You can now set the warp guide display option and choose when to show the visual guides - Auto Show Guides, Always Show Guides, and Never Show Guides. By default, the Grid is set to Always Show Guides.

When you warp a bitmap image (versus a shape or path), the image becomes slightly less sharp each time you commit a transformation; therefore, performing multiple commands before applying the cumulative transformation is preferable to applying each transformation separately.

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I have some panoramas I created from wide-angle photos in a small room. As is common, some of the straight wall/ceiling lines appear curved. From what I've found online, the warp transform could fix this in seconds, but PSE doesn't have it. Any suggestions? Any 3rd-party pluggins to do this (that cost less than PS!).

the uneven liquify. In pse 10 you could probably use the Healing Brush Tool in place of the clone stamp tool. I was testing out a new installation of windows xp so i had to use a very old version of photoshop.

Thanks so much for your work on this. Unfortunately, it look like I either need to use full PS or some alternative program (suggestions?) that allows geometric warping with curves. Your idea is a lot of manual work and only fixed the ceiling lines. That made the top of the window on the right look really strange, plus lots of other straight lines (e.g. the desk) that aren't.

Yeah, PS's Puppet Warp looks like the way to do it. I tried modifying the supplied panorama using CorelPhotoPaint's Mesh Warp tool with mixed results. It would be very tedious to use the Mesh Warp to individually move each mesh point the proper amount to correct all the distortions. Puppet Warp does the tedious stuff automatically when moving its control points.

The warp tool in Photoshop is a handy option to have at your disposal, but it may not be one that you use daily. For those working with commercial clients or portraits, it would be a great tool to use for realistic-looking retouching.

For the rest of us, it may just be a fun photoshop tool to play with from time to time!

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This feels like so many Adobe odd behaviours where they solve a problem in one product (in this case Ai) and then reinvent the wheel in another. I've been using the warp in illustrator on images since before there were smart objects (it was then the only way to reproduce the same warp on multiple images - I'd use it for product mockups where the artwork was evolving and/or had multiple skus). 

The warp tool in illustrator has been excellent for more than a decade. So when they want to update the photoshop warp tool they made a whole new tool with its own limitations and odd behaviours. This slows down workflows and increases learning curves. 

It feels much to me like the near random changes in constraint behaviour between apps (I've been using InDesign a bit lately after an absence and I feel like every time I want to scale something I am just randomly mashing the keyboard until I get the behaviour I want - and I've used and avocated for InDesign since it was PageMaker). 

Okay, there's my little Adobe vent. No biggie, just wish they would do better. 



I think you mean you want to move the handles independently from one another in warp transform? You can do that by right clicking on the node and selecting "Convert warp anchor point". I actually came here to find out how to do that, but just discovered it while messing around with it. I'm using Photoshop 2022.

That said, even with that it's still a very different behaviour than the same basic thing with illustrator's warp mesh tool. There the control points work in pairs across the control point instead of in quads all four (or as independents when you "Convert warp anchor point").

I find it much more intuitive and much better for warping for things like mapping 2d elements onto 3d objects (like adding a label to a product shot) or straightening out things like photos of books pages. The quad warp just messes things up and creates waves that I don't find useful for much.

The warp tool isn't fit for purpose! When we are paying a subscription for software this type of thing really is unacceptable, particularly looking at how long this thread had been going. How hard can it be to fix.

Please address this issue, I've been banging my head on a wall for months over this. About to switch to Affinity if Adobe really isn't going to address basic functionality critical to a package designer's job. Simple fix, reinstate a legacy version of warp until you can come up with a solution. ugh.

OMG I have the same problem, I have been having so much trouble just to make a simple mockup. I hate this new warp tool, maybe if you could just choose between the past version and the new one? This new warp tool is realy not helping.

Agreed. The warp tool is absolutely useless now. Packaging designers need to be able to curve flat artwork *with precision* to a rounded surface such that perspective effects are applied. In the old warp, there were 4 anchor points and 8 handles and the grid in the middle (with no handles or anchor points) could be "massaged" into place with relative ease. That meant that you could stretch the text so that it disappeared around the curve without too much inaccurate distortion of the artwork. Now, there are too many anchors and too many handles (handles that twist when pulled). You can't fluidly wrap something around an object (no matter how any people get up on here and say "have you actually learned to use it properly??"; no, we used the OLD ONE properly!!).

It's the same for the new warp tool. A few people probably think the split grid feature is cool, but it doesn't really have much practical use. The warp tool's internal grid is analogous to the windshield. The warp tool can still be used like the old version, but we can't see where we're going. So it's difficult to do a precise warp without adding in unwanted distortion. It's a huge step backward, just like a car with no windshield.

I'd love to see refinements and improvements to the old warp tool, including the ability to change the degree of warp at edges to simulate an image wrapping all the way around something, like a mug. And it has never worked very well for an asymmetrical warp. But in the mean time, I'd be satisfied if Adobe would just add a click box in Preferences to use the legacy warp tool. Is that so much to ask?

Blown away by the lack of understanding from Adobe regarding this issue. Using basic round mockups to prove there is nothing wrong with the warp tool. This tool is used for more than just that. Let us break the handles like the pen tool so we can accurately warp to anything.

Has anyone figured out a workaround for this? Photoshop's warp is truly almost unusable now for anything beyond the most basic shapes. 

Like many others in here have said, trying to "wrap" a label onto even a pretty basic cylinder has become an incredibly tedious task and one which almost never has good results thanks to the way the invisible interior mesh behaves. It seems that even if you manually adjust allll the handles on your mesh, for some reason the mesh is still retaining some kind of structure that warps in ways you didn't intend/want.

If I embed an image in Illustrator, I can warp it any way I want - in a FAR FAR superior way than how Photoshop does it.

It is very dissapointing that Adobe with their money and resources cannot fix this in anything resembling a timely fashion.

This is one of the most important tools in Photoshop - and it is absolute rubbish.

After complaining about the changes to the warp tool in 2019 and waiting THREE YEARS for it to get fixed, I was so excited to see the new Cynlinder option in the warp tool. Finally! But my excitment was short-lived. Why on earth does the new cylinder tool STRETCH the art towards the sides and and compact it vertically? That's just all wrong! Did you look at any actual products when you re-designed this function? There should be no stretching! Instead the center section of the art should not change and the sides should be pushed towards the center. The amount of distortion should be greatest at the edges and gradually lessen as you get to the center. Unbelievable. Please go back to the drawing board or at least give us access to the legacy warp tool.

Oh My Lord!!!

 I think it has been fixed 

I'm using Photoshop 2023 and if i'm not mistaken it seems to be working as it used to. Plus, when you confirm the warp and then later come back to it the handles and points are all still in the same position... (i think the warp object used to stay the same but the handles and points reverted back to the rectangular grid positions). And FINALLY, you can move a handle on the side or bottom point without affecting the other handles on that point.

Please see attached Jpeg "PSD_Rubbish_Warp_01".

When trying to warp a square graphics area - lets say to fit on the side of a cylinder / can I would want to bring in the sides of the graphic towards the centre and pull in the handles to 'squash' the perspective as it wraps around. What we are still getting as you can see by the black guide lines is a bowing into the centre between the top and bottom warp handles on the left. As both handles are pulled in the same amount it should be a straight line like the red dotted line I have added. You may say - "then put a horizontal handle in the centre and pull that in!". However as you can see on the jpeg PSD_Rubbish_Warp_02 - that just makes it worse and adds more segments that dont perform as they should. 006ab0faaa

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