Actions can include steps that let you perform tasks that can't be recorded (for example, using a painting tool). Actions can also include modal controls that let you enter values in a dialog box while playing an action.

Photoshop and Illustrator come with predefined actions installed that helps you perform common tasks. You can use these actions as is, customize them to meet your needs, or create new actions. Actions are stored in sets to help you organize them.

Photoshop Action File Download


Click the triangle to the left of the set, action, or command in the Actions panel. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (macOS) the triangle to expand or collapse all actions in a set or all commands in an action.

A Photoshop action is an incredible feature that allows you to record a series of steps to achieve remarkable effects, and then play the sequence back to apply those effects on any image. And because these actions are reusable you can improve your workflow by chopping countless hours off your design process.

Hi, I just came across what looks like a fun action for Photoshop that is provided for free by Adobe called Toon Artist. I followed all the instructions but when I run the action, towards the end I always get a "no pixels were selected" error followed by a "The command MAKE is currently not available" error. The action then finishes and all I end up with is a blank white screen with the words "Toon Artist, Photoshop Action" on it.

This action looks like a lot of time and effort went into it, and I really want to be able to try it out. Is anyone else having similar issues, and if so were you able to find a solution? I can see pieces of my original image used here and there throughout the many layers, so by all appearances it was working right up until near the end. I'm not sure what I could be doing that would cause it to fail at such a late point in the process.

@richardb60414725 Yes, I also get the "no pixels" warning early in the action, but if you click okay and let it keep running, it works perfectly if you've followed all the directions. Did you stop after that prompt?

I wonder if it has to do with having the empty layer selected before starting the action, instead of having the image layer selected. I had the empty layer selected because that's how it's done in the video tutorial. Probably doesn't make any difference, but maybe it's an idea to test if you want.

It's worked OK for me and I do enjoy it. The only suggestion I can think offhand for you is making sure before you apply the action that you've created a new blank layer and used a 100% hardness brush to draw over your subject area.

Not sure about your case. Just see which step fails and think why it could be (if it's not what I just mentioned). Many times it's obvious. Sometimes it's because Adobe changed an option somewhere and the action picks the wrong one now, or because you didn't install the extras, etc.

Actions have limited abilities when it cons to saving files for they can not use logic to generate output file names. Actions Steps have fixed setting recorded. The Save as steps can be recorded out recording a file name in the step while recording an output folder. when the step is played the current document name will be save into the output folder. So an action do not have to same over the document original file. However ever time you play the action while editing the document that output file would be over written. Script can logic to generate output file names and locations. Image Processor Pro is free for downloading is a Plug-in So it cans be recorded in an action and record its the setting you use recording its dialog into the action step. When the action is played the Image processor Pro script step will not display its dialog the script will use the settings pass by the action.

Image Processor pro has a very flexible dialog. So it is possible to have it save versions of the current document. In its current folder. One nice thing about Actions is they can play other actions. Therefore once you record the single step action to have the Image Processor save a version of the current document. You have as action any action can play to save version of the current document. Two thing are required You need to Install IPP and Install the Action. The document has to have beem szvet. It can not save a new unsaved document they don't have folder location or file type.

I recorder an Action set IPPVersions.atn. You must Install Imager Processor Pro Plug-In before you can use the action set. Once installed you can set a function key like F2 to Action Set IPPVersion action "Same As Versions" That will save the Document you are editing into the same folder you opened the document from as "Same As" file extension as opened with the same Document Name Plus the next version suffix number. Download here

Thanks again. I did this as well.

OTOH, after a while of trying I've got the Image Processor Pro working right now, i.e. it runs the action and saves the file with some additional custom text in the same folder.

The best Photoshop actions can dramatically transform your images into polished works of art while saving you a lot of time and effort. Our professional Photoshop actions are developed to help photographers and creatives make comprehensive photography edits inside of Photoshop and deliver premium high-quality professional results with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Our Photoshop actions are custom-built to the highest quality standards and rigorously tested for a variety of photographic situations. Our quality and attention to detail along with innovative Photoshop workflows sets our Photoshop actions apart from the rest.

These indispensable Photoshop tools save countless hours of editing time and allow photographers to achieve a more consistent, professional, and personalized look. Editing and retouching in Photoshop with is among the most time-consuming editing tasks inside the world of photography. It takes lots of time to produce quality photoshop editing. Photoshop actions which are dedicated to saving hours, not minutes, are an incredibly valuable asset to have in your toolkit.

The Greater Than Gatsby Photoshop actions are custom developed over several months and tested for several months more by leading photographers and editors, making them the best Photoshop actions for Photoshop while also being the most organized and easiest to use. The Greater Than Gatsby Photoshop actions are designed with innovative workflows to be easy to use and versatile. We make it easier than ever to edit photos with our Photoshop actions in an effective and efficient way, all while staying completely organized. Whether you are new to photography and Photoshop or you are an experienced and busy professional photographer, our Photoshop actions and brushes will elevate your results, wow your clients and save you a lot of time.

The Greater Than Gatsby Photoshop actions for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements can be used for any type of photography, but are designed for newborns and children, portraits, fashion & editorial, vintage, retro, film, and weddings. Take a look at our incredible collections for Photoshop and enjoy creating your new look!

These are some of the best actions I have ever used, hands down! My aesthetic tends toward classical, painterly, and vintage, whether I'm shooting portraiture or fashion. Combining different elements from this set allows me to efficiently create a beautiful, unique mood in a fraction of the time it would take otherwise. I am a HUGE fan and HIGHLY recommend!

This is an awesome set especially if you don't have any skin retouching actions. However, the rock stars of this set for me was the Magic Contour Brushes! I can Contour (Dodge & Burn) with the best of them but it can be a little tiresome when I have a long session. These brushes are just a Godsend! You just brush it on, and it does the Dodge & Burn for you in one go! Such a time saver and so efficient! I love the Fine Art Finishes as well. Bravo, GTG, on this set!

I have a lot of actions for Photoshop, but I never was really happy with them. Once it worked, another time not, so it cost more time to use them then without using them. Until I tried the Innocence collection. So easy to use for my child and adult photography and always a superb result. So I bought also the newborn collection since I do a lot of newborn. Really, really nice to use, and in just a few minutes I realized a very natural and nice skin and background. So, I decided to buy the whole collection and very happy with this decision. After working for 15 years with Photoshop I can really say that these actions are the best you can find. Thank you very much for making my life much easier!

I bought the Painterly Portrait Collection and I am absolutely in love with them! These actions are helping me get the exact look that I want. I don't normally use a lot of actions but I think these are going to be added to my workflow.

I love GTG PS actions! I have used a lot of actions and GTG Portrait Retouch Collection has improved my workflow and saved me an incredible amount of time. I have an almost 3 year old so my Photoshop time is limited and I'm finding myself achieving more in a shorter time span. Thanks GTG!!

Photoshop Action Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Photoshop Action

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)#gap-1367911123 { padding-top: 26px;}What Is Adobe Photoshop?Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program that also doubles as an advanced photo editing software used by photographers and creatives to edit photography digitally and create and manipulate all types of graphics. Within Photoshop is an actions panel where users can import and apply actions. Photoshop is considered the best all around editing program for graphics and photos.

A Photoshop Action is a feature that combines a group of specific photo edits, effects or steps that are recorded together into one automated process and saved as an .atn file that can be played back and applied to other photos or images. And because these actions are reusable, using and creating actions provides photographers a powerful and versatile tool with the ability to record and save the exact editing steps or sequence of favorite or specific adjustments and styles used to edit a graphic, image or photo. Download our free photoshop actions to try editing your images and see how easy it is. 006ab0faaa

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