Hello every one and thanks for help, in my case with Ubuntu server 14.04 nginx and php5-fpm the problem with php-fpm socket owner by root solved by editing the file /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.confUncomment the lines:

Then there is no need to chown nginx:nginx for the .pid and .sock files. Just ignore these instructions. You can start the php-fpm service right away. Of course, you have to restart the nginx service, too.

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I am feeling stumped, trying to setup NGINX for the first time on Arch. Followed the wiki a few times and keep getting hung up in the same spot. I followed the instructions to install NGINX in a chroot, then went on to setup php-fpm. I have not tried setting up any sites, just trying to get to the point of showing the "it works" page, before I moved to setting up a site.

No worries I actually did not show that output, but yes its running. Maybe I put too much info trying to explain this. But I have verified it is something in my setup of php-fpm. Once I remove it from loading, I get the expected NGINX test page.

Debugging php-fpm shouldn't be that hard. Enable the /status page in the www.conf and you can check all the calls made to php-fpm and everything afterwards should be debuggable like any other php installation as well (e.g. xdebug). Everything else is out of the scope of user debugging and the responsibility of the package maintainers imho.

I've been using PHP-FPM with Nextcloud for quite awhile (Apache2 installation). I was very surprised at how much improvement there was in responsiveness by simply modifying the servers/child processes for FPM. There are many guides out there for replacing mod_php with php-fpm, so I won't retread that ground, but all I changed was:

So using PHP5.6 as an example ... when I first started the php56-php-fpm service which generated /opt/remi/php56/root/var/run/php-fpm/www.sock, I changed the generated www.sock file's user and group to nginx:nginx. After restarting php56-php-fpm I learned that www.sock was being reset to root:root. Now granted I won't be restarting FPM constantly, but there must be a way to set some defaults on the .sock file?? My fpm conf files looks like this:

I'm reading that I need to "start php-fpm", but what does that mean? I have Nginx and MySQL started already. What else do I need to configure? Do I need to install php-fpm installed on my system separately?

The most important setting in each pool is the TCP socket (IP and port) or unix domain socket (UDS) php-fpm will be listening on to receive fastCGI requests; this is configured using the listen option.

Let's just use the defaults as shipped and start the php-fpm daemon; if your distro uses the provided init script, run

/etc/init.d/php-fpm start

Or if not, start it manually with

php-fpm -y /path/to/php-fpm.conf -c /path/to/custom/php.ini

If you don't provide php-fpm with its own php.ini file, the global php.ini will be used. Remember this when you want to include more or less extensions than the CLI or CGI binaries use, or need to alter some other values there.

I also changed the php-fpm.conf logging option so I can easily see what is being logged specifically by php-fpm:

error_log /var/log/php-fpm.log

If you don't set a php-fpm logfile, errors will be logged as defined in php.ini.

Side note: you can force a running php-fpm to reload its configuration by sending it a SIGUSR2 signal.; SIGUSR1 will cycle the log files (perfect for a logrotate script!). A little experimentation goes a long way

If apache and php-fpm run as the same user (not necessary or recommended) and nproc is too small, apache will not startup with the following message (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: AH02162: setuid: unable to change to uid: 600

Warning: when you ProxyPass a request to another server (in this case, the php-fpm daemon), authentication restrictions, and other configurations placed in a Directory block or .htaccess file, may be bypassed.

In the error, the socket file is different then what is in your php-fpm config:

connect() to unix:/run/php7.4-fpm-librenms.sock failed

is not the same as:

listen = /run/php/php7.4-fpm-librenms.sock

(note the extra /php/ directory)

I'm trying to set up a freshly installed Ubuntu (12.04) server, but I can't get PHP files running through php-fpm. No matter what I do, I always get a "Access denied." page (plain text, not html or anything).

Creates a PHP-FPM configuration file at the path specified. Meant to be deployed with a service init scheme/supervisor such as runit. Please see the application::php-fpm recipe for a complete working example. In depth information about PHP-FPM's configuration values can be found in the PHP-FPM documentation.

There is no php7.4 package installed, but there might have been some time ago, since I had some php-fpm issues when I migrated my webapps from the now obsolete Multi custom webapp to the maintained My Webapp Yunohost app. I have numerous apps depending on php-fpm (most on 7.3, some on 8.0), but none of them recently upgraded from 7.4.

When concurrent users grow over 200 (aprox) the CPU usage for php-fpm jumps to 100% with 60% system (according to NewRelic) which corresponds to Hardware Interrupts according to "top". The pages take minutes to respond.

I also notice that you have not defined any emergency_restart parameters in fpm, e.g. emergency_restart_threshold and emergency_restart_interval; they are are set in the php-fpm.conf and you will need to define both for it to work. Again if they are getting hit this will appear in your fpm log file.

Table of ContentsIntegrating PHP Within Web Servers What Is PHP-FPM?Comparing mod_php to php-fpmUsing Apache HTTPD with mod_phpUsing Apache HTTPD with PHP-FPMHow to Choose Between mod_php and php-fpmFinal ThoughtsTable of Contents1 - Integrating PHP Within Web Servers 2 - What Is PHP-FPM?3 - Comparing mod_php to php-fpm4 - Using Apache HTTPD with mod_php5 - Using Apache HTTPD with PHP-FPM6 - How to Choose Between mod_php and php-fpm7 - Final Thoughts

There are some key differences between mod_php and php-fpm that you should note when you choose between the two (more on that later). In the charts below, we detail the features/benefits of each option.

Configuring php-fpm and setting up Apache HTTPD to use it requires a bit more effort than mod_php, so there are more steps for this option. Just as with using Apache HTTPD with mod_php, these steps assume: (a) you have installed Apache HTTPD already, (b) that you installed it using your system package manager, and (c) you are using a PHP build packaged for your operating system (whether that's the one bundled with the OS, or ZendPHP).

Note: you do not actually need to have Apache HTTPD on the same machine as the one where you run your php-fpm pool! Because php-fpm can expose itself via a TCP socket, it's possible to do that on one machine, and then have Apache HTTPD consume php-fpm from another. This is a great way to isolate your PHP servers from the web server!

php-fpm provides the ability to configure behavior for all pools, as well as individual pools. Generally speaking, each OS provides a php-fpm.conf configuration file that defines system-wide settings for the php-fpm daemon, and this in turn includes files under a subdirectory, where settings for individual pools are defined.

On RPM-based systems, the locations vary a bit more. For the system php-fpm, you will find the main php-fpm configuration at /etc/php-fpm.conf, with pool configuration in /etc/php-fpm.d/. For ZendPHP, this configuration goes into /etc/opt/zend/php{PHP_VERSION}zend/ (e.g. /etc/opt/zend/php74zend/).

When using a Unix socket, the web server must be on the same machine in order to communicate with php-fpm. When using a TCP port, the web server must be able to reach the IP address, and the port must be exposed to the server running the web server instance; make sure your firewalls are set up correctly.

On Debian-based systems, how you start will vary based on whether you are using systemd or not. If you are using systemd, you will start the php-fpm service. This can be done using sudo systemctl start php{PHP_VERSION}-fpm. If you are not using systemd, or want to manually start it, run sudo /usr/sbin/php-fpm{PHP_VERSION}. (Omit the version when not using the ZendPHP repo.)

The recommendation when using FastCGI is to switch to using the event process manager. This allows for parallel processing of requests, and ensures a process is always available. It is not recommended for mod_php, as it keeps the process in memory, and requires thread-safe versions of runtimes in order to deal with concurrency issues. Since PHP does not play well with concurrency, it doesn't work well; however, with FastCGI, the FastCGI pool determines how to handle incoming requests, and php-fpm spawns new workers, resolving those concurrency issues.

Clearly, mod_php is easier to setup than php-fpm. Additionally, most benchmarks show that mod_php has a performance edge over php-fpm, though it's not a large one, and the benchmarks vary based on how each is configured.

First, if you want to have multiple PHP versions side-by-side, php-fpm is the only way to accomplish this. While this is relatively rare, it can be useful when you are migrating from one PHP version to the next; you can gradually move parts of the application from one vhost to the other as you get them successfully migrated, or you can do A/B testing to randomly use different configurations and see what breaks. Additionally, if you are serving multiple websites from the same web server, and each application has different PHP version needs, this is a solution that will get you there.

Second, there are security benefits to using php-fpm. Since each pool can have its own configuration, you can run each application using a different system user, and these can in turn be different than what Apache HTTPD uses as well. This can help prevent privilege escalation or access to restricted areas of the filesystem, which could reduce information disclosure. 006ab0faaa

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