Designed from the ground up to be intuitive from the outset, PicoLog 6 allows you to set up the logger and start recording with just a few clicks of the mouse, whatever your level of data logging experience.

Within the Device setup and capture menu are Device configuration view, Graph view and Table view providing a visually smart way to set up and acquire data from a multichannel acquisition system, even with multiple different PicoLog data loggers and PicoScope oscilloscopes with hundreds of channels enabled and logging.

Pico Logger Software Download


PicoLog 6 alarms can also trigger a digital output on devices with supporting hardware, such as the PicoLog 1000 Series, ADC-24 and DrDAQ. You can even trigger a digital output from one of these devices based on an alarm condition from another connected logger without digital outputs, such as a TC-08.

Another major step forward is native support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, various Linux distributions (64-bit only) and macOS. The new .picolog file format is compatible across all operating systems. Since anyone can download and install PicoLog 6 for free, you can share saved .picolog files with co-workers, customers and suppliers for offline post-analysis.

Optimized and tested on the new Raspberry Pi 4, and the current 3B and 3B+ on Raspbian Stretch, the PicoLog 6 data logging software package provides a visual, easy-to-use interface allowing you to quickly set up simple or complex acquisitions and record, view and analyze data. It's the same fully functioning software that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.


Coupled with a Raspberry Pi, this new PicoLog 6 package expands the flexibility and opens the door for Pico's data loggers to be used in new and different ways:

Building on the proven design of PicoLog 6, PicoLog Cloud is a free upgrade that introduces many great new features that expand how your Pico data logger can be used. PicoLog Cloud allows all current Pico data loggers and real-time scopes to capture data directly to our new free Cloud service, and can be shared via a link to any browser on a PC, phone or tablet, anywhere in the world.

Pico data acquisition products provide a straightforward answer to your data logging needs.Our data loggers require no power supply and simply plug into a USB port on your PC, or an Ethernet port on your PC or network.Every logger is supplied with PicoLog data acquisition software so you can measure, record and analyze your data.

Measure the current consumption of a machine, three-phase supply to a building or across an entire site with multiple loggers. Connect using USB for local measurement or Ethernet for remote, distributed measurement.

PicoLog 6 is a complete data acquisition software package for the Pico Technology TC-08 data logger. It provides a visual, easy-to-use interface alllowing you to quickly set up simple or complex acquisitions and record, view and analyze data.

Within the Device setup and capture menu are the Device config, Graph display and Table views. These make it easy to set up and acquire data from a multichannel acquisition system, even with multiple different PicoLog data loggers and hundreds of channels. In the Device config view you can instantly see the status of data loggers, acquisition channel settings and math channel setup. Each detected device is depicted with its enabled channels. Simply move or copy device configurations to set up larger multiple-logger systems, swap out loggers during capture or share configurations.

Optimized and tested on the new Raspberry Pi 4 on Raspbian Buster, the PicoLog 6 data logging software package provides a visual, easy-to-use interface allowing you to quickly set up simple or complex acquisitions and record, view and analyze data. It's the same fully functioning software that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.


Coupled with a Raspberry Pi, this new PicoLog 6 package expands the flexibility and opens the door for Pico's data loggers to be used in new and different ways:

Welcome to the Pico Technology website.Here you can find full details of our award-winning range of easy-to-use oscilloscopes, data loggers and RF products along with a wide range of test & measurement accessories.

I'm trying to read data fram a Pico PT104. So far I was able to read data by using the pico software, so the hardware seems to be all right. I tried using the vi, which came with the logger, but it wasn't able to find the device.

Ding dong! Hear that? It's the PiCowbell ringing, letting you know that the new Adafruit PiCowbell Adalogger is in stock and ready to assist your Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W project with handy hardware and datalogging.

The PiCowbell Adalogger is the same size and shape as a Pico and is intended to socket underneath to make your next data logging or data reading project super easy. Micro SD card socket? Yes! STEMMA QT / Qwiic connector for fast I2C? Indeed. Real Time Clock with battery backup for accurate timekeeping? Of course!

The Piconode is a small but reliable and robust data logger that can be discreetly installed at work sites. It is able to read sensors for monitoring ground anchors, cracks, pressure and temperature, among others.

The PicoLog CM3 is a three-channel data logger that uses industry-standard current clamps. Simply connect it to your PC via USB or Ethernet to your PC, run the supplied software and you're ready to monitor and record current for a variety of applications.

PicoLog 6 software, the unit can be used with any laptop or PC running Windows, macOS or Linux. Power is supplied and the connection to a PC or laptop is made via a USB 1.1, USB 2.0 or 3.0 connection. With our PicoLog data software, you can record, monitor and analyse the collected data and even export it to third-party applications such as Microsoft Excel. The PicoLog software is free to download from and can be used with any laptop or PC running Windows, macOS or Linux.

PicoLog 6 can record data from multiple PicoLog data loggers at the same time. This allows you to collect up to 60 channels of current. You can even mix and match different PicoLog loggers to record a mix of current, temperature, voltage and other signals.

So, the pico when you plug into the computer shows up as a drive essentially. It holds a file structure tree and everything, though there's not a ton of room. It should just write out to a file that you can snag off the board by plugging it into a computer.

The KeyGrabber Pico is an innovative ultra-small USB hardware keylogger, only 0.8" (20 mm) in length. This keystroke recorder has up to 16 gigabytes memory capacity, organized into an advanced flash FAT file system. Super-fast data retrieve is achieved by switching into Flash Drive mode for download. Completely transparent for computer operation, no software or drivers required. Supports national keyboard layouts.

Size is an unquestionable advantage in surveillance, security, and forensic applications of hardware keyloggers. And with 0.8" (20 mm) in length, the KeyGrabber Pico is one of the smallest hardware keyloggers available on the market!

Installation of the hardware USB keylogger in record mode is quick and easy. Simply plug it in between the USB keyboard and the USB port. No software or drivers are required. The USB keylogger will automatically start recording all data typed on the keyboard to the internal flash disk.

Once data has been captured in record mode, you can retrieve it on any computer with a USB port. This is done by switching to Flash Drive mode. The USB hardware keylogger and keyboard should be connected in the same way, as in record mode.

Each device has a built-in 3-key combination (by default K, B, S). Press these 3 magic keys simultaneously to trigger Flash Drive mode. The keylogger will automatically respond as a mass storage device.

The KeyGrabber family is compatible with all types of USB keyboards and barcode readers. Just connect the keylogger in-line with the keyboard, and all keystroke data will be recorded. The keylogger is 100% stealthy and does not pop-up as a system device.

To enable a national layout, the appropriate layout file named LAYOUT.USB must be placed in the hardware keylogger root folder. The file must be copied in Flash Drive mode (no access to the flash disk in record mode). Layout files may be obtained from the CD-ROM attached with the device or from the download section. The flash disks main folder should contain the file LAYOUT.USB and the standard log file LOG.TXT.

If you need more than 8 channels just plug two TC-08s into your PC to make a "TC-16". Using a USB hub up to 20 TC-08s can be used on one PC for a total of 160 channels. You can even mix and match different data loggers from the Pico range to build a flexible, expandable data acquisition system.

Founded in June 1991, Pico's first product was the eight-bit ADC-10 analogueto digital converter. Supplied with free oscilloscope software, the debutproduct and was an instant success. Today, Pico boasts more than 50 hardwareproducts and is best known for its popular PicoScope (oscilloscope and spectrumanalyser) and PicoLog (data logger) PC-based instruments.

Pico's recent technical innovations include bringing wireless GSM capabilityto its popular EnviroMon standalone data logger, introducing a library ofopen-source waveforms for the automotive test industry, and the high accuracy(0.01 degrees Centigrade) measurement capability of its PT-104 temperaturemeasuring device. 006ab0faaa

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