Ted Stryk, a philosophy professor at Roane State Community College in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, specializes in reconstructing images from early space missions. Using data from the Russian Academy of Sciences, he has over time reconstructed the best-possible versions of the original Venera panoramas.

To access the Node-RED flow editor, type :1881/. Note that it might be necessary to replace venus.local by an IP address, for example like this: :1881/. It is normal for the browser to show a security warning. Proceed according to browsers instructions.

Venus Image

The Node-RED editor can be accessed from your LAN at :1881/. For some systems, you'll have to replace venus.local by the ip-address. You can also access the Node-RED editor from VRM, where it is available via the Venus OS Large menu.

Finally, if you want to use the Node-RED command line interface for administration, you will run into the Error: self signed certificate error. This can be solved by setting the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable to /data/etc/ssl/venus.local.crt like so:

On March 5, 1982, the Venera-14 lander successfully landed on the surface of the second planet of the Solar System. In total, it worked for 57 minutes, managing to convey a color panorama of the surrounding area. Four decades later, this panorama is still the last image from the surface of Venus available to scientists.

However, it turns out to be much easier. In the images of Venera-9, scientists saw an area covered with numerous stones with sharp edges. The panorama of Venera-10 showed formations similar to floods of solid lava. No dust, fog, or refraction effect was found in the atmosphere of the planet.

The next goal for Soviet scientists was to obtain color images of Venus. This task was assigned to the stations Venera-11 and Venera-12, launched in 1978. Both lenders successfully landed and worked for over an hour on the surface of the planet. However, the MCC did not receive a panorama for a very insulting reason: the protective covers just did not throw off from the photometers of the lenders.

In these images, there is a very interesting image, i.e., image of Venus with the Earth taken by IR2(2-micron infrared camera). IR2 is the camera that can capture near-infrared ray. In this image, the nightside is on the right, and Venusian cloud obstructs the infrared ray emitted from the lower-atmosphere and indicates their existence by its obstruction. The dayside is on the left and bright by the ray scattered by the sunlight. Can you find the Earth in the image?

On the left is a new image of Venus in visible light from space. On the right, the scientists matched the data to other images of the surface, allowing them to pick out highland regions (numbered) in stunning detail.

The images also confirm past observations made using radar and infrared instruments, showing regions like the Aphrodite Terra to the human eye without the help of image processing. For example, here is an image of Venus by WISPR, showing a highland region in darker gray near the center of the orb:

The Venus Engine is an image-processing engine for digital cameras. It is developed by Panasonic, and almost all of their Lumix cameras use a version of it. It is based on the Panasonic MN103/MN103S.

Image processors operate in four steps: receive data from the CCD sensor, create the Y-color difference signal (image processing), perform JPEG compression, and save the image data. Panasonic claims that its VENUS II processing engine performs all of these simultaneously.

Image processing engines are categorized as follows for each generation. The Venus Engine is a chip based on UniPhier [ja] products. The image processing engine of the attached RAW image development software is made by Ichikawa Soft Laboratory and outputs images of a trend (SILKYPIX style) different from those developed by the Venus engine in the camera.

This chip was limited to the top range models, such as the DMC-FZ7. It was developed mainly aiming at high image quality. After this chip (excluding Venus Engine  Plus) the camera shake correction is hardware processed.

Panasonic claims that the 2008 Venus Engine IV gives higher-quality images, and includes more accurate detection and better correction for its Optical Image Stabilizer and Intelligent ISO Control functions than earlier versions. It works at 10.1-megapixel resolution. Panasonic published a detailed comparison of Venus III and IV,[1] claiming better noise response by preserving detail, quick-response shutter release time-lag of around 0.008 second minimum and high power-efficiency for Venus IV.

As of February 2009 (based on all information available at official Panasonic Lumix Web pages), it appears that the LSI hardware chip-set that Panasonic Lumix refers to as the "Venus Engine V" is (substantially, if not actually) identical to the LSI hardware chip-set that Panasonic Lumix (also) refers to as the "Venus Engine HD" when describing their (released) DMC-G1, as well in all of the current Panasonic Lumix descriptions of the other (to be) released implementations of this image-processing LSI hardware chip-set.

Suppressing large size noise that was difficult to deal with conventional chips, achieving grain-free image quality. First adopted by G6 of Lumix G series. It is mainly mounted on 4K incompatible models.

A new Venus Engine image processor is featured on the Lumix GH6, which allows shooting at 14 frames per second with autofocus locked. Panasonic claims the latest Venus Engine is nearly twice as powerful as previous generations. [5] [6]

Engineers have lost no time in switching on several of the instruments and yesterday the VMC (Venus Monitoring Camera) and VIRTIS (Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer) imaged, for the first time in space history, the southern hemisphere of Venus as the spacecraft passed below the planet in an elliptical arc.

The initial, low-quality images were taken from an extreme distance of 206 452 km from the planet, yet caught scientists' attention, particularly with the surprisingly clear structures and unexpected details shown in the VIRTIS spectrometer images.

The day half is itself a composite of images taken via wavelength filters and chiefly shows sunlight reflected from the tops of clouds, down to a height of about 65 km above the planet's surface.

The more spectacular night half, shown in reddish false colour, was taken via an infrared filter at a wavelength of 1.7 μm, and chiefly shows dynamic spiral cloud structures in the lower atmosphere, around 55 km altitude. The darker regions correspond to thicker cloud cover, while the brighter regions correspond to thinner cloud cover, allowing hot thermal radiation from lower down to be imaged.

In the first capture orbit, Venus Express will have 5 additional opportunities for gathering data before reaching pericentre. These observations represent a great opportunity because, at apocentre, the full disc of Venus is fully visible for the spacecraft's imagers. Such opportunities will not occur again during the nominal mission, starting on 4 June 2006, when the range of distances from the planet will be much smaller.

The Maxwell Montes, the bright area in this image, rise steeply from the smooth plateau to the west to heights of almost 11 kilometers (7 miles). The large, dark circular feature is the impact crater Cleopatra. High elevations typically appear very bright in radar images of Venus. This may be caused by a thin surface coating of metallic material that only forms above a certain altitude.

The tight pattern of bright and dark ripples in the center of this image is an area where loose material was sculpted by the gentle surface winds into dunes. The bright streaks of material curve away from small hills, revealing which way the winds were blowing. Stronger winds caused by meteorite impacts may also help create such features.

Hello;I would like to use a filter;365nm Zwb2 UG1 filters Visible light.And I would like to know if I have to use the uv-ir cut filter with this filter with my ZWO462MC camera.I would also like to know how to get the image in mono with a color camera with this type of filter for Venus.Greetings

Transit of Venus: June 8,2004  This IMAGE satellite web page features essays and classroom activities that compare the magnetic properties of Earth and Venus.On December 6, 1882 the world 'went wild' when this event last occurred. Only five transits have actually been seen by humans in the course of history. Venus, a dark blotch set against the turbulent solar photosphere, is more than just a black spot. Yet, the image also reveals a pitiful black spot engulfed by the even more awesome countenance of the solar photosphere; a seething cauldron of gas so hot that even atoms lose their integrity. Studying Venus lets us better appreciate our own planet Earth, and why it looks the way it does.Earth

JAXA decides that two of five cameras on-board Akatsuki (1-μm and 2-μm cameras) pause scientific observations. Other cameras (longwave-infrared camera, ultraviolet imager, and lightening and airglow camera) continue normal operation.

Although scientific observations by IR1 and IR2 are paused, JAXA continues investigation of possible recovery of two cameras. Attempts of switching ON these cameras will regularly be made with hope.

Figure: A localized vortex near the cloud base as imaged with IR2. Although similar vortices are seen in the earth atmosphere, this is seen for the first time in Venus' atmosphere.

On July 19, Akatsuki celebrated 1st Venus's year anniversary (a year on Venus is 225 Earth days). Akatsuki keeps working well and continues to gather lots of data. The four cameras aboard the Venus Climate Orbiter "Akatsuki" keep sending down images.

This movie is produced from the IR2 2.26-μm images, acquired on 29 March 2016 at a distance of 0.36 million km. Original 4 images were acquired with 4-hour intervals from 16:03 JST (07:03 UT).

In 4 hours, the super-rotating clouds move by 10 degrees. Such images are numerically derotated to produce intermediate images so that the resultant motion becomes smoother. Deformation, appearance and disapperance of clouds are obvious in this movie. As the mission enters the "nominal" observing phase, we plan to shorten the intervals to 2 hours or even shorter so the high-definition movies will definitely help understanding of the Venus atmosphere.
