I have two buttons, ping and stop ping. They work fine. How can I by pressing the ping button, make it go through all the computers in column A and show me both their IPs and if they are online or not, all at once?

Of course, it doesn't have to be done through excel, if you have a better solution with great view of all 3 things I need to see clearly (comp name, comp ip, online/offline) and the 4th thing with usernames would be nice to have.

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I've already tried checking and unchecking "provide feedback with sound" in the ease of access options. I still get an annoying pinging noise when I use shortcuts, such as alt + h + f (to get to font size or font). Any additional suggestions on how to disable this mind numbing ping?

Verifies IP-level connectivity to another TCP/IP computer by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo Request messages. The receipt of the corresponding echo Reply messages is displayed, along with round-trip times. ping is the primary TCP/IP command used to troubleshoot connectivity, reachability, and name resolution. Used without parameters, this command displays Help content.

You can also use this command to test both the computer name and the IP address of the computer. If pinging the IP address is successful, but pinging the computer name isn't, you might have a name resolution problem. In this case, make sure the computer name you're specifying can be resolved through the local Hosts file, by using Domain Name System (DNS) queries, or through NetBIOS name resolution techniques.

is it possible to recreate ping functionality in power automate? I was thinking maybe there was something in power automate desktop which would allow a ping to be called that would return can connect or not. My product owner would like to be able to determine whether a client is online or not.

Hello I have a question that I cannot find answers to when searching Google. What determines which domain controller responds when I ping our internal domain name? It seems when I ping from one computer I get a response from one domain controller and when I ping from another computer I get a response from a different domain controller. I first though maybe it would be a DC in the site to which my subnet belongs but that is not the case. I am getting a response from a DC in a different site. Does anyone know what determines which DC responds when pinging the domain name itself and not a FQDN of a host. Thanks in advance!

Total noob here, so please bear with me. What I have is an excel file with the hostname of a bunch of machines, I want to have a script running that does a continuous ping to all machines to see if they are up or not. It will be a list of about 40 machines and I just want it running for the duration of a migration - about 6 hours.

Well, (at least this is what I do personally when monitoring an address for a test) normally one inserts a timeout so that there is no more than a ping per minute or so, in this case having a 40 seconds interval between pinging the same host sounds just about right to me.

Here is a Demo VBS script that pings in this order, your computer, made up IP, your computer, made up IP. It uses a counter that resets it self every 5 times. When it stops if you do nothing or select No than the script continues after 30 seconds, if Yes is selected script quits. It displays the ping results in a 3 second self closing message box, it also display the cycles left before being ask to continue or quit.

I have been looking for days for a simple script to ping a range of IP's and return in Excel whether each IP is responding or not. It would be great to have it return hostnames but I doubt you can do that with switches and routers. I am just a network guy; all of the scripts I have found, so far, are way too complex for me and don't do what I am looking for anyway. Can anyone help? I am looking to do multiple subnets, so I will play with said script to modify it when I find one. That will give me my first into to the scripting world.

Hey, Scripting Guy! I am THE IT person at my company. I am also a chemical engineer who has daily production responsibilities in our process plant. You see, I am supposed to be a part-time IT person, the problem is my collateral duty is rapidly becoming my primary duty. I feel as if I should become a MCSE, but it should not be this hard. I have been learning Windows PowerShell because I think it will make my job easier. The first thing I need to do is to find out what computers are on the network. We are running Windows Server 2008, and cannot upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 because our hardware will not support a 64 bit OS. Therefore, the Windows PowerShell Active Directory cmdlets you have been talking about are not available to me. I think if I could get a list of all the computers in our domain and send them a ping to find out if they actually exist it would be helpful. Can this be done?

This week we are looking at using the [adsisearcher] type accelerator to search Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). I decided to write a script that returns a list of all computers in the domain, and then pings each one to see if it responds or not. The complete Get-ADComputersTestConnection.ps1 script is seen here.

PS C:\> The cn attribute is the name of the computer that can be pinged. If the computer is not found, the erroraction preference is set to stop (EA is an alias for the erroraction parameter). By using stop here, it will force the script to enter the catch block. The try block is seen here.

The limitation of TTL set to 1 was limiting the amount of computers I could ping that had DNS records for. Possibly because my network is spread across a campus. Removing it gave me what I think is a fuller list of machines.

In my task manager this program called ping.exe keeps popping up when I terminate it. And it just keeps taking up all my resources with no end. When I terminate it it just comes back a few minutes later and starts around 6k kb usage then scales up until my computer is using 100% usage. Even when I suspend it it still keeps going. Please help.

i am so sick of this computer i am about to smash it i could be doing better things like going to play basketball or some stuff this is f*king bs to have to put up with this and i cant find out how to solve this problem anywhere and I dont have the windows cd to reinstall ping.exe or whatever it is and no detectors whatsoever can detect the problem cause i think it changed the file itself and this website is stuff it wont even let me attach the files and i followed the instructions perfectly yet others can attach files it looks like i have no idea what i am doing wrong and thisis bullshit, maybe this ping.exe is happening for a reason because it's like a metaphor for my life when I don't take my medication i get worse and worse until my graphic card overheats and explodes then it resets all over again this is some bullshit help a brotha out

Bumping your topic makes it seem like you are already being helped, and as you've noticed, you were overlooked because of it. Do not be rude to us. We're just trying to help, but help us help you.

Pings are private conversations so exporting (and reading) these conversations may be a breach of trust. We suggest only exporting pings in extraordinary circumstances or when required to do so by court order

The IP addresses are in a1:a30. I would like to ping each IP and capture

the results in the workbook.Secondly, I would like to execute the routine every 30 minutes.Thanks in advance for the help.Donnie

Thanks. BTW, is it possible to list the IP addresses in the Ping.txt file

and have the IPs pinged in ascending order.Also, how do I know if the ping was successful?Donnie"Bob Kilmer" wrote in message


You know if the ping is executed if the code exits the loop with "Not wkb Is

Nothing" being true - that is, if a workbook has been assigned to wkb. If

wkb Is Nothing, then the workbook.Open ("t:\ping.txt") failed, presumably

because the ping.txt file did not get created. It would be important to

delete the ping.txt file for each new ping, or use unique names for these

files if you were going to rely on file creation as a measure of success.

(You could check to see if the file got created before you try to open the

workbook, but then, there are a lot of ways to arrange these things to get

the job done.)The ping returns a limited number of predictable message formats. Learn what

they are is. Learn to parse them. For exampleC:\>ping

Unknown host\>ping gateway

Unknown host gateway.or

(partially)Reply from bytes=32 time=140ms TTL=240Ping statistics for

Ā Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Ā Minimum = 78ms, Maximum = 140ms, Average = 101msamong a few others . (You can search the text for field identifiers like

TTL=, Packets:, Sent = , Received =, etc., to identify data.)Milos Setek posted a good idea - create a batch file (you could even create

it in code, if that is called for) then execute the batch file, look for the

resulting output files, open the files, parse the files, copy needed data.Since they are text files, you don't really need to open the files in Excel,

per se, just use the VBA Open statement ('Open "t:\ping064.058.079.230.txt"

for Input as #fn'). (See Open, Input, Input #, Print #, Close in help or do

a Google search if you are not familiar with reading text files using Open.)This approach is a little seat-of-the-pants, meaning potentially less

reliable than the approach illustrated on VBNet of using "real" system

functions to get what you need. There is a little guess-work involved if a

ping doesn't result in a file, and you are relying on the ping message

format being predictable. You will have to judge whether this approach will

meet your needs. I think it has potential.Bob Kilmer e24fc04721

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