Welcome to my personal site!

I'm an assistant professor of the Department of Economics and Economic History of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and an affiliated professor of the Barcelona School of Economics.

I'm a micro theorist, my research is on the economics of networks and applications of game theory in cancer. I received my PhD at Maastricht University in 2019 under the supervision of Jean-Jacques Herings, Ronald Peeters, and Frank Thuijsman. The title of my dissertation is "Public Goods Games on Networks and in Tumors".

Together with Yuval Heller, Cristoph Kuzmics, and Erik Mohlin, I co-organize the online LEG (Learning, Evolution, and Games) seminar series. Reach out if you'd like to join the mailing list and follow the LEG Community Youtube channel for recorded lectures and other content!

Cover photos: Home, Sint Servaasbrug in Maastricht. Research, Toulouse School of Economics main building. Teaching, Corvinus University of Budapest main building and Szabadság híd (Liberty Bridge). CV, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich main building. Contact, a view of Grenoble.