Pinnacle Solitaire Teenpatti Privacy Policy

Information collection and use

In order to ensure the security of users' personal data, we will not collect any personal-related information. We will only collect relevant data used to improve app functions, that is, device information (such as Mac address, system version, device identifier, device name), Crash data (operation records, crash metadata).

Record data

We would like to inform you that whenever you use our services, if there is an error in the application, we will collect data and information on your phone (through third-party products) (called log data). This Log Data may include your device Internet Protocol ("IP") address, such as Mac address, system version, device identifier, device name, application configuration when using our Services, the time and date you use the Services, and other Statistics and other information.

Privacy Policy Updates

We will update this privacy policy from time to time. Please check the latest privacy policy content through this website. When you use our app, you agree to this privacy policy by default.