The Value of Phil-Mont

A letter worth considering from Head of School, Dr. R. Todd Mangum

Dear Parents,

One of the many reasons I was drawn to Phil-Mont Christian Academy was its reputation for providing a high-quality education for its students. Now, seven months into my tenure as Head of School, I'm pleased to confirm this reputation is well-earned. By strengthening and expanding our assessment processes, I can assure you that we are, in fact, still delivering the high quality education we advertise. Not only are we fulfilling promises we’ve made to Phil-Mont parents like yourself, we also are meeting commitments to quality demanded by our accreditors.

Many of the assessments involve faculty peer-to-peer class visitation, review, and advice. Educational administrators and supervisors are integrally involved, too. By the end of this month, every faculty member will have had one of their classes visited by no less than two faculty colleagues and one administrator. Personally, I am visiting and making assessments of every middle school and high school teacher, as well as some of the elementary teachers as well.

Let me tell you what I have now seen and heard with my own eyes and ears: the value of a Phil-Mont education.

I have seen higher math classes, such as Honors Trigonometry or Advanced Algebra, opened in prayer, with learning exercises conducted by teachers of highest competence – one of whom has taught at Phil-Mont for 40 years, another midway through her first year. I have seen them each leading students through complex math principles and formulas, with our Phil-Mont young people showing themselves eventually capable of working through the problems independently, unfazed even by “trick questions” deliberately included by the teacher as part of the learning exercises. I have seen first-hand Phil-Mont students’ remarkable problem-solving abilities, both in group work and individually.

In science classes, I have seen high school students dissect cats and middle school students dissect sheep hearts. I have watched high school students prepare experiments working with acid, and seen how safely such high-level science learning exercises are guided. I have heard the gales of laughter, and seen the frequent smiles, making me recognize just how comfortable - even joyful - our students are as they learn and take on these highly-advanced, hands-on science lessons.

I have seen middle and high school students create watercolor paintings, and draft drawings of their own selection. And, I have seen how patient and caring the teacher is while working with these students, including those for whom “creative arts” are not instinctual.

I have seen first-hand the godly and compassionate character of our teachers inside and outside the classroom. Faculty members with master’s, even doctoral, degrees, not only teach our students advanced course content, but they care for and disciple their students as well. At Phil-Mont, I’ve witnessed how all courses - yes all! - are taught with reference to biblical truth, and through a lens of God’s character and purposes.

I have seen how teachers throughout the school embrace technology to make learning fun as well as effective. I have seen knowledge of Bible content reinforced through "games” using Chromebooks provided to each and every student. I have also seen quizzes taken and submitted electronically, and graded and returned to students almost instantaneously. In these and other creative ways, I have seen teachers provide formative assessments with immediate correction to maximize the learning impact for students.

Recently, I attended an elementary chapel, where I saw our youngest students singing in worship at the top of their lungs, the content of the songs reinforced with motions. I have seen how cared for and loved our elementary school students are. And, I have seen how our faculty create controlled and effective learning environments to help students succeed. I have witnessed how flexible our faculty are, so as to both instruct and disciple students, often simultaneously.

I have also come to recognize what a great blessing it is at Phil-Mont to really be able to take our safety and security for granted, due to the diligence of our security personnel. I praise the Lord that, at Phil-Mont, we don’t need metal detectors or pat downs, but I am also glad that we have security cameras, and an extraordinarily capable security team that is on guard whenever there are people on campus. We have a security team that not only has vast experience and expertise, but who also love our students, love the familial feel of our campus, and see it as their job to protect it and preserve it. I am also glad for the growing relationship we have with the local police department, and the security team of the public school located “across the park” from us.

Throughout the fall and Christmas season, I’ve seen how well our students perform on the courts, on the fields, and on the stage! I know that those who have been at Phil-Mont for a long time are accustomed to this and have come to expect it, but I am astonished by the fact that three quarters of our middle and high school students play on a sports team – teams that are consistently competitive in our league! I continue to be blown away by the musical performances, including a first-rate Willy Wonka musical performed by students in sixth through twelfth grades.

I recognize how blessed by God I am to be at Phil-Mont. I hope you do, too! It is no wonder that Phil-Mont is “bursting at the seams” with students. We are currently reorganizing the elementary and upper school libraries to make room for 20-30 additional students for the 2024-25 school year. I believe that next year we could fill all 430 seats to bring us to full capacity in every classroom!

Let us enjoy the blessing of such an educational community. And let each of us do whatever we can to maintain and improve it! I am committed to Phil-Mont continuing to be a high-value educational proposition. I know now, even more than when I started, just how great a value a Phil-Mont education is to the Christian families in our area. I have witnessed the proof with my own eyes and ears!


Dr. Todd Mangum
Head of School