FC2:  Fact-Check Fact Checkers

Fact-checking organizations, also known as "fact checkers," play a crucial role in identifying and debunking mis/disinformation to ensure the integrity of the information ecosystem. Despite their importance, however, questions have been raised about how fact-checking is done and how fact checkers operate in general. Some critics have even expressed concerns about potential uncertainty when different fact checkers provide conflicting assessments for the same claim, or whether fact checkers engage in gatekeeping.

The FC2 project @ PIKE aims to answer some of these questions to improve the transparency of fact-checking and fact checkers. The project has several objectives, including:

Our investigation is based on the worldwide fact-checking dataset, partially donated from our collaborators including IFCN, Kinit, and SNU FactCheck, and partially collected by our tools.



Sian Lee, Aiping Xiong, Haeseung Seo, Dongwon Lee

Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review, 4(5), October 2023