Market Impacts of Pooling Intermittent Spectrum

Received the Best Paper Award (Policy Track)

May 15, 2024


[ECE Department News at Northwestern University]

Thrilled to share that our paper, "Market Impacts of Pooling Intermittent Spectrum," co-authored with Randall Berry has received the Best Paper Award (policy track) at the IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) 2024! 🌟


Temporal sharing of spectrum as in the CBRS system provides wireless service providers (SPs) with spectrum that is intermittently available. This intermittency can decrease the value of the spectrum to a SP. In this paper we consider a setting where a SP can pool multiple intermittent bands of spectrum with independent availability.

We find that pooling can achieve a higher spectrum efficiency in terms of the congestion incurred by users compared to using a single intermittent band (with the same total bandwidth). We show that this efficiency gain can be achieved with a relatively small pool of bands and it quickly converges to the optimal case as the number of bands increases. We also observe that pooled intermittency has a lesser impact on bids if spectrum is auctioned.




"Pooling multiple intermittent bands is beneficial."