Terms of Service

1. Purpose of the Service

This service is provided to assist users in generating lottery numbers. Users can generate numbers through this service and participate in the lottery based on those numbers.

2. Provision of Service and Advertising

This service is provided free of charge, and revenue necessary for operating the service is obtained through advertisements. Advertisements are provided through advertising platforms such as Google AdMob.

3. Responsibility for Service Use

Users are solely responsible for all outcomes resulting from the use of this service. Numbers generated through this service do not guarantee winning outcomes, and the likelihood of winning in the lottery depends on the user's choices and luck.

4. Restrictions on Service Use

Any misuse of this service for unlawful purposes is strictly prohibited, and users engaging in such activities may have their access to the service restricted.

1. Personal Information Collection

This service does not collect any personal information.

2. Purpose of Personal Information Use

As this service does not collect personal information, no specific purposes for personal information use are set.

3. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information

Since this service does not collect personal information, there is no retention or use period applicable.

4. Right to Refuse Consent

As this service does not collect personal information, users do not have the right to refuse consent for the collection and use of personal information.

5. Miscellaneous

This consent form confirms the user's acknowledgment of not providing consent for the collection and use of personal information.