ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It is available for virtually all operating systems that have networking capability, including most embedded network administration software.

The command-line options of the ping utility and its output vary between the numerous implementations. Options may include the size of the payload, count of tests, limits for the number of network hops (TTL) that probes traverse, interval between the requests and time to wait for a response. Many systems provide a companion utility ping6, for testing on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) networks, which implement ICMPv6.

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The ping utility was written by Mike Muuss in December 1983 during his employment at the Ballistic Research Laboratory, now the US Army Research Laboratory. A remark by David Mills on using ICMP echo packets for IP network diagnosis and measurements prompted Muuss to create the utility to troubleshoot network problems.[1] The author named it after the sound that sonar makes, since its methodology is analogous to sonar's echolocation.[1][2] The backronym Packet InterNet Groper for PING has been used for over 30 years,[timeframe?] and although Muuss says that from his point of view PING was not intended as an acronym, he has acknowledged Mills' expansion of the name.[1][3] The first released version was public domain software; all subsequent versions have been licensed under the BSD license. Ping was first included in 4.3BSD.[4] The FreeDOS version was developed by Erick Engelke and is licensed under the GPL.[5] Tim Crawford developed the ReactOS version. It is licensed under the MIT License.[6]

In cases of no response from the target host, most implementations display either nothing or periodically print notifications about timing out. Possible ping results indicating a problem include the following:

In case of error, the target host or an intermediate router sends back an ICMP error message, for example host unreachable or TTL exceeded in transit. In addition, these messages include the first eight bytes of the original message (in this case header of the ICMP echo request, including the quench value), so the ping utility can match responses to originating queries.[8]

The Identifier and Sequence Number can be used by the client to match the reply with the request that caused the reply. In practice, most Linux systems use a unique identifier for every ping process, and sequence number is an increasing number within that process. Windows uses a fixed identifier, which varies between Windows versions, and a sequence number that is only reset at boot time.

The payload may include a timestamp indicating the time of transmission and a sequence number, which are not found in this example. This allows ping to compute the round trip time in a stateless manner without needing to record the time of transmission of each packet.

The payload may also include a magic packet for the Wake-on-LAN protocol, but the minimum payload, in that case, is longer than shown. The Echo Request typically does not receive any reply if the host was sleeping in hibernation state, but the host still wakes up from sleep state if its interface is configured to accept wakeup requests. If the host is already active and configured to allow replies to incoming ICMP Echo Request packets, the returned reply should include the same payload. This may be used to detect that the remote host was effectively woken up, by repeating a new request after some delay to allow the host to resume its network services. If the host was just sleeping in low power active state, a single request wakes up that host just enough to allow its Echo Reply service to reply instantly if that service was enabled. The host does not need to wake up all devices completely and may return to low-power mode after a short delay. Such configuration may be used to avoid a host to enter in hibernation state, with much longer wake-up delay, after some time passed in low power active mode.[citation needed]

The ping binary sensor platform allows you to use ping to send ICMP echo requests. This way you can check if a given host is online and determine the round trip times from your Home Assistant instance to that system.This sensor is enabled by default. The default polling interval is 30 seconds.

A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can accept requests in computer network administration. The acronym was contrived to match the submariners' term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse.

Ping is also used diagnostically to ensure that a host computer the user is trying to reach is operating. Any operating system (OS) with networking capability, including most embedded network administration software, can use ping.

For example, to find the dot address, such as, for any given domain name, Windows users can go to the command prompt screen (start/run/cmd) and enter ping xxxxx.yyy, where xxxxx is the second-level domain name, like "whatis," and yyy is the top-level domain name, like "com."

Ping works by sending an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request to a specified interface on the network and waiting for a reply. When a ping command is issued, a ping signal is sent to a specified address. When the target host receives the echo request, it responds by sending an echo reply packet.

By default, ping commands send multiple requests -- usually four or five -- and display the results. The echo ping results show whether a particular request received a successful response. It also includes the number of bytes received and the time it took to receive a reply or the time-to-live.

Echo requests and echo responses form the standard for troubleshooting ICMP messages. Virtually every OS with network support includes ping for troubleshooting purposes. However, the exact implementation varies slightly among manufacturers.

Ping is the cornerstone of standard network troubleshooting. For example, an IP address can be pinged by typing in If the ping is successful, it means that it is on, and the two machines can talk to each other.

However, if the ping is successful but the response time is long, it indicates network congestion, routing or speed issues. Even pings that are unsuccessful offer valuable troubleshooting information. When it comes to network speed tests, ping is the standard.

At its most basic, ping can run with just a ping command and a destination, such as the name or address of a remote host. Since ping is used as a command-line utility, it is easy to use in a variety of scripts. An administrator can run multiple pings, record how they were used and place the output of ping commands into a text file for later review.

In network security, ping spoofing involves threat actors who send fake information to a server. When this happens, the false data appears, acts like the original data packets and is transmitted to the server.

In Discord -- a chat and video app used mostly by gamers -- a ping is a notification, most often on a smartphone or personal computer. When someone sends a ping, it pops up on the phone screen or desktop application.

Hello @Johnie To be able to test this using ping, perhaps temporarily, go to Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Firewall and in the "Security Appliance Services" section type in "Any" in the ICMP Ping box, save, and re-test. Not sure if that was what you were after, sorry if I misunderstood. There is also support documentation regarding Error 789 here: _VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN

Is there anything else upstream, perhaps an ISP modem/router/gateway that might be blocking the ping? I can in general do an nslookup on the dynamic-m DNS names of my MX appliances and see the correct IP returned that matches the public IP address of the MX, and I can ping both that IP and the DNS name. Perhaps something else upstream is blocking the ICMP packets.

You can run an ICMP packet capture on the outside interface of the MX, go to Network Wide > Packet Capture to set that up, select the MX appliance, select the "Internet" interface, and in the filter expression box, type "icmp" and click start. See if the pings (from outside your network) are even coming into the MX's outside interface in the first place, and let's go from there. If they are not, something is blocking ping from coming into the MX from the ISP side, and if the pings are coming in, and you also see the MX responding, then something is blocking the responses.

Ping has provided regular FCPA and anti-corruption advice to multinationals during mergers and acquisitions, advised companies on compliance risks of proposed transactions, and assisted with revamping and upgrading internal controls and risk mitigation measures.

Please Help Me! I use the file "NSVPX-ESX-13.1-30.52_nc_64.ovf" to build my citrix environment. After the initialization is successful, I can open his web management page as shown below, and I can also ping this ip address, but I fail to ping the gateway of this citrix device from the inside. I wonder What is it? What is the reason, thank you very much. I am not sure if I need to provide any additional information. If you need any more detailed information to analyze my problem, please provide it for me and I will publish it. Thank you very much for your help and support

I just got my new xr1000 router today.... It's been 6 hours now and I've only had a headache. So far, at least the geofilter has managed to set my location. Of course, nothing else happens. The ping heatmap doesn't work either, and it doesn't even include Valorant... Well, in my own opinion, this router probably won't even reach the medium gaming router. But by no means high-end (but of course the price show that). Not to mention having to wait minutes to change 1-1 settings, a long seconds to move from one menu item to another. Big disappointment. And even though I've been on the line with advanced support for more than 2 hours, of course they can't help. For this kind of money, I shouldn't have to wait for constant synchronization. Because as I read the forums, this is the problem many times. But that doesn't help in most cases either. e24fc04721

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