INdAM Workshop


PHAse field MEthods

in applied sciences


Roma, May 23-27, 2022

Main objective of the INdAM Workshop is to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions on relevant mathematical topics in different real-world applications ranging from Biology to Material Science.

Topics of interest: tumor growth dynamics, electrophysiology models, additive manufacturing and 3D printing processes, binary mixtures.

The workshop is sponsored by the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi (INdAM), and the contribution of:

The final goal is to combine purely theoretical aspects with numerical analysis and real-world applications by fostering the interaction of mathematicians, engineers and biology-oriented experts.

The workshop will take place in presence at Hotel Globus, Viale Ippocrate 119, Roma.

Participation only by invitation.

For information send a message to: