Dipartimento di Matematica "Federigo Enriques"
Università degli Studi di Milano
19-20 December 2022
Sala di Rappresentanza
PhD Days (actually PhD2ays) is a seminar organized by PhD students at Unimi every year since 2015. Its aim is dual: to share our work and research interests with ex-Unimi students now doing their PhD elsewhere, and to introduce late Bachelor and Master students to current research topics – what a PhD student actually works on during the three year long course. In particular, PhD2ays aims to be accessible to a broad range of students, who often do not share the same mathematical background.
Participation is free and open to everyone who's interested, in particular we encourage undergraduate and graduate students to join us: some of the talks will be in english, but we promise to keep it simple.
Day 1
Manuel Luigi Trezzi (UniPv), CIP-stabilized Virtual Elements for diffusion-convection-reaction problems;
Giovanni Bocchi (UniMi), Group Equivariant Non-Expansive Operators: a blueprint for a different kind of Neural Networks;
Nicola Franco Rares (PoliMi), Deep neural networks in operator learning: theory and applications;
Isacco Beretta (UniPi) , Weak causality for machine learning;
Lorenzo Tedesco (Leuven), Instrumental variable quantile regression under random right censoring;
Riccardo Carini (London), Irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds: an introduction;
Francesco Denisi (Lorraine), Asymptotic base loci on Irreducible Holomorphic Symplectic manifolds;
Martina Monti (UniMi), Relations between Calabi-Yau manifolds and complex tori;
Marco Vergani (UniFi), Semirational groups, Cut groups and the prime graph problem;
Edoardo Salati (Dresden), Fusion system in Group Theory and Algebraic Topology;
Andrea Cappelletti (UniMi), Compact Hausdorff Spaces, Ultrafilter Monad and Many-valued Logics.
Day 2
Camilla Chiara Polvara (UniMi), Symmetry breaking for extremals of Sobolev inequality in cones;
Eugenio Dellepiane (UniMi), Multipliers on the Dirichlet space;
Shulamit Terracina (UniMi), nonlinear oscillations and recursive phenomena;
Giacomo Bascapè (Montreal), Teoria della rappresentazione nella Topologia della bassa dimensione;
Matteo Capucci (Strathclyde), An introduction to categorical cybernetics;
Federico Cannerozzi (UniMi), Coarse correlated equilibria in mean field games;
Francesca Arceci (UniMi), Data analysis and modelization of the impact of climate change on cultural heritage;
Giulia Chiari (PoliTo), Mathematical oncology: analysis of cancer population dynamics and radiotherapy treatments towards personalized medicine;
Davide Dameno (UniMi), Four-dimensional geometry and twistor spaces;
Federico Mocchetti (UniMi), From the Grothendieck-Witt ring to motivic spheres;
The Venue
Dipartimento di Matematica "Federigo Enriques"
Via Cesare Saldini 50, Milano
Sala di Rappresentanza (Ground floor).