Download Free Juice Buzz


So my backup broke, and now I'm stuck between waiting until Friday or so or finding another way to get nicotine. I really don't wanna use cigs, but I was thinking, and wondered if you just dropped some juice in your mouth if it would give you a buzz, even if it was weak. Does anyone have experience?


We are proud to offer a unique menu at each of our locations. From fresh brewed small batch coffees and handcrafted lattes, to breakfast sandwiches and acai bowls, we craft every item with care and intention. 

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We can't wait to get you buzzed!

Nekter was the first juice and smoothie concept to introduce Acai bowls as full menu category - we did it first and we do it best, with real ingredients like housemade cashew milk (made fresh daily) and unsweetened acai topped with fresh fruit and a variety of superfood add-ons for a light and nourishing meal.

Small in size, BIG in nutrients: give your body a shot of health with our nutrient-rich, freshly made Wellness Shots! Our Shots are freshly made using fresh, high quality, ingredients from nature and are juiced to order and loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Organic fruit and veg will make all the difference in your juices and smoothies with bags more flavour and juice, even if they cost a few pennies more. They will definitely have more nutrients in them, keeping your insides and outside in better condition. After visiting a few shops in Spain, I feel fortunate that we have the choice of organic in Britain. The carrots in this were particularly special, from Hootons Homegrown, Farm Shop on Anglesey (thats in Wales for global readers). We are blessed with some amazing producers in these parts.

The most buzz-worthy drink recipe at Galaxy's Edge's 1_____________ is the Fuzzy Tauntaun with Buzz Button Tingling Foam! This one took a lot of experimenting, but we are so happy with the final results, and it's actually pretty easy, too.

Oga's spin on a Fuzzy Navel cocktail, this beverage is a peachy, alcoholic orange juice. The liquid part of this drink is simple and tasty, but the large pile of bubbly foam is what makes this a shocking addition to the Oga's Cantina menu!

The foam's tingling and numbing sensation is courtesy of a tiny, Szechuan flower called the buzz button (acmella oleracea). Now this isn't something you can find in the produce section of your local grocery store, so 2______________________________________________ from Natural Nomad Farms, a boutique farm located in Florida.

If you are unable to get fresh buzz buttons, and are willing to wait, many readers have had success with 3________________________ to grow buzz buttons! This is a great and very inexpensive way to go!

Not new to the world of cocktails, the buzz button is more commonly used as a garnish to be consumed whole. But, here, we needed to find a way to infuse them into the foam. We decided to create what's called a "buzz button tincture," which uses alcohol to extract the part of the buzz button that creates the numbing effect. Usually, a tincture is created slowly over 4 weeks, but the one we made was strong enough after 3 to 4 days.

4___________ The information below on how we made a foam is intended to be an account of how we created it only. It is not intended as a recipe for others to use, as it has not been evaluated for safety. Should you choose to make this yourself, please do so at your own risk. We do not assume any liability of others for adverse affects of buzz button consumption.

5_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ We ordered 6________________________________ from Natural Nomad Farms, a boutique farm located in Florida. Upon arrival, we put the buttons in a large mason jar, added about 1/2 cup of Tito's (80 proof) vodka, covered it with the lid, and popped it in the fridge. After 3 to 4 days, we noticed that there was enough "buzz sensation" to proceed with the foam. We refer to this buzz button infused vodka as "buzz button tincture."

To make the buzz foam, we added 1.5 cups of cold water to an 8" x 8" square, glass baking dish. Then, while whisking constantly, we added 1/4 cup of the buzz button tincture (strained), 2 teaspoons of Wilton meringue powder and 1/2 teaspoon Xanthan gum for stability. Disney isn't using meringue powder, but we went with something easy and accessible to us. The taste is sweeter than Oga's (meringue powder is used for royal icing) and the texture is pasty. But, the buzz sensation is strong, and the foam is stable.

Hi Shauna! I'm not sure what extract you are looking at, but we did try a spilanthes tincture and the taste was pretty gross. If you are looking for an alternative to using buzz buttons, some people have had some luck using szechuan peppercorns.

Thanks for the awesome recipe. This has been on my radar for awhile. I grew my own buzz buttons and have been letting them sit in vodka for the past week and a half. I did a trial run today. Pretty much followed your directions exactly (I don't measure, just guesstimate). For the foam, rather than getting out my mixer, I got out my little battery operated frother. Bubbles galore, and I'm surprised at how stable it is. Delish.

Hello, I have another batch of flowers ready to go! Had a couple of questions. Do you know why there is salt added to the mixture along with the Lechtin? Is it just for flavor or is there some additive properties to it? Was thinking I might just use the lechtin with the infused vodka. Also do you think it would work the same way with a non alcoholic liquid like turning a juice into a buzzing foam?

Thanks for sharing the latest buzz, Micah! I'm no molecular gastonomist, but I'm guessing the salt is just for flavor, and unnecessary. The link was mostly to help understand the ratio of lecithin to liquid. I still haven't ordered a different brand lecithin to try. Can you recommend one? In regards to a non-alcoholic way to prepare an herbal extract, I did a search and it looks like glycerin might be an option. Somewhat unrelated, but I do recall reading somewhere to avoid heat when extracting because it will dampen the buzz effect. Good luck!

I believe it's called Landor Trading company and it seems to work, although it does also leave a different aftertaste; so I'm still looking to try different brands. Glycerin sounds interesting; but was thinking more along the lines of simply infusing the buzz flowers into the Oj, AJ, or some kind of juice. Tried once but it does not seem to hold the buzz quite the same; but that also might have been my ratios or process of infusing. Trying not to drink so much lol and it would broaden the usage of the foam.

You are my new best friend. We live in FL and purchased buzz button seeds from Nomad Farms and grew our own Szechuan plants. We have tried many ways to make the numbing foam for our favorite Oga's drink - the fuzzy tauntaun - to no true avail. We will be trying YOUR recipe this week!! Woohoo!! Your foam looks better than our first 3 attempts!

Thanks, Brenda! Yes, we tried many things as well, to no avail. After watching videos on youtube of seamless soy lecithin foams that easily bubble...nothing. We're not sure if the soy lecithin we bought on amazon was bad or what. We only gave it the one attempt, and we'd love to try it again at some point. Anyways, we had to laugh at how EASY it is to make a foam using that meringue powder. I wish the texture of the foam wasn't as pasty...but it sure looks good, and you get that buzz button electricity vibe. Please let me know how it works for you!

Thanks for writing, Micah! Very cool you are growing your own buzz buttons! Once you have your foam ingredients in a container, a device is needed to bring air into the mixture (we used a hand mixer) so that it foams. The aquarium pump can be used for this to make extra large bubbles. Simply put the tube into the mixture and pump air into it. Have fun and let us know how it works! We have now included a link for a salt foam recipe using lecithin but are still unsure on the correct ratio of buzz tincture so that it still foams.

Hi Micah! I couldn't find a video of an aquarium pump, but I did find a video of an air pump designed for this purpose ( =---szVciKLk) so you can see how an air pump works to create bubbles. Sadly, we never got the soy lecithin we ordered on amazon to really foam. I don't know why it didn't work, but that's when we started playing around with different ingredients, like gelatin and meringue. The meringue powder is essentially a fool-proof and cheap way to make the foam, but I'm not happy with the pasty texture. It does look good, though, and the buzz sensation is awesome. And my co-developer liked the sweet frosting-like flavor. I did order a cheap $4 aquarium pump yesterday and plan to keep trying with lecithin because I know so many people are interested in this. I hope someone, if not we, have luck with this soon. Please, everyone keep commenting! Maybe we can crack the code together!

Thanks for all the info and experiences! Finally tried your recipe. I blended 60 flowers into about 1 cup vodka, then did a rapid infuse with a whipit and then strained it ... the green vodka was a perfect result of buzzy goodness. Used the Merengue and Xanthem to mix with .5 cups vodka and 1 cup water. It did work ... best results yet for the foam but the water diluted the buzz factor too much I felt (still worked decently though) and the flavor/consistency was the same as your thoughts ... not bad, but I think it could be done better. Next try will be Lichtin ... I'll have to find the right product though as you mention. Also thinking of picking up a cheap air filter (the bartender one looks epic but think the cheap regular one will work for the "experimentation". 5376163bf9

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