Himalayan Salt Decoration Pieces

Beware! The pieces of broken glass can injure you! These sorts of warning cries are heard in a house whenever a glass bowl slips from a person’s hands and it smashes on the floor. Next comes to the process of cleaning and throwing away the tiny and dangerous pieces of broken glass. They are useless. But today, I will tell you about a bowl that after it is fragmented, is still useful. It is named as salt ember, a bowl that is made purely out of salt.

This bowl is a decoration piece and light is fitted in it to make it glow. It is made up of 100% pure Himalayan salt that is full of energy. It works like a salt lamp, but it differs greatly in its shape. The bowl is not empty. It contains small blocks cut out from salt; therefore it is a complete salt product. It packs in with the freshness and greatness of the natural pink salt. You can place it in any lonely corner of your room. It will add some color and life to the arid areas. It gives out a purifying and soothing glow. And the last thing is if you carelessly drop it on the floor and it is broken into a thousand pieces, then still those pieces are useful. As it is made up of salt, thus, those salt pieces are totally edible. They can be added to your everyday food to give it flavor and taste. So, even the broken pieces of the salt bowl are not useless.

Stars are such heavenly bodies present in the universe that have their own light. Sun is a star and it gives out light, whereas the moon is illuminated by the light from the sun. People love the stars because of their natural light and as they illuminate and adorn the black night sky. They are far away, you cannot have them, but you can have salt starco!

As it is a five-cornered star that is made up of pure salt. In its center, a tea light candle is placed. Therefore, the same as the stars in the sky, the salt starco is also illuminated. It is a beautiful decorative item, to be a healthy and unique addition to the living room. A good thing is that as it has a candle in it to light it up, therefore, it does not need any electricity source or the never-ending batteries. And it is a lamp that can even give light when your electricity is switched off. It is portable so you don’t have to worry about any wires trailing behind. The color array of the salt lamp is also very charming. It starts from the lightest color, white and goes up to the dark blood red color.

Plus, if you ever feel low blood pressure, then you can lick it to instantly increase your blood pressure as it is purely made up of Himalayan pink salt. When you look at it long enough, then you feel refreshed and calm inside you.

Salt products are very beneficial to the human body. Breathing in a salt environment is a cure for asthma patients. But the normal human beings, when breathing in salt, their immune system is developed and they also develop other good things.

What You Need to Know About Himalayan Pink Salt

Today we are here to introduce you to the wondrous substance that can literally change your life. From curing your respiratory disorders to giving you numerous illuminated products and letting you build stunning infrastructures, Himalayan Pink Salt has got you covered in every aspect of life.

What is Himalayan Pink Salt?Himalayan salt which is also known as Himalayan crystal rock salt, Himalayan pink salt, etc, is one of the finest rock salts in the world. It is most commonly known as Himalayan pink salt because of its impurities which give it a beautiful pink color. The salt is mined from the Southern bed of Himalayan salt ranges in Punjab, Pakistan. Apart from the fact that Himalayan salt is believed to be the part of Earth since it came into being, it has tons of magical insights. Those magical insights include great color, firm texture, healing and illuminated effect etc which give it an extra advantage whenever it is being used.

Where is it used?

Himalayan salt is used for countless purposes because of all the above-mentioned insights. The salt is quite internationally acclaimed for all the legit reasons. Moreover, it is famously used to make illuminated lamps and candle stands etc for the decorative purposes. However, the most amazing use of Himalayan salt is the fact that it has healing powers which makes it a most significant element in the treatment of many diseases.

Its striking colors which vary from pink to red and off-white enhance the beauty of any surface where it is used. For the very reason, it is used in construction purposes on an international level. The salt is molded to make salt tiles/bricks which are further used to make salt walls, ceilings and even a whole salt room for the treatment purposes.

Himalayan Rock Salt Bricks

Himalayan salt is shaped in the form of bricks and majorly used for construction and treatment purposes. The Himalayan salt bricks can be molded into numerous shapes such as polygonal shapes 3 sided equal triangle, 4 sided Equal rectangle, 4 sided Equal Square, 5 sided equal pentagon, 6 sided equal hexagon. The size of the tiles varies from 2*2*2 to 8*8*2 inches. However, the most common Himalayan salt brick for walls size is 2” thick x 4” wide x 8” lengths.

If we throw light on the construction purposes, the salt bricks are used for building a main wall, illuminated ceilings, fancy stairs, and even staircases, salt cave, to cover certain wall surfaces, or even a total salt room. Himalayan salt bricks are also used to make the exclusive Halotherapy cabins which are used to cure the respiratory and skin diseases. They are also used to make animals’ pastures as the salt is believed to be a helpful substance for the healing of the diseased animals. Words of Personal Tale

I have personally used the Himalayan salt bricks at the very entrance of my home for the decorative and health purpose. My home entrance looks absolutely marvelous when light reflects on the pink tiles and illuminate its natural hue.

If you have personally visited the salt rooms or have used it in the construction purposes then you would definitely agree with me. However, if you haven’t then we have got you covered as we have all ranges of salt products made of pure Himalayan pink salt.