In Super Mario 64, there are Power Stars that can be earned outside of the other 15 Courses. These secret stars are hidden throughout various areas of the castle. Some are just given to you by Toads; while others require a bit more work to earn. Check out this page to see the list of all the secret stars in Mario 64. Use the checklist to help you keep track of your progress! Want more help? Click the links on each star to view its full walkthrough containing even more info and pictures!

Secret Stars

In Super Mario 64 there are Power Stars that can be earned outside of the other 15 Courses. These secret stars are hidden throughout various areas of the castle. Click on any of the links below to see the full walkthrough for that star.

The music that plays in the course is a variation of the Bob-omb Battlefield's theme (also the main theme of the game), as well as Cool, Cool Mountain's music, involving a Western style, with an instrumentation of a harmonica, a bass, drums, a banjo, and a whistle. This music can also be heard during the races with Koopa the Quick and in most other secret courses, in secret areas that involve a slide, and in other regular courses such as Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride.

These stars appear in a few different ways, but all come under the general heading in the menu of Castle Secret Stars, which is quite different to the other levels in the game. In addition, there are special Cap Switches which you'll need to turn into flying, metal or invisible Mario - and these are required in certain levels in order to get all of their stars.

On this page we run down the hidden Cap unlocks - which aren't mandatory to complete the game - plus the Castle Secret Stars. If you need help with the rest

of the game, we've got stars walkthroughs for all Mario 64 courses - just hit the link to see our ultimate guide.

After you get 10 stars across any of the game's levels, a light will begin to shine onto the lobby floor of the castle. Stand on the picture of the sun and look up at the sun - it'll transport you to a special level, Wing Mario over the Rainbow.

As well as the seven stars per stage, there are 15 "Castle Secret Stars" that appear on your main menu. These stars are exactly what they sound like - secret stars hidden across the castle or that don't otherwise belong in a specific stage. Here's how and where to get all 15.

There are several hidden stars within the castle walls of Super Mario 64. This guide will help players locate them all. Super Mario 64 is regarded as one of the most important and best games to ever release. The first time Mario ever stepped into the third dimension was a big hit not only for Nintendo but for the gaming industry itself. In Super Mario 64, Princess Peach invites Mario over for a cake but Mario soon comes to realize that the princess has been kidnapped by Bowser (again). It is now up to Mario to collect the power stars hidden around the castle to save the princess and stop Bowser once and for all. Here are the locations of all the hidden power stars in Super Mario 64.

While searching for the power stars, a majority of them will be found within painting throughout the castle. These paintings include vast levels with their own mission structures. With nothing more than a small prompt, the player will need to find the power star within that level. Although, there are a few power stars that can only be found outside of the levels. Here are all the locations of the castle's secret stars in Super Mario 64.

In Super Mario 64 DS, there are 3 different types of coins that you will come across. Some coins require you to look around, but some are usually laying around in plain sight. If you collect 100 coins in each course, 15 extra stars will be added to your total.

The main focus at the Cannes Film Festival may be the high-profile films in the competition, with their awards potential and splashy premieres (and splashier after parties). But in truth, they're only a small part of what's going on at the Palais des Festivals. In the conference center-like bowels of the massive building is the Cannes market, a grand bazaar of films from all over the world. Many of them you've never heard of and will likely never make it to American shores, unless there's a sudden interest in Malaysian action movies. But surprisingly, there are a lot of actors you've heard of who have films being shopped around the marche. So in some ways, they're just as much at Cannes as the Channing Tatums and Marion Cotillards of the world. During a free afternoon, I wandered around the market and took photos of some of the movie posters featuring stars from America. You might be surprised who was there!

Even if you haven't seen the movie, odds are high you're aware of No Way Home's biggest surprises at this point. The immense attention around the film surrounding the returning stars from past film franchises has pretty much made the spoilers impossible to avoid. As fans saw for the first time at the premiere, the sequel indeed brought back previous Spider-Man actors Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. This followed several months of speculation with no official confirmation that either would be in the film.
