cell-associated fluorescence (Total) in control and Pitstop 2 treated cells (Fig. 1A). Endocytosis of other CIE cargo proteins was examined in the presence of pitstop 2. Internalization of CD59, a GPI-anchored protein with a trafficking itinerary similar to MHCI [7], [25], was also blocked by pitstop 2 (Fig. 1B). Three additional cargo proteins (CD44, CD98 and CD147), which enter cells by CIE but take an alternative itinerary from that of MHCI and CD59 once inside the cell [7], were also examined. Treatment with pitstop 2 blocked endocytosis of these proteins, while in untreated cells, endocytosed CD44, CD98 and CD147 were observed in tubular recycling endosomes (Fig. 1B), as previously observed [7]. The block in endocytosis induced by pitstop 2 was observed at shorter times (10 min) of internalization and could be reversed after 1 h of drug removal (data not shown). be457b7860


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