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Short bio:

Since July 2022 I'm a Country Economist at the World Bank Group, Macro Trade & Investment (MTI), Global Practice. Since February 2024 I'm also Research Fellow at CERDI (France). I received my Ph.D. in Economics from CERDI in 2017. My topics of interest include Applied Econometrics, Fiscal Macroeconomics, Political Economy and Institutional Economics. I wrote a book on Direct Democracy, Sovereignty, and Classical Republicanism. All the views on this website are my own.

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06/14/2024: My paper co-written with C. Laville on the effect(s) of local income shocks on the risks conflicts is still available as an APSA PrePrint. It has been presented at the "État prédateur, conflits, et résistance" seminar of Paris 13 in Paris (France), the  APSA Annual Meeting 2023 in Los Angeles, CA (USA), a FHI 360 Evidence that Matters research seminar, and the IMF FCS Seminar on "The Impacts of Macroeconomic Shocks on Conflict" organized as part of the Fund’s Internal Economics Training (IET), both in Washington, DC (USA) . Earlier versions  have been presented at the Chaire Économie de défense of IHEDN in Paris (France), 60th PCS conference in Seattle, WA (USA) and EPCS conference in Hannover (Germany), the 59th PCS conference in Nashville, TN (USA),  ICDE conference in Clermont-Ferrand (France) and MAER-Net Colloquia in Kyoto (Japan).

12/05/2023: My new paper co-written with V. Nossek and T. D. Sandjong on the socio-economic impacts of the civil war in Central African Republic is now available as a World Bank Policy Research Working Paper

02/16/2023: My new paper co-written with M. T. Woldemichael on the effects of Chinese aid for recipient countries is now published in World Development. An earlier version of the paper was presented at the 58th PCS conference in Savannah, GA (USA).

09/08/2022: My new paper co-written with J. Cust and S. Devarajan on the Dutch disease is now published in the Journal of African Economies.

12/21/2020: My first book «  La Démocratie Directe contre la Sécession des Elites » is finally published! [Link to buy it here]