The Traceroute tool is used to map the hops between the end user and the destination server. This can help determine where any issues may lie on the network. The examples below were collected after tracing a route to server, over a maximum of 30 hops. They show a good traceroute, then two bad traceroutes; one a failed hop, and one a routing loop.

In the good traceroute example earlier, hop 7 was not responding to the request, but had not failed, as it was forwarding traffic to hop 8. The result of a test where one hop isn't responding, and is not forwarding traffic, would look something like this:

Ping Tracer Download


As you can see in this test we dropped two packets but, due to the large sample size, this is negligible and is well within working parameters. If we had a sample size of just four pings this would be a loss of 50% and would not be a true reflection of loss on the circuit.

This network utility is a more advanced version of the Ping tool, which performs a ping to each hop along the route to the destination (unlike Ping, which just pings from the originating device to the destination device). It is extremely useful in diagnosing packet loss, and can help with diagnosing slow speed faults.

The advantages of PathPing over Ping and Traceroute are that each node is pinged as the result of a single command, and that the behaviour of nodes is studied over an extended time period, rather than the default ping sample of four messages, or default traceroute single route trace. The disadvantage is that it takes a total of 25 seconds per hop to show the PathPing statistics.

No packets have been dropped on hop 3, but it does have an abnormally high ping response time of 304ms. This could indicate that the hardware on that hop is not performing correctly, and this may be causing high response times and slow speeds. If the hardware on that hop is not performing correctly, you would see high ping times on all subsequent hops, in which case, investigate the hardware on that hop.

As you can see this hop has not responded to any pings sent to it, but has not dropped any pings sent through it. As mentioned in, Understanding ping results, this is due to the server not responding to ICMP ping requests for security or service reasons and does not indicate a problem.

When you see the 0 hop repeated, followed by, this means the hop is not responding to the ping correctly. Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the PathPing tool and the way it handles ping responses.

I've spent a career building networks and servers, deploying them, troubleshooting them, and caring for applications. When there's a network problem, be it outages or failed deployments (or you're just plain curious about how things work), three simple tools come to mind: ping, traceroute, and netstat.

The ping command is one of the most well-known tools available. Simply put, ping sends an "are you there?" message to a remote host. If the host is, in fact, there, ping returns a "yup, I'm here" message. It does this using a protocol known as ICMP, or Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMP was designed to be an error reporting protocol and has a wide variety of uses that we won't go into here.

Ping uses two ICMP message types: type 8 (Echo Request) and type 0 (Echo Reply). When you issue a ping command, the source sends an ICMP Echo Request to the destination. If the destination is available and is allowed to respond, then it replies with an ICMP Echo Reply. Once the message returns to the source, the ping command displays a success message as well as the Round Trip Time (RTT). The RTT can be an indicator of the latency between the source and the destination.

When the ping command completes, it displays a summary of the ping session. This summary tells you how many packets were sent and received, how much packet loss there was, and statistics on the RTT of the traffic. Ping is an excellent first step for identifying whether or not a destination is "alive." Keep in mind, however, that some networks block ICMP traffic, so a failure to respond is not a guarantee that the destination is offline.

The example above shows a ping session to From the output, you can see the IP address being contacted, the sequence number of each packet sent, and the round-trip time. In this case, six packets were sent with an average RTT of 14ms.

One thing to note about the output above and the ping utility, in general, is that ping is strictly an IPv4 tool. If you're testing in an IPv6 network you'll need to use the ping6 utility. Ping6 behaves roughly identical to the ping utility with the exception that it uses IPv6.

Traceroute is a finicky beast. This tool is meant to identify the path between a source and a destination point. The reality is mostly true, with a couple of caveats. Let's start by explaining how traceroute works:

Think of traceroute as a string of ping commands. At each step along the path, traceroute identifies the hop's IP as well as the latency to that hop. But how is it finding each hop? Turns out, it's using a bit of trickery.

Traceroute uses UDP or ICMP, depending on the OS. On a typical *nix system it uses UDP and sends traffic to port 33434 by default. On a Windows system, traceroute uses ICMP. As with ping, traceroute can be blocked by not responding to the protocol/port being used.

When you invoke traceroute, you identify the destination you're trying to reach. The command begins by sending a packet to the destination, but it sets the packet's time to live (TTL) to one. This behavior is significant because the TTL value determines how many hops a packet is allowed to pass through before an ICMP Time Exceeded message is returned to the source. The trick here is to start the TTL at one and increment it by one after the ICMP message is received:

Traceroute displays the ICMP message's source address as the name of the hop and moves on to the next hop. When the source address finally matches the destination address, traceroute knows that it has reached the destination. It then outputs the full route from the source to the destination with the RTT for each hop. As with ping, the RTT values shown are not necessarily representative of the real RTT to a service such as HTTP or SSH. Traceroute, like ping, is considered to be lower priority compared to other traffic, so RTT values aren't guaranteed.

There is a second caveat with traceroute that you should be aware of: Traceroute shows you the path from the source to the destination, but this does not mean that the reverse is true. In fact, there is no current way to identify the path from the destination to the source without running a second traceroute from the destination. Keep this in mind when troubleshooting path issues.

Im trying to set up a small network in packet tracer to get hands on experience with networking. With this network I've been working on I can't seem to understand why the PC's are unable to fully ping the Router without losing half of their packets. I've linked some photos to my network.

This a screenshot of the network that made me make the post of the left, and the old save re-done on the right. The right network no longer has the 50% ping loss from the PC's to the router. It also now has green lights on the switch/router connection indicating connectivity.

In this example, the ping does not work due to "encapsulation failed" message. This means that the router knows on which interface it has to send the packet but does not know how to do it. In this case, you need to understand how the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) works.

From Router1, you can ping Router2 because, by default, you use the IP address of the outgoing interface as the source address in your ICMP packet. Router2 does not have information about this new LAN. If it has to reply to a packet from this network, it does not know how to handle it.

This time, the source address is, and it does not work. Packets are sent but no response is received. To fix this issue, add a route to in Router2. The basic rule is that the pinged device must also know how to send the reply to the source of the ping.

The  traceroute  command is used to discover the routes that packets actually take when they travel to their destination. The device (for example, a router or a PC) sends out a sequence of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams to an invalid port address at the remote host.

You can obtain the round-trip time (RTT) with the  ping  and  traceroute  commands. This is the time required to send an echo packet and get an answer back. This can provide a rough idea of the delay on the link. However, these figures are not precise enough to be used for performance evaluation.

When a packet destination is the router itself, this packet has to be process-switched. The processor has to handle the information from this packet and send an answer back. This is not the main goal of a router. By definition, a router is built to route packets. An answered ping is offered as a best-effort service.

The different  debug  commands used in this article shows what happens when a  ping  or  traceroute  command is used. These commands can help you troubleshoot issues. However, in a production environment, debugs must be used with caution. If your CPU is not powerful, or if you have a lot of process-switched packets, they can easily stall your device. There are a couple of ways to minimize the impact of the  debug  command on the router. One way is to use access lists to narrow down the specific traffic that you want to monitor.

The  ping  and  traceroute  commands are helpful utilities that you can use to troubleshoot network access problems. They are also very easy to use. These two commands are the widely used by network engineers.

I've been playing with people from EU and farther regions, so my ping can be at 110. It sucks because with tracer, split second decisions matter. I felt a shatter brewing and heard the start of the voice line, blinked out of LOS, then got brought back to my previous location, shattered. e24fc04721

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