I was sitting at my desk and I was about to start my revision. I'd made up a revision timetable in different coloured pens and started the process of writing my revision notes. I took out my class notes and they were a mess.

Pages and pages of calculations to problems I'd attempted to solve in class. Random pages of random notes that I really couldn't assign to any particular topic. Some of my physics notes were hidden in my french folder.

Physics Grade 11 Study Notes Pdf Download

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I got out my textbook, opened it up at Topic 1 and started highlighting the textbook - like I'd been told to do in school. Trouble was that I'd practically highlighted every sentence on the page! I'd ruined my textbook (can't sell it on after I've randomly highlighted every sentence!) and it became clear this wasn't the best way to study.

THEN I started writing revision notes for the exam. So I got my different coloured pens and started crafting the most beautiful revision notes I'd ever seen. It took me two hours to cover about three pages in the textbook. The irony was I already knew the stuff I'd just written revision notes on. Why had I just spent two hours writing out stuff that I already knew?

There was a person in my class who was a know-it-all. Always getting top marks and fancied themselves as the next Einstein. He boasted that he condensed the whole course down to 2 sides of A4 paper and I literally had no idea why or how you would do that;!?

By condensing my class notes down to two sides of A4, I removed a whole lot of clutter and unnecessary information from my mind. I was able to focus EXACTLY on what I needed to know for class tests and exams.

There's a lady called Maria Kondo, who is famous for writing a book called, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: The Japanese Art". In this book, she asks you to take an object in your house and look at it. Look at it and think,

You, like many students, may view college level physics as difficult. You, again like many students, may seem overwhelmed by new terms and equations. You may not have had extensive experience with problem-solving and may get lost when trying to apply information from your textbook and classes to an actual physics problem. We hope this pamphlet will help!

An overview of your course can help you organize your efforts and increase your efficiency. To understand and retain data or formulas, you should see the underlying principles and connecting themes. It is almost inevitable that you will sometimes forget a formula, and an understanding of the underlying principle can help you generate the formula for yourself.

When looking for relationships among topics, you may note that in many instances a specific problem is first analyzed in great detail. Then the setting of the problem is generalized into more abstract results. When such generalizations are made, you should refer back to the case that was previously cited and make sure that you understand how the general theory applies to the specific problem. Then see if you can think of other problems to which that general principle applies. Some suggestions for your physics reading:

You may now be like many students a novice problem solver. The goal of this section is to help you become an expert problem solver. Effective, expert problem solving involves answering five questions:

An important thing to remember in working physics problems is that by showing all of your work you can much more easily locate and correct mistakes. You will also find it easier to read the problems when you prepare for exams if you show all your work.

When you have completed a problem, you should be able, at some later time, to read the solution and to understand it without referring to the text. You should therefore write up the problem so as to include a description of what is wanted, the principle you have applied, and the steps you have taken. If, when you read your own answer to the problem, you come to a step that you do not understand, then you have either omitted a step that is necessary to the logical development of the solution, or you need to put down more extensive notes in your write-up to remind you of the reasons for each step.

It takes more time to write careful and complete solutions to homework problems. Writing down what you are doing and thinking slows you down, but more important it makes you behave more like an expert. You will be well paid back by the assurance that you are not overlooking essential information. These careful write-ups will provide excellent review material for exam preparation.

In 1947 Bob Feller, former Cleveland pitcher, threw a baseball across the plate at 98.6 mph or 44.1 m/s. For many years this was the fastest pitch ever measured. If Bob had thrown the pitch straight up, how high would it have gone?

Notice that the graph is fairly accurate: You can approximate the value of g as 10 m/s 2, so that the velocity decreases to zero in about 4.5 s. Therefore, even before you use your calculator, you have a good idea of about the value of t m.

Look over this problem and ask yourself if the answer makes sense. After all, throwing a ball almost 100 m in the air is basically impossible in practice, but Bob Feller did have a very fast fast ball pitch!

There is another matter: If this same problem had been given in a chapter dealing with conservation of energy, you should not solve it as outlined above. Instead, you should calculate what the initial and final kinetic energy KE and potential energy PE are in order to find the total energy. Here, the initial PE is zero, and the initial KE is m v o 2 / 2. The final PE is m g y m and the final KE is zero. Equate the initial KE to the final PE to see that the unknown mass m cancels from both sides of the equation. You can then solve for y m, and of course you will get the same answer as before but in a more sophisticated manner.

A one kilogram block rests on a plane inclined at 27 o to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.19. Find the acceleration of the block down the plane. 

The second principle is that the frictional force is proportional to the normal force (the component of the force on the block due to the plane that is perpendicular to the plane). The frictional force is along the plane and always opposes the motion. Since the block is initially at rest but will accelerate down the plane, the frictional force will be up along the plane. The coefficient of friction, which is used in this proportionality relation.

Note that in the vector diagram, the block has been replaced by a dot at the center of the vectors. The relevant forces are drawn in (all except the net force). Even the value assumed for the gravitational acceleration has been included. Some effort has been made to draw them to scale: The normal force is drawn equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the component of the gravity force that is perpendicular to the plane. Also, the friction force has been drawn in parallel to the plane and opposing the motion; it has been drawn in smaller than the normal force. The angles of the normal and parallel forces have been carefully drawn in relation to the inclined plane. This sub-drawing has a title and labels, as all drawings should.

When you look over this answer to see if it makes sense, try doing the problem by substituting numbers in at each step (the concrete approach). The weight of a kilogram, for example is 9.8 N. The normal (perpendicular to the plane) component of the gravitational force is 9.8 times cos 27 o or 8.73 N. This makes sense, for if the angle were very small, the normal component of the gravitational force would be almost equal to 9.8 itself. Notice that although the final answer should be given to two significant figures, you should keep three in these intermediate calculations.

Again examine your solution. It says that the block does accelerate down the plane because the final answer is positive. The acceleration is less than g, again a reasonable result. Notice that if the angle were more than 27 o, then its sine would be larger and its cosine smaller, so the acceleration would be greater. If the angle were less than 27 o then the opposite would be true, and the acceleration, as calculated above, could become negative. But a negative value for acceleration would be wrong, because that would say that the block would accelerate up the plane because the frictional force dominates, and that is impossible. Instead, if the calculation had produced a negative value for a, you would have had to change the solution to a = 0, meaning that the frictional force was enough to prevent sliding.

For example: If velocity and acceleration principles have been emphasized in the course, look over all of your homework problems to see if they illustrate these principles, even partially. Then if you also can anticipate an emphasis on friction and inertia, once again review all of your homework problems to see if they illustrate those principles.

To prove eligibility, you will need to submit a copy of your transcript that identifies a graded general, medical, or sonographic college, post-secondary, or higher-education physics class with a grade of C or above. In place of a school transcript, you can present a Continuing Medical Education (CME) certificate indicating successful completion of a general, medical, or sonographic physics seminar or review course with a minimum award of 12 ARDMS-accepted CME credits.

In about ten days, ARDMS sends an email notification of the status of your application. The email will either be an Examination Confirmation Letter (ECL) or a request for additional information. The ECL includes details on scheduling your SPI exam at a PearsonVUE testing center or via remote proctor. You have 90 days from the date of the email to schedule and take your exam.

To register for the exam at a testing center or by a remote proctor, you must first create an account with PearsonVUE. Once you are in your account, follow the instructions in your ECL to register for the exam. After you have scheduled your exam, PearsonVUE will send a confirmation email. Read the email closely and verify that you are scheduled for the correct date, location (center or online), time, and time zone. If any information is incorrect, contact PearsonVUE immediately. 152ee80cbc

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